388 research outputs found

    Benutting van herfstgras op veengrond door melkkoeien

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    On peat soils, milk production of autumn grazed dairy cows is often disappointing. Reduced palatability (i.e. a musty smell) of autumn grazed grass and consequently a reduced intake is considered as the main reason for the decline in milk production. A grazing experiment was conducted to compare 3 different strategies of grassland management within a rotational grazing system to improve the utilisation of autumn grazed grass by dairy cows for milk production. In the experiment, 36 mid-lactation dairy cows were used to form 3 balanced groups (“control”, “rationed” and “clean”) of 12 cows each. For all strategies, the grass cover was aimed at approximately 1500 kg DM/ha (rising plate meter sward height of 16 to 18 cm) at the moment of turning into the paddock

    Lagere stikstofbemesting drukt melkproductie

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    Verlaging van de stikstofgift gaat echter ten koste van de grasproductie. Daardoor kunnen minder koeien per hectare worden gehouden

    Tussenstand slootkantbeheer op Zegveld en demobedrijven

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    Proefbedrijf Zegveld is in 1991 gestart met onderzoek naar sloot- en slootkantbeheer. In 1993 werd op drie demobedrijven gestart met vergelijkbaar onderzoek. Het sloot- en slootkantbeheer is gericht op verschraling en beperken van verstoring van de slootkanten. Hierdoor krijgen meer en bijzondere plantensoorten een kans. Zo leveren veehouderijbedrijven een bijdrage aan het natuurbeheer

    Myocard Infarct en Cerebrovasculair Accident keten (MICK) studie

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    For patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and stroke prompt diagnosis and treatment is essential. Before a patient reaches the hospital he may have had contact with a general practitioner (GP), a GP cooperative (GPC), ambulance service, or Emergency Department. Optimal use and efficient functioning of the acute health care chain is imperative. The aim of the MICK study is to obtain insight into circumstances in which symptoms of patients occur, medical contacts throughout the acute care chain, delays, door-to-balloon and door-to-needle time. This is a prospective observational study including 202 patients suspected of having ACS and 239 suspected of ischemic stroke. Patients filled out a questionnaire and additional data was obtained using registries.\ud Over 40% of all patients suspected of ACS waited more than 6 hours before contacting a health care provider and over 30% of all patients suspected of having a stroke waited more than 4 hours. Patients reached the hospital through many different health care chains. Once a care provider was contacted, 45% of all patients with ACS were hospitalized within 90 minutes at the CCU and 65% of patients with stroke within 4 hours at the stroke unit.\ud Most patients first contacted the GP or GPC. For patients who immediately called 112 time to hospitalization was the shortest.\ud Overall are noticeable the long patient delays in seeking care, the various chains through which patients reach the CCU or stroke unit and the different throughput times

    Effect opgeloste magnesium bij droge koeien

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    In twee proeven op ROC Zegveld werd aan droge koeien naast onbeperkt vers gras 35 gram extra magnesium verstrekt. Het effect van de magnesiumverstrekking was verschillend

    Micro-computed tomographic assessment following extremely oversized partial postdilatation of drug-eluting stents

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    AIMS: To assess the spatial geometry of drug-eluting stents (DES) following extremely oversized proximal postdilatation. Interventions of distal left main (LM) disease generally require stenting across the LM bifurcation with inherent vessel tapering along this segment and a high likelihood of stent malapposition, which can be avoided by such postdilations. METHODS AND RESULTS: Sixteen DES (four 3.5 mm-samples of Cypher Select Plus, Taxus Liberté, Endeavor Resolute, Xience V) were deployed in water; 12 samples were then proximally postdilated with noncompliant 5.0 mm balloons at 18 atm. All samples were examined by micro-computed tomography. Taxus Liberté, Endeavor Resolute, and Xience V, showed increased cell areas in the transitional region (just distal to postdilated region), while Cypher Select showed its largest cells inside the postdilated region. Overall, the largest maximum cell area was observed in Endeavor Resolute, while Cypher Select showed the smallest (p<0.001, for both). In addition, the size of the very proximal postdilated cells was relatively small in most DES except Xience V. CONCLUSIONS: Extremely oversized partial stent postdilatation demonstrated significant between-DES differences in final spatial stent configuration and maximum cell size. These data could be of practical interest with regard to coronary interventions in LM stems with stenting across the LM bifurcation

    Scanning electron microscopic assessment of the biodegradable coating on expanded biolimus-eluting stents

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    AIMS: Biodegradable coatings on drug-eluting stents (DES) may help to avoid adverse long-term effects of DES such as late/very late stent thrombosis which is partly attributed to durable polymers. As the post-expansion morphology of biodegradable coatings is greatly unknown, we investigated the polylactic acid coating on biolimus-eluting BioMatrix stents. METHODS AND RESULTS: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to carefully examine five 3.5mm stents following expansion at 6-14atm (maximum 7% overstretch). SEM examination demonstrated only mild cracks of the coating after stent expansion at 6 atm. An increase in expansion pressure, associated with mild stent overstretch, resulted in more severe cracks. Lifting of the coating together with few sites of partial detachment of fragments was noticed after stent expansion in water at 14atm; these irregularities further increased after aggressive oversized partial postdilatation with a 5.0mm non-compliant balloon with additional secondary cracks. CONCLUSIONS: SEM assessment suggests a relatively low elasticity of the biodegradable coating on BioMatrix stents. At nominal pressure, stents showed predominantly mild cracks of the coating, while cracks increased after slight overstretch. Aggressive overexpansion of the stent, such as sometimes required in left main bifurcation stenting, worsened cracks and led to some detachment of fragments of the coating in vitro

    Vijf jaar schapen op proefbedrijf Zegveld

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    Het onderzoek richtte zich op de inpasbaarheid van een intensief schapenhouderijsysteem op een melkveebedrijf, en de effecten van naweiden met schapen op de kwaliteit van de grasmat

    Slootwater kritisch bekeken

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    Het slootwater op beide bedrijven is in het algemeen geschikt als veedrinkwater, behalve daar waar er afvalwater op wordt geloosd
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