17 research outputs found

    Tones and traits - experiments of text-based extractions with cognitive services

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    Cognitive services mimic brain mechanisms by the algorithms, for example, extracting emotions, language styles, and social tendencies from text. The cognitive services offer the inferred insights that are even more detailed than the observation-based ground-truth data. In this paper, the text-based extractions are utilized by the cognitive services (i.e., Microsoft’s Text Analytics and IBM’s AlchemyLanguage, Natural Language Understanding, Personality Insights and Tone Analyzer). The tones (i.e., emotions, language styles and social tendencies) and personality traits (i.e., social tendencies, needs and values) are extracted from a web-site document with no time by the cognitive services the algorithmic functionality of which are exemplified. Both the tones and personality traits are the inferred insights that can be used to assess the personality. Finally, 47 personality traits are tabulated to illustrate the trait-based questions that can be used in the interventions.Cognitive services mimic brain mechanisms by the algorithms, for example, extracting emotions, language styles, and social tendencies from text. The cognitive services offer the inferred insights that are even more detailed than the observation-based ground-truth data. In this paper, the text-based extractions are utilized by the cognitive services (i.e., Microsoft’s Text Analytics and IBM’s AlchemyLanguage, Natural Language Understanding, Personality Insights and Tone Analyzer). The tones (i.e., emotions, language styles and social tendencies) and personality traits (i.e., social tendencies, needs and values) are extracted from a web-site document with no time by the cognitive services the algorithmic functionality of which are exemplified. Both the tones and personality traits are the inferred insights that can be used to assess the personality. Finally, 47 personality traits are tabulated to illustrate the trait-based questions that can be used in the interventions

    Voices behind indicators for welfare and healthcare in Finland

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    The voices of different kinds (i.e., stated or unstated expectations of the entities) affect the functioning of the systems. Voices of authorities (VoA), processes (VoP) and shareholders (VoS) are seen in controls interacting with an environment. Therefore, control-related indicators are prescriptive, and they provide expectations for the functioning of the systems. In the study, the entity-related approach of the voices (VoA, VoP, and VoS) adapted to formalize rules for the evaluation metadata of the KUVA and SOTKANET indicators the meaning of which is to control welfare and health in Finland. The KUVA indicators are meant to control especially cost-effectiveness. The region classifications of the KUVA and SOTKANET indicators used to figure out whether responsible information providers (VoP) and information consumers (VoA and VoS) can be established. When 15 region classifications mapped within the voices by the nine rules the result of which was that nine region classifications mapped within VoA, three within VoS, and two within VoP. The main information providers are municipalities and hospital districts and municipalities. Despite our metadata-based KUVA and SOTKANET content research, without the deployment instructions of the indicators, the municipalities and other service providers do not get a complete picture of how the authorities and shareholders see them and what is expected of them, i.e., control-related cost-effectiveness will not be transparent.The voices of different kinds (i.e., stated or unstated expectations of the entities) affect the functioning of the systems. Voices of authorities (VoA), processes (VoP) and shareholders (VoS) are seen in controls interacting with an environment. Therefore, control-related indicators are prescriptive, and they provide expectations for the functioning of the systems. In the study, the entity-related approach of the voices (VoA, VoP, and VoS) adapted to formalize rules for the evaluation metadata of the KUVA and SOTKANET indicators the meaning of which is to control welfare and health in Finland. The KUVA indicators are meant to control especially cost-effectiveness. The region classifications of the KUVA and SOTKANET indicators used to figure out whether responsible information providers (VoP) and information consumers (VoA and VoS) can be established. When 15 region classifications mapped within the voices by the nine rules the result of which was that nine region classifications mapped within VoA, three within VoS, and two within VoP. The main information providers are municipalities and hospital districts and municipalities. Despite our metadata-based KUVA and SOTKANET content research, without the deployment instructions of the indicators, the municipalities and other service providers do not get a complete picture of how the authorities and shareholders see them and what is expected of them, i.e., control-related cost-effectiveness will not be transparent

