30 research outputs found

    The role of extracellular vesicles in transmission of dsRNA viruses in parasitic protist Trichomomas vaginalis.

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    Trichomonas vaginalis is a parasitic protist found in the human urogenital tract, where it adheres to the epithelial cells. During infection, T. vaginalis cells release extracellular vesicles that allow them to communicate with each other and modulate the host immune response. Most studied T. vaginalis strains contain dsRNA Trichomonasviruses (TVVs). These viruses belong to the Totiviridae family, which includes other dsRNA viruses from various parasitic protists. TVV is transmitted vertically to the daughter cells during cell division. Horizontal transfer of TVV between T. vaginalis cells has not yet been proven. TVV particles were found inside small extracellular vesicles that release infected T. vaginalis into the extracellular space. In this thesis, it was shown that TVV could be transmitted between trichomonads during co-cultivation of infected and uninfected trichomonads. However, stable TVV infection of trichomonads was not observed. It was also proven that extracellular vesicles from infected trichomonads could transmit TVV among other trichomonads. Nevertheless, this way of transmission did not lead to the stable TVV infection of trichomonads either.Trichomonas vaginalis je parazitický prvok, který se nachází v lidském urogenitálním traktu, kde adheruje k buňkám epitelu. Při infekci uvolňují buňky T. vaginalis extracelulární váčky, díky kterým mohou parazité komunikovat mezi sebou a modulovat imunitní odpověď hostitele. Většina studovaných kmenů T. vaginalis obsahuje dsRNA Trichomonasviry (TVV). Tento virus patří do rodiny Totiviridae, do které patří i další dsRNA viry parazitických protist. TVV se přenáší vertikálně do dceřiných buněk při buněčném dělení a zatím nebyl prokázán horizontální přenos TVV mezi buňkami T. vaginalis. Částice TVV byly objeveny uvnitř malých extracelulárních váčků, které uvolňují infikované buňky T. vaginalis do extracelulárního prostředí. V této diplomové práci bylo prokázáno, že při kokultivaci infikovaných a neinfikovaných trichomonád dochází k přenosu TVV mezi trichomonádami. Touto cestou se však nepodařilo stabilně infikovat trichomonády TVV. Bylo také prokázáno, že extracelulární váčky z infikovaných trichomonád jsou schopné transportovat TVV mezi trichomonádami. Nicméně ani touto cestou se nepodařilo trichomonády stabilně infikovat TVV.Department of ParasitologyKatedra parazitologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Religious aspects in ancient Tamil poetry

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    Tato práce je zaměřena na náboženské prvky, které se objevují v sangamové poezii, a jejich následné proměny v dalším období. Ilustruje, jak byla literatura a s ní i náboženství ovlivněno bráhmany a jakých změn se náboženství dočkalo po zesílení jejich vlivu. Práce je rozdělena do dvou hlavních oddílů, z nichž první tvoří literatura a náboženství klasického období a přechází se k druhému, který popisuje literaturu a náboženství v období postklasickém. Dělícím prvkem mezi oddíly je kapitola o procesu arjanizace. V poslední kapitole je lehce nastíněn přechod k dalšímu období - k období bhakti. Práce byla vypracována především na základě sekundárních pramenů, nicméně především v druhé části je důležitá práce s překladem eposu Silappadigáram.The study deals with religious elements of sangam poetry and its subsequent changes in the next period. It is devided into two parts - the first part focuses on the literature and religion of the classical period. The second part shows how the literature and religion were influenced by brahmins and what kind of changes it is possible to see after the intensification of their influence. Historical background of the transition between the two periods is described in the chapter about aryanization. In the last chapter the author briefly outlines the transition to the next period - the bhakti period. The thesis was worked out with special reference to secondary literature but especially in the second part there is very important conjunction with the translation of Silappadigaram.Institute of South and Central AsiaÚstav jižní a centrální AsieFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Exosomes in parasitic protists

