62 research outputs found

    Nutritional Value of Climate-Resilient Forage Species Sustaining Peri-Urban Dairy Cow Production in the Coastal Grasslands of Benin (West Africa)

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    : Along the coast of West Africa, grazing ruminants rely on perennial forage species remaining in uncultivated plots, roadsides, and marshlands during the dry season. To assess the quality of these forages, thirteen drought-tolerant plants were harvested at the mature stage, and the samples were evaluated for chemical composition, in vitro fermentation characteristics, and metabolizable energy (ME) content. They are ten drought-tolerant grasses, including: Andropogon virginicus, Brachiaria deflexa, Cenchorus biflorus, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Eragrostis tremula, Leptochloa caerulescens, Loudetia aroundinacea, Paspalum notatum, Paspalum vaginatum, Pennisetum purpureum, two perennial herbs, Chamaecrista rotundifolia, Zornia latifolia, and one multipurpose tree, Elaeis guineensis. Legume species had the highest nutritional value (highest crude protein and ME, and lowest neutral detergent fiber) of the species studied. In terms of the in vitro data, the gas produced after 120 h of incubation ranged from 149 mL/g in E. tremula to 185 mL/g in Paspalum. Z. latifoliaa and had the fastest rate of fermentation, producing half of the total gas in 19.5 h, whereas E. tremula required 49.9 h (p < 0.01). The production of branched-chain fatty acids (isobutyrate and isovalerate) was greatest for E. guineensis and the lowest in both Paspalum species (p < 0.01). The study suggests the need for the protein supplementation of the animals to ensure maximum forage utilization and to satisfy the nutrient requirements of ruminant livestock

    Compression medullaire lente secondaire a un lymphome de Burkitt intra - rachidien

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    Le lymphome de Burkitt (LB) appartient au groupe des lymphomes malins non hodgkiniens (LMNH) &#224; cellules B. Il s&#233;vit de fa&#231;on end&#233;mique chez l&#8217;enfant africain en r&#233;gion intertropicale. La raret&#233; des localisations neuro-m&#233;ning&#233;es dont m&#233;dullaires a &#233;t&#233; rapport&#233;e. Nous rapportons le cas d&#8217;un jeune gar&#231;on pr&#233;sentant une localisation m&#233;dullaire secondaire de LB maxillo-facial. Il avait pr&#233;sent&#233; de fa&#231;on lentement progressive dans un contexte d&#8217;amaigrissement et de tumeur maxillo-faciale, un syndrome de compression m&#233;dullaire dorsale dont le diagnostic a &#233;t&#233; confirm&#233; au my&#233;loscanner dorsal. L&#8217;histologie de la tumeur maxillo faciale apr&#232;s biopsie r&#233;v&#233;lait un LB. Une chimioth&#233;rapie a permis une disparition compl&#232;te de la tumeur maxillo-faciale &#224; la fin du 1er mois et une r&#233;cup&#233;ration neurologique au bout d&#8217;un an. La localisation secondaire intra rachidienne d&#8217;un LB bien que rare doit &#234;tre pr&#233;sente &#224; l&#8217;esprit surtout en face d&#8217;une compression m&#233;dullaire lente survenue dans un contexte de tumeur maxillo-faciale chez l&#8217;enfant

    Determinants of Adherence to Recommendations of the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension in Adults with Hypertension Treated in a Hospital in Benin

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    Abstract The dietary approach to stop hypertension (DASH) is an effective nutritional strategy to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease. Optimal benefit from dietary recommendations in management of hypertension depends on the compliance. This analytic cross sectional study aimed at establishing determinants of DASH among adults with hypertension treated at hospital in Benin. The study included 150 hypertensive adults selected during medical visit for blood pressure monitoring at hospital Saint-Luc in Cotonou from June 3 rd to July 1 st , 2014. Data on consumption of sodium, fruits and vegetables, alcohol, saturated and trans fat rich products were collected by questionnaire. A score of adherence to DASH was built. Determinants of adherence to DASH were identified using logistic regression model. Only 20% of subjects showed adherence to DASH. Better knowledge on hypertension OR=5.18 (95%IC 1.98-13.22) and healthy dietary habits and lifestyle prior to diagnosis of hypertension OR=4.26 (95%IC 1.67-13.18) increased the likelihood of adherence to dietary recommendations for hypertension management. Nutrition education and information of patients on hypertension and its complications during medical consultations may increase their adherence to dietary recommendations for management of the disease

    Food Consumption, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to Salt in Urban Areas in Five Sub-Saharan African Countries.

