197 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Quantipheron (QFN) SARS-CoV-2 in vaccinated and recovered individuals

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    Quantipheron (QFN) SARS-CoV-2 is a new test in which lymphocytes involved in cell immunity, in fully heparinized blood, are stimulated by combination of antigens specific for SARS-CoV-2. QFN SARS-CoV-2 is interferon gamma release assay (IGRA)

    Iris croatica - a new species of Iris from Croatia

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    In the mountains of north Croatia in thermophil oak wood grows a really nice blue-violet iris, which was considered as Iris germánica, which extended from the gardens to the natural habitats. But, with more carefully observation it was showed, that this plant from natural habitats is very much different from Iris germánica in consideration of stem’s ramification, of leafs length, and especially of more inflated spathes and of many characteristics in constitution and colour of flowers. This iris belongs to the new species from affinity Iris aphylla, so this species is described as Iris croatica, and we bring the description, the differences toward the congenial species, it variability and the distribution. The Latin diagnose with its essential characteristics is included in the Croatian text. Iris croatica distinguishes from many other subspecies and forms of I. aphylla s. 1. in the first way in the greatness of all parts of the plant, then with the number of flowers on the branches and with short, oval and very inflated spathes. The new iris shows many differences on the same locality depending if this plant has grown on the shallow stony soil, on the uncovered locality or on deeper soil in the scrub or in the bright small wood. This differences are phenotypical. But, this species is different also on the single localities, which include isolated populations with really expressive genotypic speciality. Based on this specialities we can distinguish several forms, but we must still determine if they are not the systematic unities of higher category. The Iris croatica is morphologically narrowly related to Iris aphylla. The same number of chromosoms, the morphology and geographical distribution shows their same origin. Iris aphylla is distributed from the Middle Europe on the west, along the north and southern margin of Carpathians and Pannonian basin, till Ukraine and Caucasus, from where reaches in Asia minor. New species of I. croatica on the contrary inhabits separated area in the north-western part of Croatia, and makes with the area of I. aphylla encircled unbroken ground of panonnian-pontic distribution. Iris croatica is developed in relict centar of tertiary vegetation, and in morphological view unites some characteristics of other forms of species I. aphylla, so we can it consider like probable origin of the whole group

    Bralne navade staršev in vzpodbujanje otrok pri branju

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    The article sets apart lifelong education and lifelong learning, which is a more popular expression and is very important for each individual since it docs not end after having completed formal education programmes, but it continues throughout one's life. What education opportunities are available for dcprivileged societies because of social, psychological, cultural and economic reasons? Foreign authors (Freire, Gramschi, Jarvis, Delors) highlight the power of education for progress of the society, changes in attitudes and relationships among people. The research shows that Slovenia does not keep the pace with other countries, such as developed countries of Europe and USA on the area of literacy. Since literacy rates are in correlation with literacy of parents and their level of education, we might have a good reason to be preoccupied. Parcnty, whi reach higher levels of literacy can be more active at encouraging children to read and at developing their reading culture. Thus, literacy can be an extended family arm and parents an important factor at developing working and reading habits of their children. Case studies of nine children and parents illustrate and confirm the fact that in most cases education and reading of parents cease with formal education. Reading habits arc connected only to informal reading of daily papers and care for reading is very often left to children's own initiative and incentives of schools and teachers.V prispevku sem razmejila pojma vseživljenjsko izobraževanje in vseživljenjsko učenje, ki je bolj populističen izraz. Za vsakega posameznika sta vseživljenjsko izobraževanje in vseživljenjsko učenje zelo pomembna, saj se ne končata s formalnim šolanjem, pač pa potekata celo življenje. Kakšne možnosti izobraževanja imajo deprivilegirane skupine zaradi socialnih, psiholoških, kulturnih in ekonomskih razlogov? Tuji avtorji- Freire, Gramschi, Jarvis, Delors - poudarjajo moč izobraževanja za napredek družbe, spremembo miselnosti in odnosov med ljudmi. Raziskave kažejo veliko zaostajanje Slovenije na področju pismenosti v primerjavi z razvitimi državami Evrope in Amerike. Ker je stopnja pismenosti otrok v korelaciji s stopnjo pismenosti staršev oz. izobrazbe staršev, smo lahko opravičeno zaskrbljeni, saj so starši, ki dosegajo višje ravni pismenosti, dejavnejši pri prenašanju bralnih navad in bralne kulture na svoje otroke in je taka pismenost lahko tudi podaljšana roka družine, starši pa pomemben dejavnik pri razvoju delovnih in bralnih navad svojih otrok.Študije primerov devetih otrok in staršev prikazujejo oz. potrjujejo dejstvo, da se v večini primerov izobraževanje in branje staršev neha s formalnim izobraževanjem. Bralne navade so vezane le še na informativno branje dnevnega časopisja. Skrb za branje starši v veliki meri prepuščajo iniciativi otrok in pobudam šole ter učiteljev. To prednost šole in zaupanje učiteljem bi bilo potrebno izkoristiti z uvedbo bralnih krožkov, s prosvetljevanjem staršev preko predavanj in roditeljskih sestankov, vsekakor pa učence učiti aktivnih strategij učenja in branja, ki jih bodo lahko uporabljali tudi pozneje kot odrasli pri vseživljenjskem učenju

