16 research outputs found

    Ultrafast control of magnetic interactions via light-driven phonons

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    Resonant ultrafast excitation of infrared-active phonons is a powerful technique with which to control the electronic properties of materials that leads to remarkable phenomena such as the light-induced enhancement of superconductivity1,2, switching of ferroelectric polarization3,4 and ultrafast insulator-to-metal transitions5. Here, we show that light-driven phonons can be utilized to coherently manipulate macroscopic magnetic states. Intense mid-infrared electric field pulses tuned to resonance with a phonon mode of the archetypical antiferromagnet DyFeO3 induce ultrafast and long-living changes of the fundamental exchange interaction between rare-earth orbitals and transition metal spins. Non-thermal lattice control of the magnetic exchange, which defines the stability of the macroscopic magnetic state, allows us to perform picosecond coherent switching between competing antiferromagnetic and weakly ferromagnetic spin orders. Our discovery emphasizes the potential of resonant phonon excitation for the manipulation of ferroic order on ultrafast timescales6

    Resonant optical control of magnetism on ultrashort timescales

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    Excitation of optical transitions in solids using ultrashort pulses of light allows to selectively perturb microscopic degrees of freedom in order to change and control material properties on very short timescales. In this thesis we study how ultrafast resonant excitation of optical transitions can induce coherent structural dynamics in wide-bandgap insulators and control magnetic interactions, manipulate magnetic order and induce (propagating) spin dynamics in insulating antiferromagnets. In time-resolved all-optical pump-probe experiments,we use ultrashort pulses of light to target specific lattice vibrations, orbital resonances and electronic transitions in various insulating materials and optically probe the structural and magnetic dynamics on the picosecond timescale.Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the field that studies ultrafast optical control of solids, with a focus on resonant optical control of magnetic properties and the generation of propagating excitations. Chapter 2 discusses the basic concepts of magnetic interactions, magnetic order and spin waves and chapter 3 contains the main experimental methods and experimental setups used in this work.In chapter 4 we study the coherent structural dynamics initiated by ultrafast resonant excitation of an infrared-active lattice vibration in the wide-bandgap insulator LaAlO3. We observe the excitation of a coherent THz phonon mode, corresponding to rotations of the oxygen octahedra around a high-symmetry axis, and identify the underlying nonlinear phonon-phonon coupling through density functional theory calculations. The resonant lattice excitation is also shown to generate both longitudinal and transverse strain wavepackets, the result of optically induced anisotropic strain.In chapter 5 we demonstrate that light-driven infrared-active phonons can be used to control fundamental magnetic interactions and coherently manipulate magnetic states on picosecond timescales. Resonant optical excitation of lattice vibrations in the antiferromagnet DyFeO3 results in nonthermal, ultrafast and long-living changes in the exchange interaction between the Dy orbitals and the Fe spins. We identify phononinduced coherent lattice distortions as the underlying mechanism and show that we can use this change in magnetic interaction to induce picosecond coherent switching from a collinear antiferromagnetic ground state to a weakly ferromagnetic phase.Having explored the structural and magnetic dynamics following excitation of lattice vibrations, we explore the effect of optical excitation of orbital resonances in the van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS3 in chapter 6. We demonstrate that ultrashort pulses of light, with the photon energy tuned in resonance with orbital transitions within the magnetic nickel d-orbital manifold, can excite a subterahertz magnon mode with twodimensional behaviour. We show that this selective excitation results from a photoinduced transient magnetic anisotropy axis, which emerges in response to excitation of the ground-state electrons to orbital states with a lower orbital symmetry.Finally, we show in chapter 7 that ultrashort pulses of light can generate a wavepacket of coherent propagating spin waves in insulating antiferromagnets. The nanometer confinement of ultrafast optical excitation in resonance with electronic charge-transfer transitions in the antiferromagnet DyFeO3 creates a strongly non-uniform spatial spin excitation profile close to the material surface. This results in the emission of a broadband wavepacket of coherent subterahertz spin waves into the material. We optically probe individual spectral components of this spin-wavepacket with wavelengths down to 125nm in a time-resolved fashion using the magneto-optical Kerr effect.Chapter 8 provides the main conclusions of the work presented in this thesis. Wereflect on unanswered questions and give possible directions for future research.QN/Caviglia La