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    High salt intake is a major risk factor of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Improving knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) related to salt intake in the general population is a key component of salt reduction strategies. The objective of this study was to describe and compare the KAP of adults related to salt in urban areas of five countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The survey included 588 participants aged 25 to 65 years who were selected using convenience samples in the urban areas of Benin, Guinea, Kenya, Mozambique, and Seychelles. Socio-demographic and food consumption were assessed using a structured closed-ended questionnaire administered by survey officers. Height, weight, and blood pressure were measured. Food consumption varied largely between countries. Processed foods high in salt, such as processed meat, cheese, pizzas, and savory snacks were consumed rather infrequently in all the countries, but salt-rich foods, such as soups or bread and salty condiments, were consumed frequently in all countries. The majority of the participants knew that high salt intake can cause health problems (85%) and thought that it is important to limit salt intake (91%). However, slightly over half (56%) of the respondents regularly tried to limit their salt intake while only 8% of the respondents thought that they consumed too much salt. Salt and salty condiments were added most of the time during cooking (92% and 64%, respectively) but rarely at the table (11%). These findings support the need for education campaigns to reduce salt added during cooking and for strategies to reduce salt content in selected manufactured foods in the region

    Estimating the burden of selected non-communicable diseases in Africa: a systematic review of the evidence

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    Background The burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is rapidly increasing globally, and particularly in Africa, where the health focus, until recently, has been on infectious diseases. The response to this growing burden of NCDs in Africa has been affected owing to a poor understanding of the burden of NCDs, and the relative lack of data and low level of research on NCDs in the continent. Recent estimates on the burden of NCDs in Africa have been mostly derived from modelling based on data from other countries imputed into African countries, and not usually based on data originating from Africa itself. In instances where few data were available, estimates have been characterized by extrapolation and over-modelling of the scarce data. It is therefore believed that underestimation of NCDs burden in many parts of Africa cannot be unexpected. With a gradual increase in average life expectancy across Africa, the region now experiencing the fastest rate of urbanization globally, and an increase adoption of unhealthy lifestyles, the burden of NCDs is expected to rise. This thesis will, therefore, be focussing on understanding the prevalence, and/or where there are available data, the incidence, of four major NCDs in Africa, which have contributed highly to the burden of NCDs, not only in Africa, but also globally. Methods I conducted a systematic search of the literature on three main databases (Medline, EMBASE and Global Health) for epidemiological studies on NCDs conducted in Africa. I retained and extracted data from original population-based (cohort or cross sectional), and/or health service records (hospital or registry-based studies) on prevalence and/or incidence rates of four major NCDs in Africa. These include: cardiovascular diseases (hypertension and stroke), diabetes, major cancer types (cervical, breast, prostate, ovary, oesophagus, bladder, Kaposi, liver, stomach, colorectal, lung and non-Hodgkin lymphoma), and chronic respiratory diseases (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma). From extracted crude prevalence and incidence rates, a random effect meta-analysis was conducted and reported for each NCD. An epidemiological model was applied on all extracted data points. The fitted curve explaining the largest proportion of variance (best fit) from the model was further applied. The equation generated from the fitted curve was used to determine the prevalence and cases of the specific NCD in Africa at midpoints of the United Nations (UN) population 5-year age-group population estimates for Africa. Results From the literature search, studies on hypertension had the highest publication output at 7680, 92 of which were selected, spreading across 31 African countries. Cancer had 9762 publications and 39 were selected across 20 countries; diabetes had 3701 publications and 48 were selected across 28 countries; stroke had 1227 publications and 19 were selected across 10 countries; asthma had 790 publications and 45 were selected across 24 countries; and COPD had the lowest output with 243 publications and 13 were selected across 8 countries. From studies reporting prevalence rates, hypertension, with a total sample size of 197734, accounted for 130.2 million cases and a prevalence of 25.9% (23.5, 34.0) in Africa in 2010. This is followed by asthma, with a sample size of 187904, accounting for 58.2 million cases and a prevalence of 6.6% (2.4, 7.9); COPD, with a sample size of 24747, accounting for 26.3 million cases and a prevalence of 13.4% (9.4, 22.1); diabetes, with a sample size of 102517, accounting for 24.5 million cases and a prevalence of 4.0% (2.7, 6.4); and stroke, with a sample size of about 6.3 million, accounting for 1.94 million cases and a prevalence of 317.3 per 100000 population (314.0, 748.2). From studies reporting incidence rates, stroke accounted for 496 thousand new cases in Africa in 2010, with a prevalence of 81.3 per 100000 person years (13.2, 94.9). For the 12 cancer types reviewed, a total of 775 thousand new cases were estimated in Africa in 2010 from registry-based data covering a total population of about 33 million. Among women, cervical cancer and breast cancer had 129 thousand and 81 thousand new cases, with incidence rates of 28.2 (22.1, 34.3) and 17.7 (13.0, 22.4) per 100000 person years, respectively. Among men, prostate cancer and Kaposi sarcoma closely follows with 75 thousand and 74 thousand new cases, with incidence rates of 14.5 (10.9, 18.0) and 14.3 (11.9, 16.7) per 100000 person years, respectively. Conclusion This study suggests the prevalence rates of the four major NCDs reviewed (cardiovascular diseases (hypertension and stroke), diabetes, major cancer types, and chronic respiratory diseases (COPD and asthma) in Africa are high relative to global estimates. Due to the lack of data on many NCDs across the continent, there are still doubts on the true prevalence of these diseases relative to the current African population. There is need for improvement in health information system and overall data management, especially at country level in Africa. Governments of African nations, international organizations, experts and other stakeholders need to invest more on NCDs research, particularly mortality, risk factors, and health determinants to have evidenced-based facts on the drivers of this epidemic in the continent, and prompt better, effective and overall public health response to NCDs in Africa

