10,100 research outputs found

    Effective action of (massive) IIA on manifolds with SU(3) structure

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    In this paper we consider compactifications of massive type IIA supergravity on manifolds with SU(3) structure. We derive the gravitino mass matrix of the effective four-dimensional N = 2 theory and show that vacuum expectation values of the scalar fields naturally induce spontaneous partial supersymmetry breaking. We go on to derive the superpotential and the Kaehler potential for the resulting N = 1 theories. As an example we consider the SU(3) structure manifold SU(3)/U(1)xU(1) and explicitly find N = 1 supersymmetric minima where all the moduli are stabilised at non-trivial values without the use of non-perturbative effects.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures. References added and typos corrected to match published versio

    Patterns of Late Cenozoic exhumation deduced from apatite and zircon U-He ages from Fiordland, New Zealand

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    New apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He ages from the Fiordland region of New Zealand's South Island expand on earlier results and provide new constraints on patterns of Late Cenozoic exhumation and cooling across this region. Zircon (U-Th)/He cooling ages, in combination with increased density of apatite ages, show that in addition to a gradual northward decrease in cooling ages that was seen during an earlier phase of this study, there is also a trend toward younger cooling ages to the east. Distinct breaks in cooling age patterns on southwestern Fiordland appear to be correlated to the location of previously mapped faults. The northward decrease in ages may reflect asynchronous cooling related to migration in the locus of exhumation driven by subduction initiation, or it may reflect synchronous regional exhumation that exposed different structural levels across Fiordland, or some combination of these effects. In either case, differential exhumation accommodated by major and minor faults that dissect Fiordland basement rocks apparently played an important role in producing the resulting age patterns

    Are Fruit Juice Categories Separable?

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    Supermarket shelves are saturated with numerous varieties and brands of juice beverages. This high level of assortment has dramatically changed beverage consumption patterns and trends throughout the United States. In fact, during 2004-2005, energy and sport drinks experienced significant increases in sales, 65.9% and 20.6 %, respectively. During the same period of time, refrigerated juice sales increased a mere 2.2%, shelved non-fruit drinks decreased 0.9%, bottled juices and cocktails both decreased 1.5 % and frozen juice decreased by 12.8% (Food Industry Review 2006). The beverage industry has undergone many transformations, but consumer theory states that a shift in demand for one good has to be compensated by a shift in the opposite directions in the demand for the other good. Thus, with more brands competing for consumers’ dollars, it is important for brand managers, retailers, and other industry officials to understand demand interrelationships among various beverages. This study examines the competitiveness and structure of the beverage industry. Existing research suggests the demand for fruit beverages is independent from other food and non-food groups (Heien 1982; Lee 1984); therefore, information pertaining to other goods can be omitted without compromising the validity of the study. Our study will allow us to better understand how consumers make decisions concerning purchases patterns of beverage expenditures.Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Industrial Organization,

    How Agricultural Economists Increase the Value of Agribusiness Research

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    Historically, there has been declining cooperation between agribusiness firms and agricultural economists. In new product marketing research, firms' tend to conduct their own analyses, partially due to confidentiality, usually consisting of simple univariate or bivariate statistics such as chi-squared tests of independence. The primary objective of this paper is to demonstrate, through a case study, one way in which agricultural economists can add value to agribusiness firms research. Results from the econometric model offer a richer explanation of consumer behavior and may be more useful to agribusiness firms.Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    The efficacy of problem-solving treatments after deliberate self-harm: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials with respect to depression, hopelessness and improvement in problems

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    Background. Brief problem-solving therapy is regarded as a pragmatic treatment for deliberate self-harm (DSH) patients. A recent meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating this approach indicated a trend towards reduced repetition of DSH but the pooled odds ratio was not statistically significant. We have now examined other important outcomes using this procedure, namely depression, hopelessness and improvement in problems. Method. Six trials in which problem-solving therapy was compared with control treatment were identified from an extensive literature review of RCTs of treatments for DSH patients. Data concerning depression, hopelessness and improvement in problems were extracted. Where relevant statistical data (e.g. standard deviations) were missing these were imputed using various statistical methods. Results were pooled using meta-analytical procedures. Results. At follow-up, patients who were offered problem-solving therapy had significantly greater improvement in scores for depression (standardized mean difference =[minus sign]0·36; 95% CI [minus sign]0·61 to [minus sign]0·11) and hopelessness (weighted mean difference =[minus sign]3·2; 95% CI [minus sign]4·0 to [minus sign]2·41), and significantly more reported improvement in their problems (odds ratio = 2·31; 95% CI 1·29 to 4·13), than patients who were in the control treatment groups. Conclusions. Problem-solving therapy for DSH patients appears to produce better results than control treatment with regard to improvement in depression, hopelessness and problems. It is desirable that this finding is confirmed in a large trial, which will also allow adequate testing of the impact of this treatment on repetition of DSH

    Speech Communication

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    Contains a report on a research project.National Science Foundation (Grant G-16526)United States Air Force, Electronic Systems Division (Contract AF19(604)-6102

    Lipopolysaccharide and toll-like receptor 4 in dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts

