3,928 research outputs found

    Interpretation of runaway electron synchrotron and bremsstrahlung images

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    The crescent spot shape observed in DIII-D runaway electron synchrotron radiation images is shown to result from the high degree of anisotropy in the emitted radiation, the finite spectral range of the camera and the distribution of runaways. The finite spectral camera range is found to be particularly important, as the radiation from the high-field side can be stronger by a factor 10610^6 than the radiation from the low-field side in DIII-D. By combining a kinetic model of the runaway dynamics with a synthetic synchrotron diagnostic we see that physical processes not described by the kinetic model (such as radial transport) are likely to be limiting the energy of the runaways. We show that a population of runaways with lower dominant energies and larger pitch-angles than those predicted by the kinetic model provide a better match to the synchrotron measurements. Using a new synthetic bremsstrahlung diagnostic we also simulate the view of the Gamma Ray Imager (GRI) diagnostic used at DIII-D to resolve the spatial distribution of runaway-generated bremsstrahlung.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Influence of peptidylarginine deiminase type 4 genotype and shared epitope on clinical characteristics and autoantibody profile of rheumatoid arthritis.

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    Background: Recent evidence suggests that distinction of subsets of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) depending on anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibody (anti-CCP) status may be helpful in distinguishing distinct aetiopathologies and in predicting the course of disease. HLA-DRB1 shared epitope (SE) and peptidylarginine deiminase type 4 (PADI4) genotype, both of which have been implicated in anti-CCP generation, are assumed to be associated with RA. Objectives: To elucidate whether PADI4 affects the clinical characteristics of RA, and whether it would modulate the effect of anti-CCPs on clinical course. The combined effect of SE and PADI4 on autoantibody profile was also analysed. Methods: 373 patients with RA were studied. SE, padi4_94C.T, rheumatoid factor, anti-CCPs and antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) were determined. Disease severity was characterised by cumulative therapy intensity classified into ordinal categories (CTI-1 to CTI-3) and by Steinbrocker score. Results: CTI was significantly associated with disease duration, erosive disease, disease activity score (DAS) 28 and anti-CCPs. The association of anti-CCPs with CTI was considerably influenced by padi4_94C.T genotype (C/C: ORadj=0.93, padj=0.92; C/T: ORadj=2.92, padj=0.093; T/T: ORadj=15.3, padj=0.002). Carriage of padi4_94T exhibited a significant trend towards higher Steinbrocker scores in univariate and multivariate analyses. An association of padi4_94C.T with ANAs was observed, with noteworthy differences depending on SE status (SE2: ORadj=6.20, padj,0.04; SE+: ORadj=0.36, padj=0.02) and significant heterogeneity between the two SE strata (p=0.006). Conclusions: PADI4 genotype in combination with anti- CCPs and SE modulates clinical and serological characteristics of RA

    Hamiltonian dynamics of extended objects

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    We consider a relativistic extended object described by a reparametrization invariant local action that depends on the extrinsic curvature of the worldvolume swept out by the object as it evolves. We provide a Hamiltonian formulation of the dynamics of such higher derivative models which is motivated by the ADM formulation of general relativity. The canonical momenta are identified by looking at boundary behavior under small deformations of the action; the relationship between the momentum conjugate to the embedding functions and the conserved momentum density is established. The canonical Hamiltonian is constructed explicitly; the constraints on the phase space, both primary and secondary, are identified and the role they play in the theory described. The multipliers implementing the primary constraints are identified in terms of the ADM lapse and shift variables and Hamilton's equations shown to be consistent with the Euler-Lagrange equations.Comment: 24 pages, late

    Central limit theorem for multiplicative class functions on the symmetric group

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    Hambly, Keevash, O'Connell and Stark have proven a central limit theorem for the characteristic polynomial of a permutation matrix with respect to the uniform measure on the symmetric group. We generalize this result in several ways. We prove here a central limit theorem for multiplicative class functions on symmetric group with respect to the Ewens measure and compute the covariance of the real and the imaginary part in the limit. We also estimate the rate of convergence with the Wasserstein distance.Comment: 23 pages; the mathematics is the same as in the previous version, but there are several improvments in the presentation, including a more intuitve name for the considered function

    The Phase Diagram of an Anisotropic Potts Model

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    A study is made of an anisotropic Potts model in three dimensions where the coupling depends on both the Potts state on each site but also the direction of the bond between them using both analytical and numerical methods. The phase diagram is mapped out for all values of the exchange interactions. Six distinct phases are identified. Monte Carlo simulations have been used to obtain the order parameter and the values for the energy and entropy in the ground state and also the transition temperatures. Excellent agreement is found between the simulated and analytic results. We find one region where there are two phase transitions with the lines meeting in a triple point. The orbital ordering that occurs in LaMnO3LaMnO_3 occurs as one of the ordered phases.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figures, one tabl