    Toxoplasmose Cerebrale En Milieu Hospitalier A Cotonou (Benin)

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    Introduction La toxoplasmose est une parasitose ubiquitaire et cosmopolite redoutée dans sa forme congénitale. Depuis quelques années, dans sa forme cérébrale, elle est au premier plan de l\'actualité médicale avec l\'ampleur du SIDA dont elle est une affection opportuniste. Objectif Le but de ce travail est d\'étudier les caractéristiques générales de la toxoplasmose cérébrale en milieu hospitalier à Cotonou. Méthode Il s\'agit d\'une étude prospective transversale à visée descriptive menée à la Clinique Universitaire de Neurologie du CNHU-HKM de Cotonou de Janvier 2001 à Avril 2003. Elle a porté sur dix patients dont les données ont été traitées et analysées à l\'aide du logiciel EPI-INFO version 6.04d fr. Résultats La fréquence de la toxoplasmose est de 2,8%. Les 10 sujets recrutés étaient ùgés de 39,7 &#61617; 14,39 ans et dominés par les hommes (6 cas). La séméiologie clinique était dominée par 4 signes : l\'hyperthermie, le déficit moteur, les crises convulsives et les céphalées. Le scanner cérébral réalisé dans 8 cas a montré des lésions évocatrices dans 6 cas. La sérologie toxoplasmique était positive à 100% ; neuf patients étaient VIH positifs avec une lymphopénie à 777,28 ± 301,18. Le cotrimoxazole et l\'association Sulfadiazine - Pyriméthamine ont été utilisés en premiÚre intention. La surveillance a été seulement clinique et a objectivé une amélioration au bout de 16,5 jours en moyenne de traitement. Conclusion Ces résultats suggÚrent l\'existence de la toxoplasmose cérébrale à une fréquence non négligeable en milieu hospitalier à Cotonou. Introduction The toxoplasmosis is an ubiquitary parasitose and cosmopolit who was retoutable and fearsome because of its congenital form. But, since many years, in its cerebral form, its is part of the affections of first rank of medical actuality with width of VIH SIDA whom its is an opportunist affection. Objective The main objective of this work is to study general caracteristics of the toxoplasmose cerebral in hospital environment in Cotonou (Benin). Method The transversal study cross-examined and conducted in clinical universitary of neurology of CNHU-HKM of cotonou with sighting descriptive, from January 2001 to April 2003. This stand on ten (10) patients whom data have been treated and analysed by aid of logiciel EPI-INFO version 6.04 d fr. Results The frequency of the toxoplasmose in hospital environment was 2,8%. The 10 subjects recruted were aged of 39,7 ± 14,39 years and dominated by men (6 cases). The clinical semeilogy is dominated by 4 signs: hyperthermy , motor deficit, convulsive crisis and pains. The scanner cerebral realized in 8 cases showned suggestive lesions in 6 cases.The serology was positive in 100% of cases ; nine patients were VIH + with lymphocytes at 777,28 &#61617; 301,18. Cotrimoxazol and sulfadiazim - Pyrimethamin have been utilized in first intention. The follow up was only clinical and has noted an improvement as from16,5 days in average. Conclusion Toxoplasmose cerebral must be take in count in hospital environment in Cotonou. Keywords: Africa, Benin, Cerebral Toxoplasmosis, Cotrimoxazol, AIDS, Afrique, Bénin, Cotrimoxazole, Sida, Toxoplasmose cérébrale African Journal of Neurological Sciences Vol. 24 (2) 2005: pp. 48-5

