495 research outputs found

    Elimination the impact of heat stress by supplementation of antioxidants into diet of duroc boars

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    The aim of this experiment was to find out, if is it possible to eliminate the impact of heat stress on quality of Duroc boar ejaculate by the addition of complex of antioxidants (Selenium, Zinc, Vit. C and Vit. E) into the basic diet. The experiment was carried out at the station of insemination in Velke Mezirici (Czech Republic) from May to September. For the study were chosen 12 Duroc boars, of approximately the same age and weight, and were divided into two groups. The control group (n = 6) was fed only by basic diet, the experimental group (n = 6) was fed by basic diet with the supplementation of antioxidants in amount: 0.5 mg selenium (seleno-methionine), 70 mg zinc (zinc-methionine), 70 mg vit. E (alpha-tocopherol) and 350 mg vit. C (L-ascorbic acid) per kilogram of basic diet. Monitored parameters of ejaculate was volume of ejaculate (ml), concentration of sperm (106/ml), total rate of sperm (109), motility of sperm (%) and amount of morphologically abnormal sperm (%). The control group reported slight increase in volume of ejaculate (of 19 %), which is common in summer months. At the same time was the concentration of sperm unstable, during August there was an increase of 15 %, but during September concentration decreased below the initial amount. Motility was around 69 % during whole experiment. There was an increase (of 15 %) in amount of morphologically abnormal sperm, but the result was insignificant. The experimental group had a higher volume of ejaculate, but the diagram of volume of ejaculate was almost the same with the control group. Concentration of sperm increased after the supplementation of antioxidants (of 23 %) and during the experiment decreased only slightly. Motility was about average amount 70 % and was not various during the experiment. In amount of morphologically abnormal sperm there was an increase about 12 %. According to the results, the supplementation of antioxidants had no significant effect on improving of semen quality. But the addition could have a positive effect to stable the parameters of ejaculate.O

    Handwritten Digit Recognition Using K-nearest Neighbor

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou rozpoznávání ručně psaných číslic. Rozebírá problémy při řešení rozpoznávání metodou K-nejbližších sousedů. Část práce popisuje postup při návrhu a implementaci této metody.This paper describes problems of handwritten digit recognition. Discuss about problems with solution of recognition by algorithm K-nearests neighbor. In second part there is described design and implementation of this method.

    Minimisation of Logical Functions

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    Pro minimalizaci logických funkcí se často využívají Booleova algebra a Karnaughovy mapy. Aplikace Karnaughových map je však založena na vizuálním rozpoznání sousedních buněk pro funkce s max. 6 proměnnými, a proto metoda není vhodná pro automatizované zpracování na počítačích. Přímá aplikace zákonů Booleovy algebry není omezena v tomto směru, ale neexistuje algoritmus, který by definoval posloupnost jejich použití, a tak rovněž není vhodná pro výpočet na počítači. Uvedené nevýhody odstraňuje metoda, kterou navrhli E. J. McCluskey a W. Orman Quine.For minimisation of logical functions, laws of the Boolean algebra and the Karnaugh maps are mostly used. However, use of Karnaugh's maps is based on visual recognition of adjacent cells for functions with no more than 6 variables and, therefore, the method is not suitable for automated processing on computers. A direct application of the Boolean algebra laws is not restricted in this way, but there is no general algorithm defining the sequence of their application and thus this approach is not suitable for computer implementation either. The well-known method usable on computers is the algorithm proposed by E. J. McCluskey and W. Orman Quine.

    Controll Electronics for Effective Supplying of Equipment with Li-Ion Accu by Solar Cells

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na problematiku získávání a uchování elektrické energie ze slunečního záření. Cílem této práce je vytvořit efektivní nabíjecí systém Lithium-Iontové baterie pomocí solárních článků. K tomuto účelu byly vybrány ke zkoumání čtyři různé dostupné solární panely, které byly naměřeny a vyhodnoceny. Z těchto panelů byl vybrán ten nejoptimálnější, k němuž bylo cílem vytvořit řídící elektroniku pro efektivní nabíjení Li-Ion akumulátoru, vyřešit všechny problémy spojené s tímto způsobem nabíjením tohoto typu akumulátorů a realizovat navržené schéma SMT technologií.This Bachelor`s thesis deals with questions surrounding the collection and harnessing of solar radiation for use as electrical energy. The aim of this project was to build an effective system for charging Li-Ion batteries by means of solar cells. To this end, four different solar panels currently available were chosen for measuring and evaluation. The most suitable of these was chosen and an electronic control system devised for effectively supplying the Li-Ion batteries. It was necessarily to make solution for problems consequent upont this method of charging this type of battery and make practise realizitaion of this electrical scheme by SMT technology.