    Kognitiivisten palvelujen ja kognitiivisten prosessien kohdentaminen

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    The cognitive era increases the people's brain condition, in other words cognitive ability with the cognitive services and applications. The developing of the cognitive services belongs to the cognitive computing where an attempt is to mimic brain mechanisms by the algorithms. Therefore, the cognitive functions must be known. In this paper, the cognitive services (four from IBM and seven from Microsoft) are mapped into the cognitive processes within 14 mapping rules. Finally, the mapping model of the detailed outcomes of the cognitive services was constructed.Kognitiivinen aikakausi lisÀÀ ihmisten aivokuntoa eli kognitiivista suorituskykyÀ sekÀ kognitiivisten palvelujen ettÀ niitÀ hyödyntÀvien sovellusten avulla. Kognitiivisten palvelujen kehittÀminen kuuluu kognitiiviseen laskentaan, jossa pyritÀÀn algoritmien avulla matkimaan aivomekanismeja. Jotta aivomekanismeja opitaan matkimaan, on tunnettava kognitiiviset toiminnallisuudet. TÀssÀ artikkelissa kognitiiviset palvelut (IBM:ltÀ neljÀ ja Microsoftilta seitsemÀn) kohdennetaan kognitiivisiin prosesseihin 14 kohdentamisÀÀnnön avulla. Koska kohdentaminen edellytti kognitiivisten palvelujen tuotosten yksityiskohtaista tarkastelua, niin myös tuotosten hyödyntÀmiseen muodostettiin kohdentamismalli

    Tietohallinnon ohjauksen merkityksen organisaatiotasoinen arviointi

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    TĂ€ssĂ€ paperissa esitetÀÀn 23 kysymystĂ€ tietohallinnon ohjauksen merkityksen organisaatiotasoiseen arviointiin ja raportoidaan internet-kyselyn tulokset. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli viisi kuntaa, kaksi kuntayhtymÀÀ ja yksi palveluntuottajataho YlĂ€-Savossa – yksi kuntayhtymistĂ€ jĂ€rjestÀÀ sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palveluita (SOTE-vastaajaryhmĂ€).Kysely lĂ€hetettiin 331 henkilölle. Kyselytutkimuksen vastaukset (n=136) raportoitiin kahden vastaajajoukon vĂ€lillĂ€ eli SOTE-vastaajaryhmĂ€ (n=48) ja Muu-vastaajaryhmĂ€ (n=88). Aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisilla menetelmillĂ€. SelkeĂ€t riippuvuudet löytyivĂ€t ICT-projektien tavoiteasetannan ja niiden ohjauksen vĂ€lillĂ€ sekĂ€ tietohallinnon kanssa yhteistyössĂ€ tehtĂ€vien tehtĂ€vien ja tietohallinnon tehtĂ€vien huomioiminen toimialan organisoinnissa vĂ€lillĂ€.In this paper 23 questions are asked in order to assess the significance of the governance of ICT management at the organizational level. Furthermore, the answers of the internet survey are reported. The survey was targeted to five municipalities, two federations of municipalities and one service provider in Northern Savonia. One federation of municipalities provides social welfare and health care services (the SOTE respondents group).The survey was sent to 331 respondents. The answers of the survey (n=136) reported between two respondents groups called SOTE (n=48) and Muu (n=88). The data were analyzed using statistical methods. The clear dependences found between the objective settings of ICT projects and their control tasks, as well as, between the tasks done in cooperation with ICT management and how they are taken into consideration in their organizing

    Service Support in IT Governance, IT Management and Enterprise Architecture Context

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    ABSTRACT IT decision making is supported by the different kind of frameworks for IT governance, IT management and enterprise architecture. Two main governance principles, conformance and performance, can be established when the service has reached the status of a continuous service and service requests are managed (for example, services are supported). However, the context of service support is unestablished. Therefore, we present a conceptual context of service support by establishing how two main governance principles (conformance, performance) can be assigned with the governance entities (service, objective, service quality, measure, and contract). Furthermore, we present a service support framework because our literature review (212 hits, 20 appraised hits) did not get any clear evidences from service support in the IT governance, IT management and enterprise architecture context

    Sosiaalihuollon avoin asiakastietomalli ja sen kehittÀmisessÀ ja soveltamisessa kÀytetyt standardit

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    Sosiaalihuollon avoimesti saatavilla oleva tietopÀÀoma koostuu kĂ€sitemallista ja asiakastietomallista, joita kehitettiin vuonna 2012 Sosiaalialan tietoteknologiahankkeen (Tikesos) jatkotyönĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ artikkeli pohjautuu pÀÀasiassa jatkotyönĂ€ viimeistelemÀÀmme avoimeen asiakastietomalliin. Asiakastietomallin kĂ€yttöönoton kansallinen pÀÀtavoite on, ettĂ€ suunnitteilla olevaa kansallista asiakastietovarantoa (KanSa) voidaan tulevaisuudessa hyödyntÀÀ sosiaalihuollon asiakastietojen hallintaan. Kansallinen asiakastietovaranto edellyttÀÀ standardoitua tallennustapaa. CCTS‐ontologian mukainen asiakastietomalli on tallennettu RDF‐tietokantaan, josta standardoidun tallennustavan mukainen tekninen asiakirjamalli on muodostettu. Asiakastietomallin lukemisen ja tulkinnan tueksi tĂ€ssĂ€ artikkelissa kuvataan asiakastietomallin muodostaminen esittĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ tietokomponenttien ja asiakirjojen mallinnusperusteet. LisĂ€ksi artikkelissa kuvataan asiakastietomallin kĂ€yttöönottoa ja soveltamista tukevat RDF‐tietokannasta muodostetut esitysmuodot kuten tekniset asiakirjamallit