    Approche étiologique de la paralysie cérébrale à Parakou au Nord du Bénin : étude cas-temoins

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    International audienceObjectif DĂ©crire le profil clinique et les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  la paralysie cĂ©rĂ©brale Ă  Parakou.MĂ©thodes Il s’est agi d’une Ă©tude observationnelle de type cas-tĂ©moins ayant portĂ© sur 136 enfants (dont 34 paralysies cĂ©rĂ©brales) des deux sexes ĂągĂ©s de deux Ă  quinze ans rĂ©volus, du 1er janvier au 31 juillet 2012. Les cas Ă©taient constituĂ©s des enfants ayant une paralysie cĂ©rĂ©brale confirmĂ©e et dont les troubles Ă©taient apparus avant deux ans et les tĂ©moins Ă©taient indemnes de tout trouble neurologique. À chaque cas, trois tĂ©moins Ă©taient appariĂ©s sur l’ñge±1 an et le sexe. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©es et analysĂ©es avec les logiciels Epi-Info 6,04C. Le test « Chi2 » ou test exact de Fisher selon les cas, le test t de Student, le modĂšle de rĂ©gression logistique ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s. Le seuil de significativitĂ© Ă©tait Ă  5 %.RĂ©sultats La moyenne d’ñge Ă©tait de 5,4±3,1 ans chez les cas et tĂ©moins. Les troubles de la marche (91,2 %), du langage (85,3 %), du tonus (82,4 %) et le dĂ©ficit moteur (82,2 %) Ă©taient les plus observĂ©s chez les enfants ayant une paralysie cĂ©rĂ©brale. En analyse univariĂ©e, les principaux facteurs associĂ©s Ă©taient gestationnels et pĂ©rinataux tels que la gestitĂ©, le non suivi de la grossesse, l’existence d’une menace d’accouchement prĂ©maturĂ© et d’une souffrance cĂ©rĂ©brale, l’asphyxie pĂ©rinatale et la rĂ©animation Ă  la naissance. Il existait Ă©galement d’autres facteurs nĂ©onataux associĂ©s tels le terme Ă  la naissance, le poids Ă  la naissance ; et l’antĂ©cĂ©dent paternel de tabagisme.Conclusion Le profil clinique des enfants paralysĂ©s cĂ©rĂ©braux est dominĂ© par les troubles de la marche et du langage, plusieurs facteurs sont associĂ©s Ă  la survenue de la paralysie cĂ©rĂ©brale

    Variation of Loranthaceae impact on

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    Introduction. Shea tree (V. paradoxa C.F. Gaertn.), a species endemic to the Sudanian savanna woodlands, is dominant in the parklands of West Africa where it is of great socioeconomic importance. However, shea tree has been reported in recent decades to be threatened by plant parasites, Loranthaceae. Our study aimed to assess possible variation of the impact of these parasites on shea tree fruit yield in two contrasting habitats. Materials and methods. We selected 41 weakly and 41 heavily infected shea tree individuals, of similar size, in a protected area as well as in its adjacent parklands. Shea tree traits such as diameter at breast height, canopy diameter, tree height, canopy height, number of fruit yielded, number of parasite stumps per tree and an impact index ratio were assessed on each shea tree individual. Two-way ANOVA was performed to compare parasite impact on shea tree fruit yield in relation to habitat. Hierarchical cluster, canonical discriminant and one-way ANOVA analyses were used to show quantitative traits that characterize shea tree groups from habitats. Results. Loranthaceae did not reduce fruit yield significantly either in the parklands or in the protected area. Quantitative traits tended to discriminate all pooled shea trees in relation to habitats. Shea tree individuals in parklands were characterized mostly by the highest value of number of infected stumps per tree and of the impact index ratio, suggesting that many shea tree individuals in parklands were sensitive to Loranthaceae impact on their fruit yield. Conclusion. These findings were helpful for implementing some shea tree conservation plans