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    Většina buněk uvolňuje do prostředí extracelulární váčky. Tyto váčky jsou exosomy, ektosomy a apoptotická tělíska. Hlavní funkcí ektosomů a exosomů je mezibuněčná komunikace a transport molekul mezi buňkami. Cílem této bakalářské práce je shrnutí dosavadních poznatků o exosomech a ektosomech a shrnutí toho, jak se tyto váčky podílejí na patogenitě parazitických prvoků. Parazitičtí prvoci vylučují exosomy a ektosomy, které parazitovi umožňují přežít v hostiteli. Tyto váčky parazita mohou ovlivnit imunitní systém hostitele a také usnadnit invazi intracelulárních prvoků do hostitelských buněk.Most cells release extracellular vesicles. These vesicles are exosomes, ectosomes and apoptotic bodies. The main function of ectosomes and exosomes is the intracellular communication and transport of molecules between cells. The goal of this bachelor thesis is to review the current knowledge about exosomes and ectosomes and how these vesicles contribute to the pathogenicity of parasitic protists. The parasitic protists release exosomes and ectosomes that contribute to their development in the host and play a key role in their pathogenicity. Exosomes and ectosomes can also affect the immune system of the host and facilitate the invasion of parasitic protists into the host cells.Department of ParasitologyKatedra parazitologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Body composition, fitness and life style of children at the younger school age at the Liberec region

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    Title: Body composition, fitness and life style of children at the younger school age at the Liberec region Objectives: The aim of this work is the evaluation of the body composition of pupils at the younger school age at the Liberec region, to check their fittness and to estimate the correlation between these factors, the amount of physical activity, the way of alimentation and the way of spending their leisure time. Methods: The body composition of the set of 41 children of the age 8 and 10 years (25 boys (i.e. 61%) and 16 girls ( i.e. 39%)) was tested by the measurement on the BODYSTAT apparatus. The fitness of this set was estimated by three motoric tests: the long jump (without run-up), the shuttle run 4x10m and the staying at the over-gripped pull-up. The amount of the physical activity, the way the nutrition and the spending of the leisure time was obtained by the written questionnaire with the help of the modified Dotazník 6. CAV 2001 pro děti a mládež. Results: In the considered set of children, the overweight or obesity was estimated in the case of 10 children (i.e. 24,4%) from BMI percentil graphs and in the case of 5 children (i.e. 12,2%) according to the body fat measured by the BODYSTAT apparatus. The number of obese or overweighted children considered for percentual evaluations in...Název: Tělesné složení, tělesná zdatnost a životní styl dětí mladšího školního věku v Libereckém kraji Cíle: Cílem práce je zhodnotit tělesné složení žáků mladšího školního věku v Libereckém kraji, ověřit jejich tělesnou zdatnost a zjistit vzájemné souvislosti mezi těmito faktory, množstvím pohybové aktivity, způsobem stravování a trávení volného času. Metody: Tělesné složení bylo zjišťováno metodou měření na přístroji BODYSTAT u vzorku 41 dětí ve věku 8 a 10 let (25 chlapců (tj. 61%) a 16 dívek (tj. 39%)). Tělesná zdatnost sledovaného souboru byla ověřena třemi motorickými testy: skokem dalekým z místa, člunkovým během 4x10 m a výdrží ve shybu nadhmatem. Množství pohybové aktivity, způsob stravování a trávení volného času bylo získáno písemným dotazováním pomocí modifikovaného Dotazníku 6. CAV 2001 pro děti a mládež. Výsledky: Ve zkoumaném souboru má podle percentilových grafů BMI nadváhu nebo obezitu 10 dětí (24,4%) a podle % tělesného tuku určených přístrojem BODYSTAT 5 dětí (12,2%). Počet dětí s nadváhou nebo obezitou uvažovaný v procentuálním vyhodnocování v této práci je 10 v souladu s BMI křivkou. Z dětí s nadváhou nebo obézních neobědvá ve škole teplé jídlo 1 dítě (10,0%). Všechny děti s nadváhou nebo obezitou snídají, svačí, večeří, jí pravidelně ovoce a zeleninu. 14 a více hodin týdně...Laboratoř sportovní motorikyFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    FireProt(DB): database of manually curated protein stability data

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    The majority of naturally occurring proteins have evolved to function under mild conditions inside the living organisms. One of the critical obstacles for the use of proteins in biotechnological applications is their insufficient stability at elevated temperatures or in the presence of salts. Since experimental screening for stabilizing mutations is typically laborious and expensive, in silico predictors are often used for narrowing down the mutational landscape. The recent advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence further facilitate the development of such computational tools. However, the accuracy of these predictors strongly depends on the quality and amount of data used for training and testing, which have often been reported as the current bottleneck of the approach. To address this problem, we present a novel database of experimental thermostability data for single-point mutants FireProt(DB). The database combines the published datasets, data extracted manually from the recent literature, and the data collected in our laboratory. Its user interface is designed to facilitate both types of the expected use: (i) the interactive explorations of individual entries on the level of a protein or mutation and (ii) the construction of highly customized and machine learning-friendly datasets using advanced searching and filtering. The database is freely available at https://loschmidt.chemi.muni.cz/fireprotdb

