3 research outputs found

    Interkulturna kompetencija u nastavi stranog jezika struke

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    The paper analyses the concept of intercultural competence and its presence within teaching foreign languages for specific purposes in Serbia. The aim of this study was to investigate the extent of the presence of intercultural competence within teaching foreign languages for specific purposes at non-philological faculties as well as the existence/nonexistence of awareness about this competence and attitudes towards the importance of intercultural competence. In addition to the theoretical analysis of the research problem, this paper presents the results of a survey conducted among lecturers of foreign languages for specific purposes at non-philological faculties of the University of Belgrade as well as the results of a survey carried out among students of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. The survey results indicate that there is a developed awareness and a positive attitude towards intercultural competence. The results show that the importance of intercultural competence is recognised by both lecturers and students. It can therefore be concluded that the development of intercultural competence should occupy an important place in the curriculum of foreign languages for specific purposes at non-philological faculties.Rad analizira koncept interkulturne kompetencije i njenu zastupljenost u nastavi stranog jezika struke u Srbiji. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita stepen zastupljenosti interkulturne kompetencije u nastavi stranog jezika struke na nefilološkim fakultetima, kao i da li i u kojoj meri postoji svest o interkulturnoj kompetenciji i stav prema važnosti iste. Pored teorijske analize problema istraživanja, rad sadrži i rezultate istraživanja sprovedenog među predavačima stranih jezika struke na nefilološkim fakultetima Univerziteta u Beogradu, kao i rezultate istraživanja sprovedenog među studentima Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na činjenicu da postoji prilično razvijena svest i pozitivan stav prema interkulturnoj kompetenciji. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je značaj interkulturalne kompetencije prepoznat kako kod predavača, tako i kod studenata. Stoga se može zaključiti da bi razvijanje interkulturne kompetencije trebalo da zauzima važno mesto u kurikulumu stranih jezika struke na nefilološkim fakultetima

    Film as audiovisual narrative in teaching Spanish as a foreign language in Serbia; Филям как аудиовизуальный нарратив в преподавании испанского языка как иностранного в Сербии

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    Primena filma kao audio-vizuelnog narativa u nastavi španskog kao stranog jezika sadrži brojne prednosti, koje se detaljno analiziraju u radu. Zahvaljujući filmu, učenje kulture i gramatike španskog kao stranog jezika postaje efikasnije i primerenije novim generacijama govornika. Predmet istraživanja predstavlja analiza mogućnosti i efikasnosti upotrebe filmskih scena na času španskog kao stranog jezika u obrazovnom sistemu Srbije. Cilj istraživanja je ispitivanje efikasnosti filma kao didaktičkog sredstva u poređenju sa manje ili više tradicionalnim metodama nastave. Sprovedeno je eksperimentalno istraživanje i istraživanje na terenu. Eksperiment je posebno osmišljen u svrhu istraživanja. U eksperimentu su učestvovale dve grupe: eksperimentalna, koja je pratila nastavu sa audio-vizuelnim narativom, i kontrolna, koja je bila lišena eksperimentalnog faktora. Zahvaljujući inicijalnom testiranju u vidu pre-testa, utvrđeno je početno znanje ispitanika, dok je finalnim merenjem, odnosno post-testom, utvrđeno znanje usvojeno nakon eksperimenta. Uzorak je činilo ukupno 46 studenata izbornog predmeta Savremeni španski jezik P-4 na Filološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu (izborni predmet za studente svih studijskih programa osim španskog jezika, četvrti semestar učenja izbornog jezika, očekivani nivo znanja po završetku kursa je B1). Eksperiment je trajao dva meseca u letnjem semestru 2013/2014. godine. Eksperimentalni faktor činile su pažljivo odabrane filmske scene u trajanju od nekoliko minuta, kao i detaljno pripremljenje propratne aktivnosti u vidu radnih listova koji prate svaku scenu, odnosno, predstavljaju kulturne i gramatičke sadržaje. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata urađenja je statistička analiza u SPSS programu (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), na osnovu koje se zaključuje da je eskperimentalna grupa usvojila više predstavljenog gradiva u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Na ovaj način, potvrđena je hipoteza o efikasnosti upotrebe filma kao audio-vizuelnog narativa u nastavi španskog kao stranog jezika...The use of film as audiovisual narrative in teaching Spanish as a foreign language in Serbia has many advantages, that are analyzed with detail in this dissertation. When film is used within the classroom, cultural and grammatical acquisition of Spanish as a foreign language becomes more efficient and suitable to the new generations. The research objective is to analyze the possibilities and the efficiency of the use of film scenes in Spanish as a foreign language classes in Serbian educational system. The aim of the research is investigate the efficiency of film as a didactic resource compared to more or less traditional method. The research also included fieldwork and an experiment application. The experiment was designed specifically for the purpose of this research. Two groups participated in the experiment: an experimental group, which attended the class with audiovisual narrative, and a control group, which was deprived of the experimental factor. Foreknowledge of examinees was determinated through the application of a pretest, while the acquired knowledge upon the completion of experimental teaching was measured by postest. The sample consisted of 46 students studying Contemporary Spanish language P-4 (an elective course for students who are majoring in languages other than Spanish; fourth semester, expected level of proficiency at the end of the course: B1) at the Faculty of Philology, University in Belgrade. The experiment lasted two months during the spring semester 2013/2014. The experimental factor consisted of carefully chosen film scenes each lasting few minutes, and of prepared accompanying activities in the form of worksheets, which accompanied every scene, which present cultural and grammatical contents. The obtained data was processed by statistical analysis in the SPSS program (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). The analysis of the obtained results, indicates that the experimental group acquired more of the presented information in comparison with the control group. In this way, the hypothesis about the efficiency of the application of film as audiovisual narrative in teaching Spanish as a foreign language is confirmed..

