2,723 research outputs found

    Development of the Information Society in Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia

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    The article is presenting facts about the politics carried on the EU concerning development of the information society in Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia - countries that in 2004 became members of the EU. Enlargement of the EU structures allowed for more dynamic development of these countries in the information society context. The situation of each country was presented by indicators describing the household and the community situation in information society. Indicators was gained from Eurostat system. The universality of these indicators lets to the assessment of the level and dynamics of development in relation to the EU average. Comparison of Poland and its southern neighbors allows also to observe changes that occur and may allow better progress in this field.Artykul prezentuje dane na temat prowadzonej w UE polityki w zakresie rozwoju spoleczeństwa informacyjnego w Czechach, Polsce i Slowacji, które staly się czlonkami UE w 2004 roku. Rozszerzenie struktur unijnych pozwolilo na zdynamizowanie rozwoju tych krajów w zakresie spoleczeństwa informacyjnego. Sytuację poszczególnych krajów zaprezentowano przy pomocy wskażników opisujących gospodarstwa domowe oraz spoleczność pochodzące z Eurostatu. Powszechność tych wskażników pozwala na ocenę dynamiki rozwoju oraz poziomu tego rozwoju w odniesieniu do wartości średniej w UE. Porównanie Polski oraz jej poludniowych sąsiadów pozwolić ma również na dostrzeżenie przemian, które zachodzą i mogą pozwolić na lepszy postęp w tej dziedzinie

    The Nappi-Witten string in the light-cone gauge

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    Some of the motivations for as well as the main points of the quantization of the Nappi Witten string in the light cone gauge are reviewed.Comment: 21 pages, Plain Tex, to appear in the E.P. Wigner memorial volume of Acta Physica Hungaric


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    Different sensing mechanisms in single wire and mat carbon nanotubes chemical sensors

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    Chemical sensing properties of single wire and mat form sensor structures fabricated from the same carbon nanotube (CNT) materials have been compared. Sensing properties of CNT sensors were evaluated upon electrical response in the presence of five vapours as acetone, acetic acid, ethanol, toluene, and water. Diverse behaviour of single wire CNT sensors was found, while the mat structures showed similar response for all the applied vapours. This indicates that the sensing mechanism of random CNT networks cannot be interpreted as a simple summation of the constituting individual CNT effects, but is associated to another robust phenomenon, localized presumably at CNT-CNT junctions, must be supposed.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures,Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 201