9,357 research outputs found

    The two dimensional Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with next nearest neighbour Ising exchange

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    We have considered the S=1/2S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model in two dimensions, with an additional Ising \nnn interaction. Antiferromagnetic \nnn interactions will lead to frustration, and the system responds with flipping the spins down in the xyxy plane. For large next nearest neighbour coupling the system will order in a striped phase along the z axis, this phase is reached through a first order transition. We have considered two generalizations of this model, one with random \nnn interactions, and one with an enlarged unit cell, where only half of the atoms have \nnn interactions. In both cases the transition is softened to a second order transition separating two ordered states. In the latter case we have estimated the quantum critical exponent β≈0.25\beta \approx 0.25. These two cases then represent candidate examples of deconfined quantum criticality.Comment: Extensive revisions. Two new models with contious quantum phase transitio

    Gibberella musae (Fusarium musae) sp. nov., a recently discovered species from banana is sister to F. verticillioides

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    Several strains of Fusarium isolated from banana were identified previously as F. verticillioides (Sacc.) Nirenberg but described as unable to produce fumonisin. Here we report biochemical and morphological evidence, as well as multilocus phylogenetic analyses based on elongation factor (EF-1a), calmodulin, b-tubulin, and the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (RPB2) sequences, indicating that these isolates represent a unique lineage in the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex related to but distinct from F. verticillioides. Together with previous results of molecular studies, as well as with results of metabolite analyses, crossing experiments, pathogenicity tests and morphological characterization, these new data indicate that these strains isolated from banana represent a new species, Gibberella musae Van Hove et al. sp. nov. (anamorph: Fusarium musae Van Hove et al. sp. nov.), which is described herei

    Constrained Dynamics for Quantum Mechanics I. Restricting a Particle to a Surface

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    We analyze constrained quantum systems where the dynamics do not preserve the constraints. This is done in particular for the restriction of a quantum particle in Euclidean n-space to a curved submanifold, and we propose a method of constraining and dynamics adjustment which produces the right Hamiltonian on the submanifold when tested on known examples. This method we hope will become the germ of a full Dirac algorithm for quantum constraints. We take a first step in generalising it to the situation where the constraint is a general selfadjoint operator with some additional structures.Comment: 49 pages, TEX, input files amssym.def, amssym.te

    Nanomechanics of a Hydrogen Molecule Suspended between Two Equally Charged Tips

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    Geometric configuration and energy of a hydrogen molecule centered between two point-shaped tips of equal charge are calculated with the variational quantum Monte-Carlo (QMC) method without the restriction of the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) approximation. Ground state nuclear distribution, stability, and low vibrational excitation are investigated. Ground state results predict significant deviations from the BO treatment that is based on a potential energy surface (PES) obtained with the same QMC accuracy. The quantum mechanical distribution of molecular axis direction and bond length at a sub-nanometer level is fundamental for understanding nanomechanical dynamics with embedded hydrogen. Because of the tips' arrangement, cylindrical symmetry yields a uniform azimuthal distribution of the molecular axis vector relative to the tip-tip axis. With approaching tips towards each other, the QMC sampling shows an increasing loss of spherical symmetry with the molecular axis still uniformly distributed over the azimuthal angle but peaked at the tip-tip direction for negative tip charge while peaked at the equatorial plane for positive charge. This directional behavior can be switched between both stable configurations by changing the sign of the tip charge and by controlling the tip-tip distance. This suggests an application in the field of molecular machines.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure
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