108 research outputs found

    Segments in the market of Hungarian institutional catering

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    In our paper we are aiming to present food preference as a way of consumption typical of the individuals and consequently, a way of eating characterising working days. To carry out a more detailed preference examination, factor analysis was carried out followed by cluster analysis based on the segmenting effect of food consumer preferences. The role and the main features of institutional catering were analysed in comparing the segments of the whole sample and research. We assume that the differences outlined on the level of food preferences are reflected in choosing the way and circumstances of eating thus influencing the choice between several alternatives typical of working days.Food consumer behaviour, out of home consumption, institutional catering, segmentation, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    An empirical research of the factors determining customer behaviour in food retail stores

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    For years the Institute of Marketing at Szent István University has been conducting research in customer and consumer behaviour. This research project focuses on which food shops retail customers choose when it comes to traditional food. This paper briefly summarizes qualitative findings and offers a preliminary analysis of the project’s quantitative stage. Using six focus groups, the qualitative phase tried to identify factors that impact on how food retail shops were chosen. The goal was to pinpoint individual steps in the decision-making process. Shops selected for study were: hypermarkets, supermarkets, discount stores, small shops, markets, specialised stores and cash & carry stores. Following this, using data from the qualitative results, a national representative survey was conducted. The survey used a standardised questionnaire with 1,019 subjects. The survey concentrated on hypermarket customers, as well as identifying this customer group’s segments, and analysing their decision-making traits.Kelly’s repertory grid technique, Qualitative research, Quantitative research, Monroe & Guiltinan’s store choice model, Donovan & Rossiter’s store atmosphere model, store characteristics, segments of hypermarket patrons., Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,


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    In our study we set out to find answers to the question of how today’s secondary schools students in Hungary assessed certain food products. We examined in the target group also the development of relationship between the preference of a certain product and its assessment from the health point of view. We assumed that both the preference and assessment of food for its effects on health were not only influenced by the gender of consumers but also by the type of the school attended and to a large extent by the development level of the region of domicile. In conclusion, young people had shown some signs of awareness of what is healthy eating and they had been able to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy foodstuffs, but their consumption was still significantly dominated by what they considered to be pleasant food. A possible consequence of this finding is that nearly a quarter of young people and a third of boys consider themselves suffering from overweight. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Kutatásunkban arra kerestük a választ, hogy a mai magyar középiskolások körében milyen a megítélése az egyes élelmiszeripari termékeknek. Vizsgáltuk, hogy az élelmiszerek kedveltsége és annak egészségesség megítélése között ho-gyan alakul a kapcsolat a vizsgált csoport esetében. Feltételezésünk volt, hogy mind a kedveltséget, mind a különbözÅ‘ élelmiszerek megítélését az egészségesség szempontjából nemcsak a fogyasztók neme, de az iskola típusa és a lakóhely sze-rinti régió gazdasági fejlettsége is nagy mértékben befolyásolja. Összességében megállapítást nyert, hogy bár a fiatalok mutattak olyan jeleket, hogy ismerik az egészséges táplálkozás alapjait, illetve hogy különbséget tudnak tenni egészséges és egészségtelen élelmiszerek között, mégis fogyasztásukat ma még sokkal inkább az élvezeti jellemzÅ‘k dominálják. Talán ennek is köszönhetÅ‘, hogy a fiatalok saját magukról kiállított bizonyítványa alapján közel egynegyedük küszködik súlyproblémával – a fiúknak pedig az egyharmada!questionnary, high schools, level of healthy consumption, kérdőíves felmérés, középiskolások, egészséges fogyasztás szintje, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Marketing,

    Poreklo i genetička struktura nekoliko mađarskih divljih i domestifikovanih populacija potočne pastrmke na osnovu PCR-RFLP i mikrosatelitskih markera

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    U Evropi je, na osnovu studija mitohondrijalne DNK, identifikovano pet evolutivnih linija potočne pastrmke (Salmo trutta m. fario L. 1758): Atlanska, Dunavska, Mediteranska, Jadranska i Mramorna. Mađarske linije bi teorijski trebalo da pripadaju Dunavskoj liniji na osnovu hidrogeografije zemlje, ipak, ovo nije potvrđeno genetičkim studijama. Korišćeni su molekularni markeri da bi se ispitalo genetička pozadina populacije potočne pastrmke u Mađarskoj. Istraživanja su uključila jedini matični nasad potočne pastrmke u Mađarskoj, kao i po jedna populacije u planinskim vencima Bükk, Aggtelek, Börzsöny i Visegrádi, po jedna populacija u svakom. Genetička analiza je do sada sprovedena na 533 individue, isečak peraja je uzorkovan sa svake ribe i PCR-RFLP (kontrolni region mitohondrijalne DNK, laktat dehidrogenaza i somatolaktin geni), kao i analiza mikrosatelitnih markeri (BFRO002, OMM1064, Ssa408uos, SsoSL417, SsoSL438) su bili korišćeni da bi se razlikovale Dunavska i Atlanska linija potočne pastrmke. Na osnovu genetičke analize mitohondrijalne DNK divljih populacija, udeo Dunavskog haplotipa je nizak (< 10 %), sa izuzetkom potoka Apátkúti u planinama Visegrádi, gde je nađena relativno visok udeo Dunavskog haplotipa (34%). 401 analizirani primerak matičnog jata farme je skoro u potpunosti Atlanski haplotip, što ukazuje na efekat osnivača. Iako su kasnije prikupljeni primerci iz obližnjeg potoka i pridodati matičnom jatu, njihov broj je bio ograničen jer su uglavnom svi bili mužjaci. Budući da je jedino matično jato u Mađarskoj, ribe sa ove farme se koriste za poribljavanje od strane ribolovaca, što može dovesti do značajnog uticaja na prirodne populacije. Na osnovu analize nuklearnih markera sve populacije su veoma heterogene. Veliki udeo (60-80%) Atlanskih alela primećen za ove markere na svim lokacijama gde je obavljano uzorkovanje ukazuje na efekat intenzivnog poribljavanja mađarskih salmonidnih regiona. Analize mikrosatelitskih markera su ukazale na visoku heterozigotnost i Hardy-Weinberg-ovu ravnotežu svih populacija