    Film as audiovisual narrative in teaching Spanish as a foreign language in Serbia; Филям как аудиовизуальный нарратив в преподавании испанского языка как иностранного в Сербии

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    Primena filma kao audio-vizuelnog narativa u nastavi španskog kao stranog jezika sadrži brojne prednosti, koje se detaljno analiziraju u radu. Zahvaljujući filmu, učenje kulture i gramatike španskog kao stranog jezika postaje efikasnije i primerenije novim generacijama govornika. Predmet istraživanja predstavlja analiza mogućnosti i efikasnosti upotrebe filmskih scena na času španskog kao stranog jezika u obrazovnom sistemu Srbije. Cilj istraživanja je ispitivanje efikasnosti filma kao didaktičkog sredstva u poređenju sa manje ili više tradicionalnim metodama nastave. Sprovedeno je eksperimentalno istraživanje i istraživanje na terenu. Eksperiment je posebno osmišljen u svrhu istraživanja. U eksperimentu su učestvovale dve grupe: eksperimentalna, koja je pratila nastavu sa audio-vizuelnim narativom, i kontrolna, koja je bila lišena eksperimentalnog faktora. Zahvaljujući inicijalnom testiranju u vidu pre-testa, utvrđeno je početno znanje ispitanika, dok je finalnim merenjem, odnosno post-testom, utvrđeno znanje usvojeno nakon eksperimenta. Uzorak je činilo ukupno 46 studenata izbornog predmeta Savremeni španski jezik P-4 na Filološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu (izborni predmet za studente svih studijskih programa osim španskog jezika, četvrti semestar učenja izbornog jezika, očekivani nivo znanja po završetku kursa je B1). Eksperiment je trajao dva meseca u letnjem semestru 2013/2014. godine. Eksperimentalni faktor činile su pažljivo odabrane filmske scene u trajanju od nekoliko minuta, kao i detaljno pripremljenje propratne aktivnosti u vidu radnih listova koji prate svaku scenu, odnosno, predstavljaju kulturne i gramatičke sadržaje. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata urađenja je statistička analiza u SPSS programu (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), na osnovu koje se zaključuje da je eskperimentalna grupa usvojila više predstavljenog gradiva u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Na ovaj način, potvrđena je hipoteza o efikasnosti upotrebe filma kao audio-vizuelnog narativa u nastavi španskog kao stranog jezika...The use of film as audiovisual narrative in teaching Spanish as a foreign language in Serbia has many advantages, that are analyzed with detail in this dissertation. When film is used within the classroom, cultural and grammatical acquisition of Spanish as a foreign language becomes more efficient and suitable to the new generations. The research objective is to analyze the possibilities and the efficiency of the use of film scenes in Spanish as a foreign language classes in Serbian educational system. The aim of the research is investigate the efficiency of film as a didactic resource compared to more or less traditional method. The research also included fieldwork and an experiment application. The experiment was designed specifically for the purpose of this research. Two groups participated in the experiment: an experimental group, which attended the class with audiovisual narrative, and a control group, which was deprived of the experimental factor. Foreknowledge of examinees was determinated through the application of a pretest, while the acquired knowledge upon the completion of experimental teaching was measured by postest. The sample consisted of 46 students studying Contemporary Spanish language P-4 (an elective course for students who are majoring in languages other than Spanish; fourth semester, expected level of proficiency at the end of the course: B1) at the Faculty of Philology, University in Belgrade. The experiment lasted two months during the spring semester 2013/2014. The experimental factor consisted of carefully chosen film scenes each lasting few minutes, and of prepared accompanying activities in the form of worksheets, which accompanied every scene, which present cultural and grammatical contents. The obtained data was processed by statistical analysis in the SPSS program (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). The analysis of the obtained results, indicates that the experimental group acquired more of the presented information in comparison with the control group. In this way, the hypothesis about the efficiency of the application of film as audiovisual narrative in teaching Spanish as a foreign language is confirmed..