520 research outputs found

    Visualization of Geometric Spanner Algorithms

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    It is easier to understand an algorithm when it can be seen in interactive mode. The current study implemented four algorithms to construct geometric spanners; the path-greedy, gap-greedy, Theta-graph and Yao-graph algorithms. The data structure visualization framework (http://www.cs.usfca.edu/~galles/visualization/) developed by David Galles was used. Two features were added to allow its use in spanner algorithm visualization: support point-based algorithms and export of the output to Ipe drawing software format. The interactive animations in the framework make steps of visualization beautiful and media controls are available to manage the animations. Visualization does not require extensions to be installed on the web browser. It is available at http://cs.yazd.ac.ir/cgalg/AlgsVis/

    Аналіз значення стримання соціально-культурного тиску на підлітків з нормальною та надмірною масою тіла під час схуднення і фізичних змін

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    Topicality. Obesity is a global epidemic. Obesity is on the rise in developing countries due to changes in lifestyle. The Aim of the Research.This study aimed to compare body image problems and social-physical anxiety in obese and normal-weight adolescents by examining the moderating role of cultural social pressure for weight loss and physical change. Method. In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 70 adolescents obese and 72 adolescent girls with normal weight were selected through one-stage cluster sampling from high school students in Mashhad. Data collection and measurement tools included: high-sensitivity portable digital scales, Multidimensional Self-Relationships Questionnaire, Physical Social Anxiety Questionnaire, and Cultural Social Pressure Questionnaire. The groups were matched for education, gender, and age. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22 software. The Results of the Research. Results of multivariate analysis of variance showed that there was a significant difference in body image and physical and social anxiety between obese adolescents and normal weight adolescents. The results also showed that high cultural social pressure for weight loss and physical change has a significant role in increasing physical social anxiety. But it does not have a moderating role in the extent of body image problems and physical social anxiety. Obesity and high cultural social pressure for weight loss and physical change are important factors in increasing body image problems and physical and social anxiety. But cultural social pressure does not mitigate the role of obesity in increasing or decreasing body image problems and physical social anxiety. Conclusions. Therefore, it can be concluded that body image problems in obese individuals are more influenced by their body mass and not by the socio-cultural pressure for weight loss and body change.Актуальность. Ожирение – это глобальная эпидемия. Ожирение растет в развивающихся странах из-за изменений в образе жизни. Цель исследования. Это исследование было нацелено на сравнение проблем с телосложением и социально-физической тревожностью у подростков с ожирением и нормальной массой тела путем изучения сдерживающей роли культурно-социального давления для потери веса и физических изменений. Методы. В этом перекрестном исследовании 70 подростков с ожирением и 72 девочки с нормальным весом были отобраны путем одностадийной кластерной выборки от учащихся старших классов в Мешхеде. Инструменты сбора и измерения данных включали высокочувствительные портативные цифровые весы, вопросник многомерных отношений в себе, вопросник физического социального беспокойства и вопросник культурного социального давления. Группы были сопоставимы по образованию, полу и возрасту. Данные проанализированы с использованием программного обеспе- чения SPSS 22. Результаты исследования. Результаты многомерного дисперсионного анализа показали, что существует значительная разница в телосложении, физической и социальной тревожности у подростков с ожирением и подростков с нормальным весом. Результаты также показали, что высокое социально-культурное давление для сни- жения веса и физических изменений играет важную роль в повышении физической социальной тревожности, но не играет сдерживающей роли в масштабах проблем с телосложением и физической социальной тревожностью. Ожи- рение и высокое социально-культурное давление для снижения веса и физических изменений являются важными факторами в увеличении проблем с социальной, и физической и социальной тревожностью. Но социально- культурное давление не уменьшает роли ожирения в увеличении или уменьшении проблем с телосложением и физической социальной тревожностью. Выводы. Таким образом, можно сделать вывод, что на проблемы с тело- сложением у людей с ожирением больше влияет их масса тела, а не социокультурное давление для потери веса и изменения тела.Актуальність. Ожиріння – це глобальна епідемія. Ожиріння зростає в країнах, що розвиваються через зміни способу життя. Мета дослідження. Це дослідження мало на меті порівняти проблеми з тілобудовою та соціально-фізичну тривожність у підлітків з ожирінням і нормальною вагою, вивчаючи помірковану роль соціального-культурного тиску для схуднення та фізичних змін. Методи. У дослідженні взяло участь 70 підлітків з ожирінням та 72 дівчини-підлітки з нормальною вагою, які були відібрані за допомогою одноетапного кластерного відбору з учнів середньої школи в Мешхеді. У процесі дослідження використано: високочутливі портативні цифрові ваги, багатовимірну анкету щодо взаємо- звʼязків, анкету фізичної соціальної тривоги та анкету культурного соціального тиску. Групи були зіставні за освітою, статтю та віком. Дані аналізували за допомогою програмного забезпечення SPSS22. Результати дослідження. Результати багатофакторного дисперсійного аналізу показали, що існує значна різниця щодо тілобудови та фізичної й соціальної тривожності в підлітків з ожирінням та підлітків із нормальною вагою. Результати також по- казали, що високий соціально-культурний тиск щодо схуднення й фізичних змін відіграє значну роль у збільшенні фізичної соціальної тривожності. Але це не є досить суттєвим у масштабах проблем із тілобудовою та фізичною соціальною тривогою. Ожиріння й високий соціально-культурний тиск для схуднення та фізичних змін є важливими факторами посилення проблем із зображенням тілобудови та фізичною й соціальною тривожністю. Але соціально- культурний тиск не зменшує ролі ожиріння в збільшенні чи зменшенні проблем із тілобудовою та фізичною й соціальною тривожністю. Висновки. Тому можна зробити висновок, що проблеми з тілобудовою в людей з ожирінням більшою мірою впливають на їхню масу тіла, а не на соціокультурний тиск для схуднення та зміни тіла


