11 research outputs found

    Nurse Nelly

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    A short story with a nationalist theme in which Rokeya takes a swipe at the Christian missionaries who came to India to convert the vulnerable women to Christianity and effectively destroy their lives. It projects an anti-colonial theme long before Gandhi's nationalist movement began in India

    Woman’s Downfall [‘Istrijatir Abanati’]

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    The essay, ‘Strijatir Abanati,’ which has been translated into English, was first published in 1903, as ‘Alankar na Badge of Slavery’ [Jewellery, or Badge of Slavery], in Mahila, a monthly magazine edited by Girish Chandra Sen, the first translator of the Qur’an into Bengali. It was later included in the first volume of Motichur. The essay is written in a serious yet playful tone, in which Rokeya takes a swipe at the men for their oppression of women and for perpetuating women’s cycle of subjugation and ignorance; but she is equally critical of the women for colluding in their victimisation, through blind submission to tradition and excessive love for ignorance and indolence


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    A fiery feminist piece that argues that Indian women are all homeless; animals have homes but Indian women have none, because they have to depend on the mercy of their "keepers"; therefore, Indian women live a life worse than animals

    Obra escogida

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    [ES]Este volumen presenta obra escogida de la activista y escritora Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain traducida al español con una introducción crítica y prólogo de Barnita Bagchi.. El objetivo principal es presentar la obra de la autora, destacar su compromiso político y educativo y fomentar el estudio de figuras alternativa sal canon en lengua inglesa


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    A fiery feminist piece that argues that Indian women are all homeless; animals have homes but Indian women have none, because they have to depend on the mercy of their "keepers"; therefore, Indian women live a life worse than animals