193 research outputs found

    Dynamic analysis of marketing systems

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    A közösség értelmezése, jellegzetességei és területi vonatkozásai

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    Human communities, regardless of the number of people they are composed of, their kinships, their spatial location, or other characteristics, have always formed the basis of society. Since humans are social beings, in a healthy case, no one can become independent of the community that surrounds them. Thus, the cooperation between the person and the community is not an optional behavior. Without this cooperation, the person excludes himself or herself from the protection of the fellow human beings. However, the functioning of the community is not so self-evident. On the one hand, it is influenced by external circumstances - such as the era in which it exists, the political system, economic effects, the geographical location of coexistence and its sustainable use by the community –, as well as the identity, mentality, education and responsibility of the individuals composing the community, towards their fellow human beings and towards the entire community. Moreover, these aspects are constantly changing, which further complicates the existence, functioning, and interpretability of the community. In my article, I try to summarize what types of community interpretations exist, how and for what reason both the interpretations and the communities themselves changed over the course of historical ages, I also try to explore whether there is any significance of geographical space in this process, and if there is, what it is

    Is there a bank lending channel in Hungary? Evidence from bank panel data

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    In this paper we analyze the bank lending channel in Hungary. We provide a brief overview of the theory and the empirical approaches used to investigate the existence of bank lending channel. From the possible methods we use the generally applied approach suggested by Kahsyap and Stein (1995) which relies on discovering asymmetries in changes in the amount of loans to monetary actions in order to isolate supply and demand effects. We estimate an ARDL model where the asymmetric effects are captured by interaction-terms. We find significant asymmetric adjustment of loan quantities along certain bank characteristics. The existence of bank lending channel, and therefore loan supply decisions of banks, can explain these asymmetries. In addition, we do not find any sign for asymmetric loan demand adjustment along these variables. According to these findings, we cannot rule out the existence of the bank lending channel in Hungary.monetary transmission, credit channel, bank lending channel, ARDL model.

    A Structural Empirical Analysis of Retail Banking Competition: the Case of Hungary

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    In this paper we analyze the degree of competition in the Hungarian household credit and deposit markets. We estimate discrete-choice, multinomial logit deposit service and loan demand functions for each bank and calculate the corresponding price elasticities. Two models of the banking industry are considered: a static, differentiated product Nash-Bertrand oligopoly (as non-collusive benchmark) and a cartel. With estimated marginal costs and observed interest rates we calculate the price-cost margins and compare these to the theoretically implied ones. We find that in our sample period the competition in the Hungarian banking sector is low, i.e. price-cost margins are high.Demand, discrete choice, product differentiation, banking, market power.

    Közösségvezérelt helyi fejlesztéspolitika működésének jegyei és területi különbségei Magyarországon

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    Community-led local development can be the indicator of the maturity of the local society and shows the potential for self-organization and the level of social development. The details of the operation of the local society highlight the needs and the strengths of the settlement. In this article, I examine the first steps of implementing the CLLD tool funded by the European Union. I search for the main characteristics and the main differences of organization and operation of the local community in different parts of the country and try to identify if there is an interrelation between the standard of living, the socio-economic development and the manifestations of participated planning. I look for the answer if there are any differences in the adaptation of the principles founding a local action group in different parts of Hungary. The background of the theory is binary and based on the local attributes and territorial models, here the social and administrative characteristics are linked to territorial coordinates. Another question investigated is if any characteristics of the area or group of settlements can answer this phenomenon or everything happens only because of local factors and the answers can only be found in local dimensions. To find the answers, I only examined the basic data of the local action groups, not the special conditions of the local society

    The vitality and revitalisation attempts of the Mansi language in Khanty-Mansiysk

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    The Mansi language is an endangered indigenous minority language spoken in Western Siberia. Linguistically it belongs to the family of Uralic languages, socially it belongs to the group of the so-called numerically small indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation. The beginnings of bilingualism (and probable multilingualism) of the Mansi society are no doubt located in the distant past, and it would be problematic to determine the starting point of language shift, but it is certain that researchers (e.g. Munkácsi 1889a: 208, 222-224) have been complaining about the difficulty of finding native speakers due to assimilation and rapid language shift for more than a hundred years. Thus, it appears to be likely that at least a part of Mansi society became a subject of language endangerment already during the 19th century, and the process has continued ever since. In my dissertation I am seeking answers to the following questions: (1) How is the vitality of the Mansi language in Khanty-Mansiysk prior to the emergence of revitalisation efforts and initiatives best described? (2) What kind of revitalisation attempts has been appearing in Khanty-Mansiysk, aiming at the revitalisation of the Mansi language? Who are the initiators of these efforts? What are the goals of these initiatives, which groups constitute their target audience? To what extent have these initiatives been effective in relation to their goals? (3) How has the situation of the vitality of the Mansi language in Khanty-Mansiysk changed as a result of the revitalisation efforts

    "S azóta jól élnek és vidám dalokat énekelnek Leninről és Sztálinról" : szovjet propagandamesék műfaji azonosításának kísérlete

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    Ebben a munkában a Szovjet népmesék Leninről és Sztálinról című mesegyűjtemény prózai szövegeinek (Lenin-mesék) lehetséges műfaji besorolásához próbálunk számítógépes nyelvi eszközökkel támpontokat nyújtani más doménekbe tartozó szövegeken végzett összevetés segítségével. A kétes műfaji meghatározású Lenin-meséket szófaji gyakoriság és emócióeloszlás alapján hasonlítjuk össze rokon műfajú domének korpuszával. Eredményeink alapján a Lenin-mesék szófaji gyakoriság és eloszlás tekintetében valóban a népmesékkel mutatnak rokonságot, emóciók gyakoriságában és eloszlásában azonban a szovjet propaganda-irodalom különböző doménjeihez hasonlítanak
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