    Ultrafast strain engineering and coherent structural dynamics from resonantly driven optical phonons in LaAlO<sub>3</sub>

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    Strain engineering has been extended recently to the picosecond timescales, driving ultrafast metal–insulator phase transitions and the propagation of ultrasonic demagnetization fronts. However, the nonlinear lattice dynamics underpinning interfacial optoelectronic phase switching have not yet been addressed. Here we perform time-resolved all-optical pump-probe experiments to study ultrafast lattice dynamics initiated by impulsive light excitation tuned in resonance with a polar lattice vibration in LaAlO3 single crystals, one of the most widely utilized substrates for oxide electronics. We show that ionic Raman scattering drives coherent rotations of the oxygen octahedra around a high-symmetry crystal axis. By means of DFT calculations we identify the underlying nonlinear phonon–phonon coupling channel. Resonant lattice excitation is also shown to generate longitudinal and transverse acoustic wave packets, enabled by anisotropic optically induced strain. Importantly, shear strain wave packets are found to be generated with high efficiency at the phonon resonance, opening exciting perspectives for ultrafast material control.</p

    Figure source data for 'Coherent spin-wave transport in an antiferromagnet'

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    This repository contains figure source data for 'Coherent spin-wave transport in an antiferromagnet' Contents Figure 1: (a) optical absorption DyFeO3 for different photon energies: 1a_absorption.txt (b)Penetration depth for different photon energies: 1a_penetetrationdepth.txt (c) Time-resolved polarization rotation for transmission and reflection geometries: 1c_time-resolved.txt Fourier amplitude spectra for different geometrie: 1c_FourierInsets Figure 2: (b) Extracted oscillation frequencies as function of temperature: 2b_frequencies.txt Figure 3 (a) Time-resolved polarization rotation for different photon energies (folder figure3a) (b) Amplitude spectra of the time-resolved polarization rotation for different photon energies (folder figure3b) (c) Amplitude vs penetration depth: 3c.txt Figure 4 (a) Time- and space dependent amplitude: 4a.txt (b) Fourier spectra for different incidence angles + data-inset: 4b.txt (c) Fourier spectra for different probe wavelengths: 4c.txt (d) Extracted central frequencies and calculated group velocity for different wavenumbers: 4de.txt . Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Open Acces

    Ultrafast activation of the double-exchange interaction in antiferromagnetic manganites

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    In doped manganite systems, strong electronic correlations result in rich phase diagrams where electron delocalization strongly affects the magnetic order. Here, we employ a femtosecond all-optical pump-probe scheme to impulsively photodope the antiferromagnetic parent manganite system CaMnO3 and unveil the formation dynamics of a long-range ferromagnetic state. We resonantly target intense charge transfer electronic transitions in CaMnO3 to photodope the system and probe the subsequent dynamics of both charges and spins using a unique combination of time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy and time-resolved magneto-optical Faraday measurements. We demonstrate that photodoping promotes a long-lived population of delocalized electrons and induces a net magnetization, effectively promoting ferromagnetism resulting from light-induced carrier-mediated short-range double-exchange interactions. The picosecond set time of the magnetization, much longer than the electron timescale, and the presence of an excitation threshold are consistent with the formation of ferromagnetic patches in an antiferromagnetic background.QN/Caviglia La

    Coherent spin-wave transport in an antiferromagnet

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    Magnonics is a research field complementary to spintronics, in which the quanta of spin waves (magnons) replace electrons as information carriers, promising lower dissipation1–3. The development of ultrafast, nanoscale magnonic logic circuits calls for new tools and materials to generate coherent spin waves with frequencies as high and wavelengths as short as possible4,5. Antiferromagnets can host spin waves at terahertz frequencies and are therefore seen as a future platform for the fastest and least dissipative transfer of information6–11. However, the generation of short-wavelength coherent propagating magnons in antiferromagnets has so far remained elusive. Here we report the efficient emission and detection of a nanometre-scale wavepacket of coherent propagating magnons in the antiferromagnetic oxide dysprosium orthoferrite using ultrashort pulses of light. The subwavelength confinement of the laser field due to large absorption creates a strongly non-uniform spin excitation profile, enabling the propagation of a broadband continuum of coherent terahertz spin waves. The wavepacket contains magnons with a shortest detected wavelength of 125 nm that propagate into the material with supersonic velocities of more than 13 km s–1. This source of coherent short-wavelength spin carriers opens up new prospects for terahertz antiferromagnetic magnonics and coherence-mediated logic devices at terahertz frequencies

