298 research outputs found

    FSAE Rear Diffuser Team

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    To generate additional force that is applied to the rear of the FSAE race car The importance of the rear diffuser is to add a rear force to the vehicle. The rear force is generated from the airflow coming from underneath the vehicle. The way the airflow creates a force is through generating a pressure differential in which the air exiting the rear of the race car is now causing a downward force from the diffuser. The use of a diffuser is known to be of use at high speeds and if designed correctly creating the aerodynamics needed to keep the vehicle better grounded in the rear. The model was created through SolidWorks and tested using ANSYS to determine whether the design has met expectations. A main goal is to make sure that the diffuser can be as effective as possible while maintaining budget limitations. Design for a rear diffuser that is to be placed on the tail end of the VCU FSAE race car. This generates a downward force to help with the traction of the race car, through the unique design and modeling created on Solidworks while being tested through ANSYS.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/capstone/1065/thumbnail.jp

    Multi-agent Optimal Control of Ball Balancing on a Mobile

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    Multi-agent systems have origin in computer engineering however, they have found applications in different field. One of the newly emerged problems in multi-agent systems is multi-agent control. In multi-agent control it is desired that the control is done in distributed manner. That is the controller of each agent should be implemented based on local feedback. In this a mechanism is introuded as a test bed for multi-agent control systems. The introduced mechanism is balancing of a ball on link located on a planar mobile robot. Dynamic equations of the mechanism is derived and the control task is distributed among two agents. For each agent a two loop controller designed wherein external loop is a LQR controller and inner loop is a simple proportional controller. Regulation and fault tolerance performance of controller scheme is evaluated by simulations

    Equilibrium and kinetics studies of Direct blue 71 adsorption from aqueous solutions using modified zeolite

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    This study deals with the application of Iranian zeolite as a low cost adsorbent for the removal of the Direct blue 71 (DB 71) from colored solution. Important parameters including equilibrium and contact time, initial dye concentration, effect of pH, and zeolite dosage were evaluated. Maximum dye removal was obtained at about 99.8% for 25 mg/L at 120 min of equilibrium. Higher adsorption efficiency of direct dye was obtained at higher dose and acidic pH. To analyze the adsorption equilibrium and kinetic, Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin isotherms as well as four kinetic models encompassing pseudo first-order, pseudo second-order, intraparticle diffusion, and Elovich were evaluated. The Langmuir isotherm (R2 = 0.995) and pseudo second-order models, gave the best fit to equilibrium experimental data. In Langmuir analysis, the maximum adsorption capacity (qm) by 13.66 mg/g was determined. Finally, the characteristics of zeolite including both natural and modified, such as compositions, surface morphology by X-ray diffraction technique (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were obtained. According to XRF analysis, it was demonstrated that Al2O3 and SiO2 are the most part of natural and modified zeolite. Furthermore, the clinoptilolite was determined as the significant crystalloid phase by XRD pattern

    Expression and Function of Bcl-2 Proteins in Melanoma

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    Bcl-2 proteins are critical regulators of mitochondrial membrane permeability and the proapoptotic mitochondrial pathway. The family encloses pro- and antiapoptotic factors encoded by over 15 genes, which frequently give rise to alternative splice products. Antiapoptotic, proapoptotic multidomain, and proapoptotic BH3-only proteins are characterized by the presence of at least one of four Bcl-2 homology domains (BH 1-4). Their expression and activities are controlled by survival pathways as MAP kinases and protein kinase B/Akt, which are in touch with a number of transcription factors. In melanoma, the mitochondrial apoptosis pathways and Bcl-2 proteins appear of particular importance for apoptosis resistance, which has been addressed in clinical trials applying antisense-Bcl-2. Overexpression or induction of proapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins as well as the use of small molecule mimetics for the proapoptotic BH3 domain are further promising strategies

    Preparation the Site Specific Spectrum for Civil Regions of Zagross Mountains

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    In this paper the site specific spectra for a region of the Zagros Mountains containing 5 cities in Kurdistan province of Iran is prepared. For this purpose, all the occurred earthquakes, containing both historical and instrumental events, in each 5 city have been gathered then main earthquakes was prepared by elimination the aftershocks, foreshocks, and the incorrect reported events from the data and main earthquakes were taken into consideration to calculate the seismic parameters by Kijko [2000] method considering uncertainty in magnitude and incomplete earthquake catalogue. All seismic sources of the region are modeled and recurrence relationship is established. After adequate attenuation relationships were selected, The peak ground acceleration over the bedrock (PGA) is then calculated for the four hazard level introduced in FEMA 356 in each city according to the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and using the Poisson\u27s probability distribution function for prediction of earthquake occurrence in future with a return period of 75, 225, 475 and 2475 years. Then, according to the soil type resulted from geotechnical explorations, the site specific spectrum for each city is prepared using Newmark-Hall method and compared with the design spectrum suggested by Iranian code of practice for seismic resistant design of buildings