    Aluminum-, Calcium- And Titanium-Rich Oxide Stardust In Ordinary Chondrite Meteorites

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    We report isotopic data for a total of 96 presolar oxide grains found in residues of several unequilibrated ordinary chondrite meteorites. Identified grain types include Al2O3, MgAl2O4, hibonite (CaAl12O19) and Ti oxide. This work greatly increases the presolar hibonite database, and is the first report of presolar Ti oxide. O-isotopic compositions of the grains span previously observed ranges and indicate an origin in red giant and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars of low mass (<2.5 MSun) for most grains. Cool bottom processing in the parent AGB stars is required to explain isotopic compositions of many grains. Potassium-41 enrichments in hibonite grains are attributable to in situ decay of now-extinct 41Ca. Inferred initial 41Ca/40Ca ratios are in good agreement with model predictions for low-mass AGB star envelopes, provided that ionization suppresses 41Ca decay. Stable Mg and Ca isotopic ratios of most of the hibonite grains reflect primarily the initial compositions of the parent stars and are generally consistent with expectations for Galactic chemical evolution, but require some local interstellar chemical inhomogeneity. Very high 17O/16O or 25Mg/24Mg ratios suggest an origin for some grains in binary star systems where mass transfer from an evolved companion has altered the parent star compositions. A supernova origin for the hitherto enigmatic 18O-rich Group 4 grains is strongly supported by multi-element isotopic data for two grains. The Group 4 data are consistent with an origin in a single supernova in which variable amounts of material from the deep 16O-rich interior mixed with a unique end-member mixture of the outer layers. The Ti oxide grains primarily formed in low-mass AGB stars. They are smaller and rarer than presolar Al2O3, reflecting the lower abundance of Ti than Al in AGB envelopes.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 47 pages, 13 figure

    Comments on Black Holes in Matrix Theory

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    The recent suggestion that the entropy of Schwarzschild black holes can be computed in matrix theory using near-extremal D-brane thermodynamics is examined. It is found that the regime in which this approach is valid actually describes black strings stretched across the longitudinal direction, near the transition where black strings become unstable to the formation of black holes. It is argued that the appropriate dynamics on the other (black hole) side of the transition is that of the zero modes of the corresponding super Yang-Mills theory. A suggestive mean field theory argument is given for the entropy of black holes in all dimensions. Consequences of the analysis for matrix theory and the holographic principle are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, harvmac, minor errors correcte

    NLTE analysis of the methylidyne radical (CH) molecular lines in metal-poor stellar atmospheres

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    An analysis of the CH molecule in non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) is performed for the physical conditions of cool stellar atmospheres typical of red giants (log g = 2.0, Teff = 4500 K) and the Sun. The aim of the present work is to explore whether the G-band of the CH molecule, which is commonly used in abundance diagnostics of Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP) stars, is sensitive to NLTE effects. LTE and NLTE theoretical spectra are computed with the MULTI code. We use one-dimensional (1D) LTE hydrostatic MARCS model atmospheres with parameters representing eleven red giant stars with metallicities ranging from [Fe/H] = -4.0 to [Fe/H] = 0.0 and carbon-to-iron ratios [C/Fe] = 0.0, +0.7, +1.5, and +3.0. The CH molecule model is represented by 1981 energy levels, 18377 radiative bound-bound transitions, and 932 photo-dissociation reactions. The rates due to transitions caused by collisions with free electrons and hydrogen atoms are computed using classical recipes. Our calculations suggest that NLTE effects in the statistical equilibrium of the CH molecule are significant and cannot be neglected for precision spectroscopic analysis of C abundances. The NLTE effects in the G-band increase with decreasing metallicity. We show that the C abundances are always under-estimated if LTE is assumed. The NLTE corrections to C abundance inferred from the CH feature range from +0.04 dex for the Sun to +0.21 dex for a red giant with metallicity [Fe/H] = -4.0. Departures from the LTE assumption in the CH molecule are non-negligible and NLTE effects have to be taken into account in the diagnostic spectroscopy based on the CH lines. We show here that the NLTE effects in the optical CH lines are non-negligible for the Sun and red giant stars, but further calculations are warranted to investigate the effects in other regimes of stellar parameters.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Majorana Electroformed Copper Mechanical Analysis

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    The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR is a large array of ultra-low background high-purity germanium detectors, enriched in 76Ge, designed to search for zero-neutrino double-beta decay. The DEMONSTRATOR will utilize ultra high purity electroformed copper for a variety of detector components and shielding. A preliminary mechanical evaluation was performed on the Majorana prototype electroformed copper material. Several samples were removed from a variety of positions on the mandrel. Tensile testing, optical metallography, scanning electron microscopy, and hardness testing were conducted to evaluate mechanical response. Analyses carried out on the Majorana prototype copper to this point show consistent mechanical response from a variety of test locations. Evaluation shows the copper meets or exceeds the design specifications