Intra-annual variability of biological, chemical and physical parameters at the Senghor seamount Cruise No. MSM61 18.02.2017 – 27.02.2017, Mindelo (Cabo Verde) – Las Palmas (Spain)


The main goal of cruise MSM61 was to install an autonomous multidisciplinary observatory at the summit of Senghor Seamount off the Cape Verdean archipelago. A suite of different mobile and moored instrument platforms equipped with physical, biological and biogeochemical instruments was deployed during the cruise in order to investigate spatio-temporal variability of physical and biogeochemical conditions and how these affect the local ecosystem at this openocean seamount. The research program further included hydrographic work, biological and biogeochemical sampling as well as video transects in the meso- and bathypelagic zones both at Senghor Seamount and at the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory (CVOO)

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