    Routing Nanomolar Protein Cargoes to Lipid Raft-Mediated/Caveolar Endocytosis through a Ganglioside GM1-Specific Recognition Tag

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    There is a pressing need to develop ways to deliver therapeutic macromolecules to their intracellular targets. Certain viral and bacterial proteins are readily internalized in functional form through lipid raft-mediated/caveolar endocytosis, but mimicking this process with protein cargoes at therapeutically relevant concentrations is a great challenge. Targeting ganglioside GM1 in the caveolar pits triggers endocytosis. A pentapeptide sequence WYKYW is presented, which specifically captures the glycan moiety of GM1 (K-D = 24 nm). The WYKYW-tag facilitates the GM1-dependent endocytosis of proteins in which the cargo-loaded caveosomes do not fuse with lysosomes. A structurally intact immunoglobulin G complex (580 kDa) is successfully delivered into live HeLa cells at extracellular concentrations ranging from 20 to 160 nm, and escape of the cargo proteins to the cytosol is observed. The short peptidic WYKYW-tag is an advantageous endocytosis routing sequence for lipid raft-mediated/caveolar cell delivery of therapeutic macromolecules, especially for cancer cells that overexpress GM1.Peer reviewe

    A European survey on the insights of patients living with metastatic colorectal cancer: the patient journey before, during and after diagnosis - an Eastern European perspective

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    Background: Despite being highly preventable and treatable if diagnosed early, colorectal cancer (CRC) remains the second leading cause of cancer-related death in Europe. Limited information is available from the patient perspective on the persisting unmet needs of the journey of the patient with CRC. Objective: To capture European metastatic CRC (mCRC) patients' insights during the patient journey (prediagnosis; diagnosis; postdiagnosis) through a patient survey. Methods: In total, 883 patients from 15 European countries participated. Participants were divided into four groups from Hungary, Poland, Serbia and 'other European countries' (n=103, 163, 170 and 447 patients, respectively). Results: General awareness of CRC and its symptoms prediagnosis varied among groups, with patients from Poland recording the lowest levels. Screening practices and attitudes also varied; while more patients from Serbia had been invited to CRC screening (~15%) compared with the other groups, the ones not invited claimed mostly (~20%) that would not have attended if they had been invited. Whereas most patients were diagnosed within a month after the first consultation/positive screening, the percentages varied substantially being lowest among patients in Poland (~30%) and Serbia (~25%). Although CRC-related information provision varied, with most informed patients from Hungary (~90%) and least from Serbia (~50%), all groups requested an easier-to-understand language by the healthcare team. Approximately 50% of patients from Eastern Europe had to wait longer than a month to receive treatment, in contrast to ~30% from other European countries. All groups emphasised the unmet need for support from psychologists and other patients. Conclusions: Our survey reveals the key aspects of the journey of the patient with mCRC and highlights the areas of similarities and differences between patients with mCRC from Eastern Europe versus those from other European countries as well as among patients from different Eastern European countries, calling for improvement particularly around awareness, screening, treatment availability, communication and support networks

    Real-life experience with switching TNF-α inhibitors in ankylosing spondylitis

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy, reasons for switching and drug survival of TNF-α inhibitors (TNFis) used as first- and second-line drugs in ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Methods: Data on patients suffering from AS and treated with at least one TNFi between November 2005 and 2013 were extracted retrospectively from the database of a single clinical centre. Beside demographic data, the disease activity measured by the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI), the response rates (BASDAI50), reasons for switching and survival curves of TNFis were analysed in general and in subgroups of patients treated with each of the available TNFis. The reasons for switching were defined as inefficacy, side effects of the given drug, patient's request and occurrence of extra-articular manifestations. Results: Altogether, 175 patients were on TNFis and 77 of them received at least two TNFis. The patients' age at the initiation of the first TNFi was higher among switchers compared to non-switchers (42.5 ± 12.6 vs. 38.8 ± 11.2 years, p = 0.049); otherwise, gender, disease duration and initial disease activity had no influence on the risk of switching. The decrease of the BASDAI was similar among non-switchers and switchers using either the first or second TNFi, but the response rates to the first and second TNFi were worse in switchers than in non-switchers. Following the failure of the first TNFi, the retention on therapy was unfavourable, especially in patients on infliximab after 1 year of treatment. The main reason for switching from the first drug was inefficacy. The frequency of side effects that led to switching was higher in the infliximab group than in patients treated with other agents. Conclusion: Although the retention rate to a second-line TNFi was somewhat worse than that to the first-line TNFi, the switching of TNFis is a good therapeutic option in AS patients who failed to respond to the first TNFi. © Springer-Verlag 2014