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    In this dissertation we provide a novel estimation framework designed and structured on duality theory for estimation of some key parameters in electricity markets. Specifically, the framework uses financial transmission right (FTR) auction outcomes such as clearing prices and quantities to estimate implicit parameters of the underlying optimization problem such as power transfer distribution factors (PTDF) without the need to know the auction bid/offers. The application of the proposed framework is not limited to electricity markets and can be used in any optimization problem with similar characteristics. We show successful estimation of parameters by simulating the proposed method on small systems and on a large power system extracted from actual US eastern interconnection network model. We also provide discussion on special estimation cases and proposed methods to address them, and future works to improve the algorithm and applicability of the framework

    Comparison of Dhimmah and Asset in French Jurisprudence and Law

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    Reference of jurisprudential texts to religion brings to mind the religious right and the obligation to resemble with divisions of law in France. In the legal system of Islam, dhimmah (treaty or obligation) have been extensively used along ages and in different fields. On the contrary, in the classical law and French law, the title "Patrimoine" (asset or property) is used throughout the commitments. In the religious law, a person who is called a creditor or promisee has direct rights over another person who is called debtor or promisor. Since debt is directly related to individuals’ obligations, so to identify exact meaning and concept of religious or individual right, it is necessary to examine its execution which is the very dhimmah in jurisprudence or the property and obligation mentioned by Arab and French lawyers. In spite of the similarities between these two terms, there is no comparable capability between the dhimmah and the asset; for the term dhimma is not compatible with the term "Patrimoine" (asset); hence, in this article, these two terms are to be conceptualized and compared

    Preparation and Implementation of Intrahospital Transfer Protocol for Emergency Department Patients to Decrease Unexpected Events

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    Introduction: Most of the patients hospitalized in the emergency department (ED) are in need of transfer to other hospital wards or paraclinic units. This process is called intrahospital transfer (IHT) that may lead to a wide range of complications known as unexpected events (UE). Objective: In the present study we decided to evaluate the effect of using a pre-designed protocol on decrease of UEs and safety improvement of IHT among patients hospitalized in ED. Method: The present cross-sectional study was carried out in 2016 in the ED of Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, Iran. All patients with triage levels of 1 and 2 who were in need of temporary or permanent transfer to other departments of the studied treatment center based on clinical indication as decided by the in-charge physician were enrolled in the study. This study was conducted in 3 phases of pre-intervention, intervention and post-intervention. Any UE was recorded in first phase. During intervention phase ED-IHT protocol was prepared and implemented. the checklist of complications and UEs during transfer was filled again and pre- and post-intervention results were compared. Results: In this study, 207 patients with the mean age of 58.9 ± 20.6 years were evaluated (61.4% male). Demographic data and baseline characteristics of the studied patients in the phases before and after implementation of the protocol has no significant difference. Overall, before implementation of the protocol out of the 105 studied patients, a total of 35 patients (33.3%) were affected by UE during transfer, but after implementation of the protocol this rate decreased to 11 patients (10.8%) out of the 103 studied patients and this decrease was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Based on the results obtained from this study, it seems that performing the IHT protocol specialized for ED patients has been effective in decreasing UE cases