    Měkkýši Hostýnských vrchů

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    This study deals with the molluscan fauna of the Hostýnské vrchy Hills (Central Moravia, Czech Republic). The main goal was to make a systematic inventory of the molluscan fauna in this area. Snails were collected in September 2010 by hand picking and litter sampling at selected sites. Final database was pooled with earlier published and unpublished data. In total, 85 terrestrial and 20 freshwater mollusc species were recorded at 56 study sites across the area during 2000–2010. Terrestrial snails Monachoides incarnatus, Punctum pygmaeum, Vitrina pellucida, and freshwater molluscs Pisidium casertanum, and Radix labiata were the most frequently recorded species. The land snails Daudebardia brevipes, Eucobresia nivalis, Vitrea transsylvanica, and Chondrula tridens are notable species from the local viewpoint. The clausilid Vestia ranojevici moravica, an endemic subspecies that colonized some regions of Moravia during the Holocene climatic optimum, is an iconic mollusc species in the area, deserving high conservation priority

    The most common founder pathogenic variant c.868G > A (p.Val290Met) in the NPHS2 gene in a representative adult Czech cohort with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis is associated with a milder disease and its underdiagnosis in childhood

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    BackgroundGenetic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is caused by pathogenic variants in a broad spectrum of genes that have a variable representation based on subjects' ethnicity and/or age. The most frequently mutated autosomal recessive gene in FSGS is NPHS2. In this study, we analyzed the spectrum of NPHS2 variants and their associated phenotype in Czech adult FSGS patients.MethodsA representative cohort of 234 adult patients with FSGS, derived from 225 families originating from all regions of Czechia, was analyzed by massively parallel sequencing. In this study, we focused on the comprehensive analysis of the NPHS2 gene. The histological classification of FSGS followed the Columbia classification.ResultsWe detected seven (3%) cases bearing homozygous or compound heterozygous pathogenic NPHS2 variants. A single pathogenic variant c.868G > A (p.Val290Met) was found in the majority of NPHS2-positive cases (86%; 6 out of 7) in histologically confirmed instances of FSGS. Its allele frequency among unrelated NPHS2-associated FSGS patients was 50% (6/12), and Haplotype analysis predicted its origin to be a result of a founder effect. There is an identical V290M-related haplotype on all V290M alleles spanning a 0,7 Mb region flanking NPHS2 in Central European FSGS populations. The phenotype of the p.Val290Met NPHS2-associated FSGS demonstrated a later onset and a much milder course of the disease compared to other NPHS2 pathogenic variants associated with FSGS. The mean age of the FSGS diagnosis based on kidney biopsy evaluation was 31.2 ± 7.46 years. In 50% of all cases, the initial disease manifestation of proteinuria occurred only in adulthood, with 83% of these cases not presenting with edemas. One-third (33%) of the studied subjects progressed to ESRD (2 out of 6) at the mean age of 35.0 ± 2.82 years.ConclusionsWe identified the most prevalent pathogenic variant, p.Val290Met, in the NPHS2 gene among Czech adult FSGS patients, which has arisen due to a founder effect in Central Europe. The documented milder course of the disease associated with this variant leads to the underdiagnosis in childhood. We established the histopathological features of the NPHS2-associated adult FSGS cases based on the Columbia classification. This might improve patient stratification and optimize their treatment

    The use of interactive whiteboard in teaching Civics

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    This diploma thesis deals with the use of interactive whiteboards in the second grade primary Cicics lessons. The theoretical part focusees on the general approach to interactive whiteboard and their significance in the Framework Educational Programe; the importance, principle and features of interactive whiteboards. A key part of interaktiv whiteboards is also their technology and available programmes for teaching. Texttbooks are another Essentials part especially in these case so-called interactive textbooks. The practical part analyse the questionnaires which serve to evaluace the importance of interactive teaching, its advantages and disadvantages in teching Civics