135 research outputs found

    An “Eternal Memorial for Canadian Heroes”: The Dutch Town of Putte Commemorates the Essex Scottish Regiment

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    Twelve members of the Essex Scottish Regiment were killed at the Belgian-Dutch border town of Putte on 5 October 1944 in one of the Scheldt campaign’s opening engagements. Three years later, as Prime Minister Mackenzie King passed through Putte at the start of his first official visit to the Netherlands, the town presented him with a china plate bearing the names of the men who had died there. Putte’s modest, heartfelt gesture was the first official tribute that Canada’s leader received on Dutch soil, and provides insights into little-explored ways in which the Second World War continues to be commemorated

    The “Foreigners” from Broad Street: The Ukrainian Sojourners from Ottawa who Fought for Canada in the First World War

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    This article uses archival documents to create a group portrait of fifty-five sojourners from the Russian Empire who volunteered to fight for Canada in the First World War. It critically analyses the ethnic complexity of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) and its relationship to Canadian civilian society by tracing the men’s pre-war membership in Ottawa’s all but invisible Eastern European proletariat, through their wartime service in which one was awarded the Victoria Cross and two were sentenced to death for cowardice. It concludes by demonstrating how serving in the CEF helped to transform many of the men into immigrants. A methodology is described that can identify other unofficial groups of men who joined-up together, which has the potential to provide significant insights into how and why young men decided to fight and how the war reached into schools, workplaces and localities all across Canada. À partir de documents d’archives, l’auteur crée un portrait de groupe: celui de 55 personnes de passage originaires de l’Empire russe qui se sont portées volontaires afin de combattre pour le Canada lors de la Première Guerre mondiale. Il analyse de façon critique la complexité du Corps expéditionnaire canadien (CEC) sur le plan ethnique et ses rapports avec la société civile canadienne; à cette fin, il rend compte de l’appartenance des hommes, avant la guerre, au quasi invisible prolétariat d’Europe de l’Est à Ottawa et les suit tout au long de leur service en temps de guerre, service au cours duquel l’un a obtenu la Croix de Victoria et deux ont été condamnés à mort pour lâcheté. Il conclut en montrant comment le fait de servir dans le CEC a contribué à transformer nombre de ces hommes en immigrants. L’auteur décrit une méthodologie qui permet d’identifier d’autres groupes non officiels d’hommes qui se sont engagés ensemble; celle-ci est susceptible de fournir d’importants moyens de comprendre comment et pourquoi de jeunes hommes ont décidé de combattre et comment la guerre a atteint les écoles, les lieux de travail et les localités d’un bout à l’autre du Canada


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    Previously, it was reported that the morphological changes (pseudopod projection) that circulating neutrophils adopt due to cell activation raises peripheral vascular resistance by disrupting microvascular rheology. Studies utilized murine muscle preparations to link neutrophil pseudopod formation to cell activation and a viscous impact on hemodynamic resistance. But because of the complexity associated with the organization of the vasculature and microvasculature in tissues, it was unclear whether the effects of neutrophil activation on hemodynamic resistance were associated with the macro-/micro- circulation. This research describes an in vitro analysis using viscometry and microvascular network mimics (microporous membranes) to assess the rheological impact of pseudopods on capillary-like flow. Suspensions of neutrophil-like HL-60 promyelocytes (dHL60’s) and human neutrophils, stimulated with 10 nM fMLP were used, with/without hematocrit. Stimulation of dHL60s or human neutrophils with fMLP altered their flow behavior, which was detected as an increase in solution viscosity. Addition of hematocrit negated the effect of neutrophil activation on suspension viscosity. Moreover, cell activation increased the resistance of microporous membranes to flow of neutrophil suspensions with addition of hematocrit exacerbating this effect. Combined, the results of this study provided evidence that activated neutrophils influence microscale flow resistance via a rheological impact

    An Investigation of the Stomach Contents of Micropterus Dolomieu

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    It was the purpose of this study to scientifically analyze the stomach contents of Micropterus dolomieu. The study was based upon 168 stomachs taken from various sized fish caught by hook and line from the streams of Northern Illinois

    Christian Cato: A Middle English Translation of the Disticha Catonis

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    Ultrasonic Tracking of Migratory Fishes with an Internal Tag

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    First paragraph: A small ultrasonic tag, 9 mm by 40 mm in size, has been developed by members of the fish orientation group at the University of Wisconsin. The tag emits a continuous signal at approximately 65 kc/sec. The signal is received via a directional hydrophone and a high quality communications receiver. Tracking ranges of up to 1 km have been obtained. The placement of the tag is internal: either into the stomach or into the body cavity of the fish. The tags and tracking equipment have been successfully employed in studies on the open water movements and orientation of white bass during their spawning migration

    Ultrasonic Tracking of Migratory Fishes with an Internal Tag

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    First paragraph: A small ultrasonic tag, 9 mm by 40 mm in size, has been developed by members of the fish orientation group at the University of Wisconsin. The tag emits a continuous signal at approximately 65 kc/sec. The signal is received via a directional hydrophone and a high quality communications receiver. Tracking ranges of up to 1 km have been obtained. The placement of the tag is internal: either into the stomach or into the body cavity of the fish. The tags and tracking equipment have been successfully employed in studies on the open water movements and orientation of white bass during their spawning migration
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