    Treatment of gynaecologic patient on systemic therapy : študija primera = case study

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    The Effects of the Video Game "Flappy Bird" on Adolescents

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    Ovaj diplomski rad nastoji predstaviti uvid u učinke videoigre Flappy Bird na adolescente, fokusirajući se pritom na to potiče li ona nasilno ponašanje te nastoji odgovoriti na pitanje koliko je ta videoigra bila popularna među adolescentima u Hrvatskoj te po čemu je smatraju posebnom, tj. specifičnom. U tu svrhu provedeno je anketno istraživanje, a isti anketni upitnik proveden je na terenu i putem interneta te su uspoređeni rezultati. Anketni upitnik konstruiran je na način da se prvi dio upitnika odnosio na općenita pitanja o videoigrama gdje je cilj bio doznati koliko adolescenti vremena i pažnje posvećuju igranju videoigara te kakve to učinke ima na njih i njihove vršnjake. Drugi dio upitnika odnosio se isključivo na videoigru Flappy Bird gdje se nastojao dati uvid u upoznatost adolescenata s tom videoigrom, po čemu ju ispitanici smatraju specifičnom te kakve ona učinke ima na njih – prije svega primarno pitanje bilo je potiče li ona nasilno ponašanje ili ovisnost. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da većina adolescenata ne pokazuje veliku sklonost igranju videoigara. Prema rezultatima istraživanja videoigre ne potiču nasilno ponašanje i ne utječu na vrijeme koje ispitanici provode s prijateljima ili na ispunjavanje obaveza. Također, gotovi svi ispitanici upoznati su s Flappy Birdom i igrali su navedenu igru. Prema rezultatima istraživanja na većinu ispitanika ta videoigra nije imala negativan učinak te nije poticala nasilno ponašanje. Kao specifičnost, većina ispitanika istaknula je kako je težina videoigre iritantna te da upravo to potiče ponovno igranje i obaranje rekorda.This graduate thesis aims to present an insight into the effects of the videogame Flappy Bird on the adolescents, focusing on the question if this videogame provides agressive behaviour on adolescentes. One of the main question in this thesis is how much is this videogame popular between adolescents in Croatia and why is it considered as special or specific. To give answers on all these questions, I made survey – one through the Internet as web survey and one field survey in the school – Privatna klasicna gimnazija Zagreb. The both surveys contained the same questions and results of both surveys were compared to see posibble diferences between. The surveys were constructed in two parts . The first part of the questions referred to general situation about popularity of videogames in teenagers life. In this part teenagers needed to answer questions connected with this how many they usually play videogames and if that has an effect on their behaviour in general. The second part of the surveys was referenced on the effect of the videogame Flappy Bird on adolecents trying to get answers how much time teenagers were playing Flappy Bird, what they think about this videogame and if they know about possible effect of this videogame. Also one of the question was if they liked Flappy Bird and if they agree with the fact that Flappy Bird was banned because of negative effect on the people. One of the most important question was connected with the fact if this videogame had negative effect on the adolescents – if they spent more time playing this videogame than spending time with friends or if they had problem with school obligations or parents because of playing Flappy Bird too much. According to results, the most adolescents are not addicted to video games and also they don't show violent behavior because of playing videogames. Research results showed that playing videogames don't affect to their time which they spend with friends or fulfilling their obligations. Also, all the adolescents knew for Flappy Bird and played this videogame, but not that much that it would affect on their behaviour and their habits, or life in general. According to survey results, Flappy Bird didn't have negative effect on adolecentes and also didn't induce violent behavior. As a specific feature, most respondents pointed out that the weight of the videogame is so irritating that it just encourages re-playing and scoring the bigger record