28 research outputs found

    The Effect of Propofol on the Success Rate of Transurethral Lithotripsy by Holmium Laser: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Introduction: Urinary stone disease is the third most common affliction of the urinary tract that has been associated with an increasing incidence. Over decades, great advances have been made in the minimally invasive treatment of urinary stones. Recently, transurethral lithotripsy (TUL) by holmium laser was introduced as a possible therapeutic option. This study evaluated the effect of propofol on the success rate of TUL by holmium laser.Methods: A double-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted on 180 patients to investigate the effect of propofol on the success and complication rate of TUL by holmium laser. The enrolled patients were divided into two groups: the first group received sodium thiopental (n = 89) while the second group received propofol (n = 91). The two groups were compared in terms of the fluctuations of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), heart rate (HR), operation time, future stone-free rate (SFR), stone migration, post-operative fever, and ureteral complications such as perforation and mucosal damage. Other developed complications were also recorded. After data gathering, statistical analysis was performed with SPSS version 21.Results: the patients’ data such as age, sex, stone diameter, stone laterality, duration of stone impaction, primary SBP, DBP and HR were not significantly different between the two groups (P > 0.05). TUL and anesthesia duration, first-minute and fifth-minute SBP and DBP, and also changes of HR were significantly lower in the propofol group compared with the sodium thiopental group (P < 0.001). Moreover, SFR of TUL was more evident in the propofol group. Ureteral mucosal damage was significantly less in the propofol group.Conclusion: Propofol was associated with a higher reduction in SBP and DBP, decreased duration of TUL, fewer fluctuations in HR, and an increased success rate of stone removal by TUL with holmium laser

    Reconfiguring the Hero’s Journey – The Monomyth in Contemporary Popular Culture

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    Den hĂ€r avhandlingen analyserar hur den sĂ„ kallade hjĂ€lteresan eller monomyten gestaltas i samtida texter och media. Det övergripande syftet Ă€r att undersöka vilken giltighet och relevans strukturen som skapades av Joseph Campbell i The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949) har inom engelsksprĂ„kig populĂ€rkultur. Genom att studera hur utvalda samtida texter korresponderar med viktiga stationer av den hjĂ€lteresa som Campbell utstakar visar avhandlingen pĂ„ modellens fortsatta relevans för förstĂ„elsen av nutida hjĂ€ltenarrativ. Projektet utforskar pĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt monomyten och de undersökta texterna genomsyrar varandra, hur strukturen kan anvĂ€ndas som ett tolkningsverktyg samt hur de undersökta populĂ€rkulturella texterna kastar nytt ljus pĂ„ Campbells teori. Avhandlingen Ă€r strukturerad i enlighet med hjĂ€lteresan: Den börjar med ”The Call to Adventure” och avslutas med ”Master of the Two Worlds.” Analyserna presenteras i fristĂ„ende artiklar som genom nĂ€rlĂ€sning belyser hur monomyten kan anvĂ€ndas för att förstĂ„ berĂ€ttande och vice versa. I studien undersöks olika genrer och medier inom en populĂ€rkulturell sfĂ€r; litteratur för unga vuxna, actionfilm, serietidningar om superhjĂ€ltar samt sjĂ€lvbiografiskt berĂ€ttande i grafiska romaner. Analyserna visar inte bara pĂ„ en produktiv vĂ€xelverkan mellan monomyten och de undersökta texterna, utan bidrar ocksĂ„ till att se strukturen pĂ„ ett delvis nytt sĂ€tt; nĂ€mligen som en framstĂ€llning av den transitoriska rörelsen mellan tvĂ„ olika tillstĂ„nd hos berĂ€ttelsens protagonist. I det att den gestaltar allt som hjĂ€lten gĂ„r igenom, frĂ„n uppbrottet ur den vardagliga hemmiljön till Ă„tervĂ€ndandet i ny gestalt, representerar hjĂ€lteresan rörelsen genom olika stadier och över viktiga trösklar i livet. Genom att undersöka hur Campbells struktur yttrar sig i samtida populĂ€rkulturella texter blir det sĂ„ledes möjligt att bĂ„de utforska dess samtida relevans och att belysa den ur nya perspektiv

    Elements Of Azerbaijan Foreign Policy

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    The purpose of this preliminary work is three-fold: First, to identify the major trends in the foreign relations of Azerbaijan toward both global and regional powers active in the Caucasus area; second, to explain a variety of international factors (external variables) that have constrained and conditioned the Caucasus regional structure. In this regard, external variables are categorized depending on their original nature into two groups: global and regional. The former category includes global players such as Washington and Moscow, while the latter category involves two rival regional players, namely Ankara and Tehran. Finally, a number of domestic factors (internal variables) are discussed-including leadership, economic conditions, and political stability that influence Baku\u27s foreign policy

    Iran And The Caucasus States In The 21St Century: A Study Of Foreign Policy Goals And Means

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    The discussion of Iranian relations with other Caucasus states ranges from claims about Tehran\u27s ambition for exporting its revolution to suggestions as to whether it plays a positive role in stabilizing the region. How may one identify Iran\u27s main policy goals? What are Tehran\u27s major means in implementing these goals? How should one explain the bilateral ties between Iran and each Caucasus state? This paper will seek to examine the foreign policy philosophy adopted by Iran\u27s contemporary leaders in light of the options that exist with regard to the country\u27s resource needs and ideological goals and the resulting policy directions that are chosen, especially as far as the Caucasus states are concerned. © 2012 Taylor & Francis

    Democracy, Political Perceptions, And New Media

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    The participation of citizens in a democratic government is often influenced by the media, particularly new communication technologies. The differences between mass media and new media are pertinent to understanding how each works to shape our opinions and perceptions. Students need to understand the role of both traditional mass media outlets and new media in shaping public participation in our society