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    Surgical attenuation of a congenital portosystemic shunt (CPSS) results in increased portal vein perfusion, liver growth and clinical improvement. Portal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is implicated in liver regeneration via toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 mediated cytokine activation. The aim of this study was to investigate factors associated with LPS in dogs with CPSS. Plasma LPS concentrations were measured in the peripheral and portal blood using a limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) assay. LPS concentration was significantly greater in the portal blood compared to peripheral blood in dogs with CPSS (P = 0.046) and control dogs (P = 0.002). LPS concentrations in the peripheral (P = 0.012) and portal (P = 0.005) blood of dogs with CPSS were significantly greater than those of control dogs. The relative mRNA expression of cytokines and TLRs was measured in liver biopsies from dogs with CPSS using quantitative PCR. TLR4 expression significantly increased following partial CPSS attenuation (P = 0.020). TLR4 expression was significantly greater in dogs that tolerated complete CPSS attenuation (P = 0.011) and those with good portal blood flow on pre-attenuation (P = 0.004) and post-attenuation (P = 0.015) portovenography. Serum interleukin (IL)-6 concentration was measured using a canine specific ELISA and significantly increased 24 h following CPSS attenuation (P < 0.001). Portal LPS was increased in dogs with CPSS, consistent with decreased hepatic clearance. TLR4 mRNA expression was significantly associated with portal blood flow and increased following surgery. These findings support the concept that portal LPS delivery is important in the hepatic response to surgical attenuation. Serum IL-6 significantly increased following surgery, consistent with LPS stimulation via TLR4, although this increase might be non-specific

    Best Practices And Exemplary Applications Of Technology In Higher Education

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    The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) located in the College of Education at Delta State was envisioned in the 1999-2000 school year as a catalyst for systemic change across the college and region as related to technology and its place in the education of the P-12 community. The Center&rsquo;s goals include: 1) implementing appropriate standards for technology and high quality educator preparation programs across the graduate and undergraduate curricula, 2) providing access to technology for students and faculty in a variety of settings within the college, 3) providing access to state-of-the-art, technologically resource-rich environments for PK-12 partner schools and the greater community, 4) supporting web-based teaching and learning components, and 5) expanding e-learning capabilities to meet regional needs. The staff of the CTL provides on-going, on-site training and technical support for the greater DSU community. The Technology Coordinator for the College, the CTL Director and a Technical Specialist provide a full range of services for all CTL users. Student staff members in the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) have been a vital and valuable component of the Center&rsquo;s success. The student staff members provide individual and small group training and support for a wide range of technological applications including Web CT and the full complement of Microsoft Office programs

    Networks and the epidemiology of infectious disease

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    The science of networks has revolutionised research into the dynamics of interacting elements. It could be argued that epidemiology in particular has embraced the potential of network theory more than any other discipline. Here we review the growing body of research concerning the spread of infectious diseases on networks, focusing on the interplay between network theory and epidemiology. The review is split into four main sections, which examine: the types of network relevant to epidemiology; the multitude of ways these networks can be characterised; the statistical methods that can be applied to infer the epidemiological parameters on a realised network; and finally simulation and analytical methods to determine epidemic dynamics on a given network. Given the breadth of areas covered and the ever-expanding number of publications, a comprehensive review of all work is impossible. Instead, we provide a personalised overview into the areas of network epidemiology that have seen the greatest progress in recent years or have the greatest potential to provide novel insights. As such, considerable importance is placed on analytical approaches and statistical methods which are both rapidly expanding fields. Throughout this review we restrict our attention to epidemiological issues

    Iron deficiency in parkinsonism : region-specific iron dysregulation in Parkinson's disease and multiple system atrophy

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    Alpha synuclein pathology is widespread and found in diverse cell types in multiple system atrophy (MSA) as compared to Parkinson's disease (PD). The reason for this differential distribution is unknown. Regional differences in the distribution of iron are associated with neurodegenerative diseases, and here we characterize the relationship between iron homeostasis proteins and regional concentration, distribution and form of iron in MSA and PD. In PD substantia nigra, tissue iron and expression of the iron export protein ferroportin increased, while the iron storage protein ferritin expression was unchanged. In the basis pontis of MSA cases, increased total iron concentration coupled with a disproportionate increase in ferritin in dysmorphic microglia and a reduction in ferroportin expression. This is supported by isothermal remanent magnetisation evidence consistent with elevated concentrations of ferritin-bound iron in MSA basis pontis. Conventional opinion holds that excess iron is involved in neurodegeneration. Our data support that this may be the case in PD. While region-specific changes in iron are evident in both PD and MSA, the mechanisms of iron dysregulation appear quite distinct, with a failure to export iron from the MSA basis pontis coupling with significant intracellular accumulation of ferritin iron. This pattern also occurs, to a lesser extent, in the MSA putamen. Despite the excess tissue iron, the manner of iron dysregulation in MSA is reminiscent of changes in anemia of chronic disease, and our preliminary data, coupled with the widespread pathology and involvement of multiple cell types, may evidence a deficit in bioavailabile iron