4,013 research outputs found

    Problems on electrorheological fluid flows

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    We develop a model of an electrorheological fluid such that the fluid is considered as an anisotropic one with the viscosity depending on the second invariant of the rate of strain tensor, on the module of the vector of electric field strength, and on the angle between the vectors of velocity and electric field. We study general problems on the flow of such fluids at nonhomogeneous mixed boundary conditions, wherein values of velocities and surface forces are given on different parts of the boundary. We consider the cases where the viscosity function is continuous and singular, equal to infinity, when the second invariant of the rate of strain tensor is equal to zero. In the second case the problem is reduced to a variational inequality. By using the methods of a fixed point, monotonicity, and compactness, we prove existence results for the problems under consideration. Some efficient methods for numerical solution of the problems are examined.Comment: Presented to the journal "Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series

    A C0 interior penalty discontinuous galerkin method and an equilibrated a posteriori error estimator for a nonlinear fourth order elliptic boundary value problem of p-biharmonic type

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    We consider a C0^0 Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin (C0IPDG) approximation of a nonlinear fourth order elliptic boundary value problem of p-harmonic type and an equilibrated a posteriori error estimator. The C0IPDG method can be derived from a discretization of the corresponding minimization problem involving a suitably defined reconstruction operator. The equilibrated a posteriori error estimator provides an upper bound for the discretization error in the broken W2,pW^{2,p} norm in terms of the associated primal and dual energy functionals. It requires the construction of an equilibrated flux and an equilibrated moment tensor based on a three-field formulation of the C0IPDG approximation. The relationship with a residual-type a posteriori error estimated is studied as well. Numerical results illustrate the performance of the suggested approach

    Adaptive multilevel methods for obstacle problems

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    The authors consider the discretization of obstacle problems for second-order elliptic differential operators by piecewise linear finite elements. Assuming that the discrete problems are reduced to a sequence of linear problems by suitable active set strategies, the linear problems are solved iteratively by preconditioned conjugate gradient iterations. The proposed preconditioners are treated theoretically as abstract additive Schwarz methods and are implemented as truncated hierarchical basis preconditioners. To allow for local mesh refinement semilocal and local a posteriors error estimates are derived, providing lower and upper estimates for the discretization error. The theoretical results are illustrated by numerical computations

    Path-following primal-dual interior-point methods for shape optimization of stationary flow problems

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    We consider shape optimization of Stokes flow in channels where the objective is to design the lateral walls of the channel in such a way that a desired velocity profile is achieved. This amounts to the solution of a PDE constrained optimization problem with the state equation given by the Stokes system and the design variables being the control points of a Bézier curve representation of the lateral walls subject to bilateral constraints. Using a finite element discretization of the problem by Taylor-Hood elements, the shape optimization problem is solved numerically by a path-following primal-dual interior-point method applied to the parameter dependent nonlinear system representing the optimality conditions. The method is an all-at-once approach featuring an adaptive choice of the continuation parameter, inexact Newton solves by means of right-transforming iterations, and a monotonicity test for convergence monitoring. The performance of the adaptive continuation process is illustrated by several numerical examples

    Adaptive multilevel-methods for obstacle problems in three space dimensions

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    We consider the discretization of obstacle problems for second order elliptic differential operators in three space dimensions by piecewise linear finite elements. Linearizing the discrete problems by suitable active set strategies, the resulting linear sub-problems are solved iteratively by preconditioned cg-iterations. We propose a variant of the BPX preconditioner and prove an O(j) estimate for the resulting condition number To allow for local mesh refinement we derive semi-local and local a posteriori error estimates. The theoretical results are illustrated by numerical computations

    Verification of functional a posteriori error estimates for obstacle problem in 1D

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    We verify functional a posteriori error estimate for obstacle problem proposed by Repin. Simplification into 1D allows for the construction of a nonlinear benchmark for which an exact solution of the obstacle problem can be derived. Quality of a numerical approximation obtained by the finite element method is compared with the exact solution and the error of approximation is bounded from above by a majorant error estimate. The sharpness of the majorant error estimate is discussed.Web of Science49575473

    Deniz Bilgin batik-resim sergisi

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 114-Erol-Hüseyin-Deniz-Çetin-Cevdet Bilgin. Not: Sergi, 17 - 31 Ocak 1986 tarihleri arasında düzenlenmiştir