    Reciclaje de buques

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    [Resumen] El reciclaje, en principio, es la fase final de la vida de todo buque. A pesar de ello, es una etapa que en la industria ha sido siempre eclipsada por la construcción y la navegación. En este trabajo de fin de grado, se expone, en un primer momento, la importancia del reciclaje como concepto general, resaltando su impacto sobre el medio ambiento. Se hace también una introducción a la industria del transporte marítimo y las acciones de la Organización Marítima Internacional por disminuir la huella de carbono y proteger mejor los ecosistemas. A continuación, se presentan datos y gráficas que demuestran la importancia del reciclaje de los buques desde un punto de vista económico, indicando también los factores que llevan a un propietario a tomar la decisión de desguazar, como son el mantenimiento de clase o el precio del acero. Se hará también una referencia a la economía circular como sistema a estudiar para su aplicación futura. Seguidamente, se analiza de manera extensa la legislación actual aplicable (el Convenio de Basilea y el Reglamento 1257/2013 de la Unión Europea), a la vez que se exponen los vacíos legales que aprovechan los propietarios para desguazar sus buques en las costas del Sur de Asia. Esta zona geográfica es a su vez analizada, presentando los países que dominan este negocio y la situación precaria de sus trabajadores. Finalmente, se comentan ciertos aspectos técnicos y de seguridad implicados en esta actividad y se hace referencia al Convenio de Hong Kong como normativa proyectada.[Abstract] Recycling, in theory, is the final phase of a ship’s life cycle. Despite this, it is a stage that has always been overshadowed by construction and navigation. In this end project, the importance of recycling as a concept is exposed in first instance, highlighting its impact on the environment. An introduction is also made about the shipping industry and the actions taken by the International Maritime Organization to reduce its carbon footprint and protect the ecosystems in a better way. Next, data and graphs are presented to demonstrate the importance of ship’s recycling from an economic standpoint, also indicating the factors that lead a shipowner to dismantle it, such as class maintenance or steel prices. A short reference will also be made in regard to the circular economy as a system to be studied for future applications. After that, the current legislation (Basel Convention and Regulation 1257/2013 of the European Union) will be extensively analyzed, exposing the legal loopholes that owners take advantage of to scrap their ships on the coasts of South Asia. This region is also analyzed, presenting the countries that dominate this business and the precarity that their workers suffer. Finally, certain technical and safety aspects involved in this activity are discussed and a reference is made to the Hong Kong Convention as future regulation.[Resumo] A reciclaxe, en principio, é a fase final da vida de todo buque. A pesar diso, é unha etapa que na industria foi sempre eclipsada pola construción e a navegación. Neste Traballo de Fin de Grao, exponse, nun primeiro momento, a importancia da reciclaxe como concepto xeral, resaltando o seu impacto sobre o medio ambiente. Faise tamén unha introdución á industria do transporte marítimo e as accións da Organización Marítima Internacional por diminuír a pegada de carbono e protexer mellor os ecosistemas. A continuación, preséntanse datos e gráficas que demostran a importancia da reciclaxe dos buques desde un punto de vista económico, indicando tamén os factores que levan a un propietario para tomar a decisión de despezar, como son o mantemento de clase ou o prezo do aceiro. Farase tamén unha referencia á economía circular como sistema a estudar para a súa aplicación futura. Seguidamente, analízase de xeito extenso a lexislación actual aplicable (o Convenio de Basilea e o Regulamento 1257/2013 da Unión Europea), á vez que se expoñen os baleiros legais que aproveitan os propietarios para despezar os seus buques nas costas do Sur de Asia. Esta zona xeográfica é á súa vez analizada, presentando os países que dominan este negocio e a situación precaria dos seus traballadores. Finalmente, coméntanse certos aspectos técnicos e de seguridade implicados nesta actividade e faise referencia ao Convenio de Hong Kong como normativa proxectada.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ETSNEM). Náutica e transporte marítimo. Curso 2022/202

    Increasing of post-freezing quality of Spermatogonial Stem Cells after pretreatment by vitamin E

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    Introduction: Mouse spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) can be cryopreserved for long periods while preserving their spermatogenic ability. Although cryopreservation has been found to increase reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation that damages cellular structures. In the present study, we added vitamin E to the basic freezing medium in order to evaluate its effect on the efficiency of spermatogonial stem cells.Methods: SSCs isolated from testes of 6 days old male mice by enzymatic digestion. Vitamin E 100, 200, 400 µg/mL was added to the basic freezing medium. The cell viability was evaluated by MTT assay. After thawing, SSCs were cultured for 1 month and the expression pattern of specific genes of SSCs measured by real-time PCR technique.Results: The survival rate of the freeze cells in the presence of vitamin E was significantly higher than the control group (p<0.05). The number of colonies and their diameter measured after one month were significantly higher in the vitamin E groups than in the control group (p≤0.05).Conclusion: Adding vitamin E to the basic freezing medium thus can be helpful in increasing the quality and viability of SSCs after cryopreservation.