    Ultrafast control of magnetic interactions via light-driven phonons

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    Resonant ultrafast excitation of infrared-active phonons is a powerful technique with which to control the electronic properties of materials that leads to remarkable phenomena such as the light-induced enhancement of superconductivity1,2, switching of ferroelectric polarization3,4 and ultrafast insulator-to-metal transitions5. Here, we show that light-driven phonons can be utilized to coherently manipulate macroscopic magnetic states. Intense mid-infrared electric field pulses tuned to resonance with a phonon mode of the archetypical antiferromagnet DyFeO3 induce ultrafast and long-living changes of the fundamental exchange interaction between rare-earth orbitals and transition metal spins. Non-thermal lattice control of the magnetic exchange, which defines the stability of the macroscopic magnetic state, allows us to perform picosecond coherent switching between competing antiferromagnetic and weakly ferromagnetic spin orders. Our discovery emphasizes the potential of resonant phonon excitation for the manipulation of ferroic order on ultrafast timescales6.</p

    Noise in NbTiN, Al, and Ta Superconducting Resonators on Silicon and Sapphire Substrates

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    We present measurements of the frequency noise and resonance frequency temperature dependence in planar superconducting resonators on both silicon and sapphire substrates. We show, by covering the resonators with sputtered SiOx layers of different thicknesses, that the temperature dependence of the resonance frequency scales linearly with thickness, whereas the observed increase in noise is independent of thickness. The frequency noise decreases when increasing the width of the coplanar waveguide in NbTiN on hydrogen passivated silicon devices, most effectively by widening the gap. We find up to an order of magnitude more noise when using sapphire instead of silicon as substrate. The complete set of data points towards the noise being strongly affected by superconductor-dielectric interfaces.Kavli Institute of NanosciencesApplied Science

    Contribution of dielectrics to frequency and noise of NbTiN superconducting resonators

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    We study NbTiN resonators by measurements of the temperature dependent resonance frequency and frequency noise. Additionally, resonators are studied covered with SiOx dielectric layers of various thicknesses. The resonance frequency develops a nonmonotonic temperature dependence with increasing SiOx layer thickness. The increase in the noise is independent of the SiOx thickness, demonstrating that the noise is not dominantly related to the low temperature resonance frequency deviations.Kavli Institute of NanoscienceApplied Science

    Controlling Magnetism with Light in a Zero Orbital Angular Momentum Antiferromagnet

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    Antiferromagnetic materials feature intrinsic ultrafast spin dynamics, making them ideal candidates for future magnonic devices operating at THz frequencies. A major focus of current research is the investigation of optical methods for the efficient generation of coherent magnons in antiferromagnetic insulators. In magnetic lattices endowed with orbital angular momentum, spin-orbit coupling enables spin dynamics through the resonant excitation of low-energy electric dipoles such as phonons and orbital resonances which interact with spins. However, in magnetic systems with zero orbital angular momentum, microscopic pathways for the resonant and low-energy optical excitation of coherent spin dynamics are lacking. Here, we consider experimentally the relative merits of electronic and vibrational excitations for the optical control of zero orbital angular momentum magnets, focusing on a limit case: the antiferromagnet manganese phosphorous trisulfide (MnPS3), constituted by orbital singlet Mn2+ ions. We study the correlation of spins with two types of excitations within its band gap: a bound electron orbital excitation from the singlet orbital ground state of Mn2+ into an orbital triplet state, which causes coherent spin precession, and a vibrational excitation of the crystal field that causes thermal spin disorder. Our findings cast orbital transitions as key targets for magnetic control in insulators constituted by magnetic centers of zero orbital angular momentum. </p