    Modular CMS

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    Úkolem této bakalářské práce je vytvoření webového systému pro generování a správu webových portálů. Systém umožňuje snadnou instalaci, nastavení a správu obsahu webu a operuje nad modulárním prostředím, které umožňuje rozšiřitelnost prostřednictvím modulů. Součástí systému je vestavěný editor pro tvorbu šablon stránek.The goal of this bachelor's thesis is to develop a content management system for generating and managing web portals. System offers an easy installation, settings and administration of content and operates over a modular environment, which provides expandability via modules. System includes a built-in editor for creating page templates.

    Entrance zone objects of WANEMI, a.s. paper-mill in Zábřeh

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    Diplomová práce se řeší objekty vstupní zóny u připravované novostavby energeticko-papírenského závodu WANEMI a.s. v Zábřehu. Jde o objekt prezentačního pavilonu a administrativní budovu. Návrh se slučuje funkci kanceláří a parkovacího domu do jediného objektu tak, aby se zmenšil zábor zemědělské půdy. Garáže středem protíná velký otevřený světlík, v jehož středu jsou vysazeny stromy. Lidé se tak pohybují takřka v korunách stromů. Výstavní pavilon je situován na průsečíku pohledových os významných krajinných prvků a jejich prodloužení se promítá až do jeho interiéru, kde určují hlavní prostory. Návštěvník objektu prochází po stoupající trase vzhůru kolem jednotlivých výhledů, aby svou cestu zakončil v hlavním společenském sále v patře.The diploma thesis deals with the entrance zone objects nearby a to-be-built energetic-paper mill factory WANEMI, Inc. in Zábřeh. It consists of two objects: a presentation pavilion and an administrative building. My design combines a function of parking and administration into one single object to occupy less land. Garages are intersected by a big open skylight in the middle with some trees planted in - this way people are moving as if in the treetops. The exhibition pavilion is situated in the intersection of main view axes to landscape dominants. Their extension is projected even into the interior where they determine main spaces. Visitor of the building climbs the way up along the important views to finish his way upstairs in the main hall.

    Submicroscopic Structure of the Human Joint Cartilage and Synovial Membrane in Ochronosis

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    Depoliticization, instrumentalization and legitimacy of Czech development cooperation: A case of imposed altruism?

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    This paper draws on James Ferguson’s concept of ‘anti-politics machine’ and Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of illusio to explore the nature of the international development cooperation programmes financed by the Czech government. It argues that its character as an ‘anti-politics machine’ turns development into a highly technical issue and dismisses essential political questions of global equity and policy coherence from the public debate. Moreover, the actors in the field of development cooperation are held in an illusio: they are required to appear as altruistic, which obscures their particular interests. This instrumentalization of development aid contributes to further isolation of the Czech development constituency and raises fundamental questions for the democratic legitimacy of development cooperation

    Instability Growth Rate Dependence on Input Parameters During the Beam–Target Plasma Interaction

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    The two-stream instability without magnetic field is described by the well-known Buneman dispersion relation. For more complicated situations we need to use the Generalized Buneman Dispersion Relation derived by Kulhánek, Bren, and Bohata in 2011, which is a polynomial equation of 8th order. The maximal value of the imaginary part of the individual dispersion branches ?n(k) is very interesting from the physical point of view. It represents the instability growth rate which is responsible for the turbulence mode onset and subsequent reconnection on the ion radius scale accompanied by strong plasma thermalization. The paper presented here is focused on the instability growth rate dependence on various input parameters, such as magnitude of a magnetic field and sound velocity. The results are presented in well-arranged plots and can be used for a survey of the plasma parameters close to which the strong energy transfer and thermalization between the beam and the target occurs

    Submicroscopic Structure of Bovine Articular Cartilage in Prenatal and Early Postnatal Period

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