    The discriminational role of emotion dysregulation, metacognitive belies, intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety in discriminant two groups of students with and without mobile phone addiction

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    Background: Emotional dysregulation, metacognitive beliefs, intolerance of uncertainty, and anxiety can play a very important role in a person's personal and social life. This study aimed to determine the discriminational role of emotion dysregulation, metacognitive beliefs, intolerance of uncertainty, and anxiety in discriminant two groups of students with and without cell phone addiction. Methods: The present study was descriptive and correlational. The statistical population consists of all male students in high school in Tehran in the year academic 2019-2020. According to the convenience sampling method, 400 students (74 students with cell phone addiction and 326 students without cell phone addiction) were selected by model Kline. They were asked to mobile phone addiction questionnaire (MPAQ) of Savari, difficulties in emotion regulation scale (DERS) of Gratz and Roemer, meta-cognitions (MCQ) of Cartwright-Hatton and Wells, intolerance of uncertainty scale (IUS-27) of Freeston and et al., and Beck anxiety inventory (BAI). Data were analyzed by using SPSS-24 software and the discriminant analysis method. Results: The results showed that emotion dysregulation, metacognitive beliefs, intolerance of uncertainty, and anxiety can help to cell phone addiction, and function discriminant analysis assigned 93.3 percent of the students with and without cell phone addiction. Some factors, including emotion dysregulation, metacognitive beliefs, intolerance of uncertainty, and anxiety were found to affect cell phone addiction. Conclusion: To cell phone addiction, attention should be paid to emotional disorders, metacognitive beliefs, intolerance of uncertainty, and students' anxiety, and the necessary training should be given in this regard

    The effects of slow and quick freezing methods on microstructure, drip loss, proximate composition and sensory properties of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fillets

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of slow and quick freezing on the changes in sensory properties, drip loss, microstructure and proximate compositions of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fillets. For this reason, skined off and deboned tilapia fillets were frozen by slow and quick freezing methods. The samples were packed and stored at -18 ° C for six months. Proximate composition, drip loss, and sensory evaluation of the samples were determined on a montly basis. Microstructure of the samples was studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) every second month. Results indicated that fresh tilapia fillets had 1/30, 18/70, 1/85, 79/12 percentage of fat, protein, ash and moisture contents, respectively. The amounts of proximate compositions were changed during the storageperiod. Quick frozen samples had significantly lower changes than slow frozen samples. The percentage of the drip in the slow frozen samples was significantly higher than quick frozen samples. SEM micrographs were also showed that the changes in the microstructure of the samples were different in the slow and frozen samples. Slow freezing method resulted in the higher damage in the microstructure of the samples than quick freezing method. Sensory evaluation of the samples indicated a better acceptability for the quick frozen samples than that for slow frozen sample

    In vitro maturation of human oocytes using culture in alginate matrix

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    Introduction: In vitro maturation (IVM) infertility treatment in women with infertility problems - for example, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) reduces the amount of gonadotrophin medications, thereby reducing the cost of treatment. This study aimed to investigate the effect of alginate three-dimensional culture on maturity of immature human oocytes and the amount of 8-cell embryos produced by sperm injection to oocyte cytoplasm (ICSI).Materials and methods: This experimental study was conducted in Mahdieh Infertility Research Center from 2015 to 2017.  A total of 70 immature oocytes from the female ovary to candidate for fertilization were selected and divided into two control and experimental groups. In the control group, the basic culture medium (TCM199, FSH 0/75, FBS10 %) and in the experimental group, the basic culture medium with the alginate was used. Then, the mmature oocytes were fertilized by ICSI and 8-cell embryos was evaluated by reverse microscope. Quantitative data was analyzed using the ANOVA statistical method and SPSS software at significant level of a P<0.05.Results: The amount of maturity of immature oocytes to MII metaphase stage and the arrival of the embryos to the 8-cell significantly increased in alginate group compared to the control group (P<0.001).Conclusion: Results demonstrated that alginate can increase the maturity of immature human oocytes and also increases the rate of embryos reaching the 8-cell stage.
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