    Preparation and Implementation of Intrahospital Transfer Protocol for Emergency Department Patients to Decrease Unexpected Events

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    Introduction: Most of the patients hospitalized in the emergency department (ED) are in need of transfer to other hospital wards or paraclinic units. This process is called intrahospital transfer (IHT) that may lead to a wide range of complications known as unexpected events (UE). Objective: In the present study we decided to evaluate the effect of using a pre-designed protocol on decrease of UEs and safety improvement of IHT among patients hospitalized in ED. Method: The present cross-sectional study was carried out in 2016 in the ED of Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, Iran. All patients with triage levels of 1 and 2 who were in need of temporary or permanent transfer to other departments of the studied treatment center based on clinical indication as decided by the in-charge physician were enrolled in the study. This study was conducted in 3 phases of pre-intervention, intervention and post-intervention. Any UE was recorded in first phase. During intervention phase ED-IHT protocol was prepared and implemented. the checklist of complications and UEs during transfer was filled again and pre- and post-intervention results were compared. Results: In this study, 207 patients with the mean age of 58.9 ± 20.6 years were evaluated (61.4% male). Demographic data and baseline characteristics of the studied patients in the phases before and after implementation of the protocol has no significant difference. Overall, before implementation of the protocol out of the 105 studied patients, a total of 35 patients (33.3%) were affected by UE during transfer, but after implementation of the protocol this rate decreased to 11 patients (10.8%) out of the 103 studied patients and this decrease was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Based on the results obtained from this study, it seems that performing the IHT protocol specialized for ED patients has been effective in decreasing UE cases

    An integrated approach to simulate gas turbine secondary air system

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    © 2023 The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.One of the most critical parts of a modern gas turbine that its reliability and performance has a great influence on cycle efficiency is the secondary air system (SAS). Modern systems functions to supply not only cooling air flow for turbine blades and vanes but sealing flow for bearing chambers and turbine segments as well as turbine disk s' purge flow in order to eliminate hot gas ingestion. Due to the various interactions between SAS and main gas, consideration of the former is substantially crucial in design and analysis of the whole engine. Geometrical complexities and centrifugal effects of rotating blades and disks, however, make the flow field and heat transfer of the problem so complicated AND too computationally costly to be simulated utilizing full 3-D CFD methods. Therefore, developing 1-D and 0-D tools applying network methods are of great interests. The present article describes a modular SAS analysis tool that is consisted of a network of elements and nodes. Each flow branch of a whole engine SAS network is substituted with an element and then, various branches (elements) intersect with each other just at their end nodes. These elements which might include some typical components such as labyrinth seals, orifices, stationary/rotating pipes, pre-swirls, and rim-seals, are generally articulated with characteristic curves that are extracted from high fidelity CFD modeling using commercial software such as Flowmaster or ANSYS-CFX. Having these curves, an algorithm is developed to calculate flow parameters at nodes with the aid of iterative methods. The procedure is based on three main innovative ideas. The first one is related to the network construction by defining a connectivity matrix which could be applied to any arbitrary network such as hydraulic or lubrication networks. In the second one, off-design SAS calculation will be proposed by introducing some SAS elements that their characteristic non-dimensional curves are influenced by their inlet total pressure. The last novelty is the integration of the blades coolant calculation process that incorporates external heat transfer calculation, structural conduction and coolant side modeling with SAS network simulation. Finally, SAS simulation of an industrial gas turbine is presented to illustrate capabilities of the presented tool in design point and off-design conditions