    Kohti kansalaiskeskeistĂ€ palveluiden kehittĂ€mistĂ€ – miten yhdistÀÀ tiedolla johtaminen ja kokonaisarkkitehtuurityö?

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    Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palveluiden arvioinnin ja kehittĂ€misen tulisi perustua yhdenmukaisiin tietoihin yksilön, alueen ja vĂ€estön tasolla – tarvitaan tiedolla johtamista ja tiedon hallinnan uudistamista. Tiedon hallinnan uudistamisen tulisi pohjautua kokonaisarkkitehtuuriin, jotta tiedon yhteentoimivuus eri toimijoiden vĂ€lillĂ€ toteutuu. Jotta eri sidosryhmĂ€t, johto mukaan lukien, saadaan mukaan kokonaisarkkitehtuurilĂ€htöiseen tiedon hallinnan kehittĂ€miseen, tarvitaan kehys, jonka avulla sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palveluita voidaan arvioida ja kehittÀÀ yhdenmukaisiin tietoihin perustuen. TĂ€ssĂ€ paperissa esitettĂ€vĂ€ tiedolla johtamisen kehys tukee kokonaisarkkitehtuurityötĂ€ lĂ€htemĂ€llĂ€ liikkeelle toiminnan tavoitteiden kuvaamisesta ja niistĂ€ sopimisesta yhteisesti, mÀÀrĂ€muotoisella tavalla. KehystĂ€ voidaan hyödyntÀÀ tiedolla johtamisen viitearkkitehtuurin kehittĂ€misessĂ€. Tiedolla johtamisen kehyksen keskeinen osa on kansalaiskeskeinen toimialamalli, jonka systeemiteoreettiset periaatteet ja yhdeksĂ€n kĂ€sitettĂ€ esitetÀÀn tĂ€ssĂ€ paperissa

    Common controls driven conceptual leadership framework

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    The forthcoming social welfare and healthcare reform in Finland with its organizational, financing and steering changes challenges the leadership. All service systems levels of the social welfare and healthcare have to achieve performance objectives whilst at the same time also meeting conformance requirements. However, there are hundreds authority documents (e.g., best practices, guidelines, regulations and standards) the common controls of which are adapted partly manually and partly by leveraging automation in organizations. Leaders review and develop their practices around performance and conformity (i.e., conformance or compliance) within frameworks that are mainly the sets of principles. However, the common controls affect into the main tasks of the governance (i.e., direct, evaluate and monitor). Therefore, we construct a conceptual leadership framework to highlight the meaning of the common controls and the meaning of criteria for performance and conformity. The constructed framework contains the terms (e.g., a control objective, decision criteria, event, insight, and transaction) that are mainly defined in the glossaries of the authority documents. The terms are used to find out terms and definitions for the leadership framework to figure out cognitive meanings for the concepts of the common controls driven leadership

    Jukola 2017 pilotti : Somedataselvitys

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    TĂ€mĂ€n selvityksen tavoitteena on auttaa lukijaa ymmĂ€rtĂ€mÀÀn, miten edullisia ja maksuttomia työkaluja voidaan kĂ€yttÀÀ tapahtumadatan kerÀÀmiseen, analysointiin ja visualisointiin. SelvityksessĂ€ nĂ€ihin vĂ€lineisiin tutustutaan Joensuu-Jukola 2017 -tapahtuman osallistujatietojen kautta. Tietoja on kerĂ€tty verkosta kaikille avoimista lĂ€hteistĂ€. Tavoitteena on osoittaa, millaista taustatietoa kohderyhmistĂ€, sen mieltymyksistĂ€ ja tarpeista voidaan saada kĂ€ytössĂ€ olevilla menetelmillĂ€. Parhaimmillaan tĂ€mĂ€nkaltaista tietoa voidaan hyödyntÀÀ liiketoiminnassa esim. pÀÀtöksien, kehittĂ€misen ja myynnin tukena. Selvitys on toteutettu KoDa – datan kokonaisvaltainen hallinnointi ja hyödyntĂ€minen -hankkeessa Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulun ja ItĂ€-Suomen yliopiston yhteistyönĂ€