676 research outputs found

    The Shape, Multiplicity, and Evolution of Superclusters in LambdaCDM Cosmology

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    We determine the shape, multiplicity, size, and radial structure of superclusters in the LambdaCDM concordance cosmology from z = 0 to z = 2. Superclusters are defined as clusters of clusters in our large-scale cosmological simulation. We find that superclusters are triaxial in shape; many have flattened since early times to become nearly two-dimensional structures at present, with a small fraction of filamentary systems. The size and multiplicity functions are presented at different redshifts. Supercluster sizes extend to scales of ~ 100 - 200 Mpc/h. The supercluster multiplicity (richness) increases linearly with supercluster size. The density profile in superclusters is approximately isothermal (~ R^{-2}) and steepens on larger scales. These results can be used as a new test of the current cosmology when compared with upcoming observations of large-scale surveys.Comment: 33 pages, 15 figures, accepted to ApJ; minor content changes, some figures removed to shorten pape

    A Theoretical Interpretation of the Black Hole Fundamental Plane

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    We examine the origin and evolution of correlations between properties of supermassive black holes (BHs) and their host galaxies using simulations of major galaxy mergers, including the effects of gas dissipation, cooling, star formation, and BH accretion and feedback. We demonstrate that the simulations predict the existence of a BH 'fundamental plane' (BHFP), of the form M_BH sigma^(3.0+-0.3)*R_e^(0.43+-0.19) or M_BH M_bulge^(0.54+-0.17)*sigma^(2.2+-0.5), similar to relations found observationally. The simulations indicate that the BHFP can be understood roughly as a tilted intrinsic correlation between BH mass and spheroid binding energy, or the condition for feedback coupling to power a pressure-driven outflow. While changes in halo circular velocity, merger orbital parameters, progenitor disk redshifts and gas fractions, ISM gas pressurization, and other parameters can drive changes in e.g. sigma at fixed M_bulge, and therefore changes in the M_BH-sigma or M_BH-M_bulge relations, the BHFP is robust. Given the empirical trend of decreasing R_e for a given M_bulge at high redshift, the BHFP predicts that BHs will be more massive at fixed M_bulge, in good agreement with recent observations. This evolution in the structural properties of merger remnants, to smaller R_e and larger sigma (and therefore larger M_BH, conserving the BHFP) at a given M_bulge, is driven by the fact that bulge progenitors have characteristically larger gas fractions at high redshifts. Adopting the observed evolution of disk gas fractions with redshift, our simulations predict the observed trends in both R_e(M_bulge) and M_BH(M_bulge).Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, replaced with version accepted to ApJ. Companion paper to arXiv:0707.400

    Live Fast, Die Young: GMC lifetimes in the FIRE cosmological simulations of Milky Way-mass galaxies

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    We present the first measurement of the lifetimes of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in cosmological simulations at z = 0, using the Latte suite of FIRE-2 simulations of Milky Way (MW) mass galaxies. We track GMCs with total gas mass ≳10⁔ M⊙ at high spatial (∌1 pc), mass (7100 M⊙), and temporal (1 Myr) resolution. Our simulated GMCs are consistent with the distribution of masses for massive GMCs in the MW and nearby galaxies. We find GMC lifetimes of 5–7 Myr, or 1–2 freefall times, on average, with less than 2 per cent of clouds living longer than 20 Myr. We find decreasing GMC lifetimes with increasing virial parameter, and weakly increasing GMC lifetimes with galactocentric radius, implying that environment affects the evolutionary cycle of GMCs. However, our GMC lifetimes show no systematic dependence on GMC mass or amount of star formation. These results are broadly consistent with inferences from the literature and provide an initial investigation into ultimately understanding the physical processes that govern GMC lifetimes in a cosmological setting

    A Cosmological Framework for the Co-Evolution of Quasars, Supermassive Black Holes, and Elliptical Galaxies: II. Formation of Red Ellipticals

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    (Abridged) We develop and test a model for the cosmological role of mergers in the formation and quenching of red, early-type galaxies. Making the ansatz that star formation is quenched after a gas-rich, spheroid-forming major merger, we demonstrate that this naturally predicts the turnover in the efficiency of star formation at ~L_star, as well as the observed mass functions/density of red galaxies as a function of redshift, the formation times of spheroids as a function of mass, and the fraction of quenched galaxies as a function of galaxy and halo mass, environment, and redshift. Comparing to a variety of semi-analytic models in which quenching is primarily driven by halo mass considerations or secular/disk instabilities, we demonstrate that our model and different broad classes of models make unique and robust qualitative predictions for a number of observables, including the red fraction as a function of galaxy and halo mass, the density of passive galaxies and evolution of the color-morphology-density relations at high z, and the fraction of disky/boxy spheroids as a function of mass. In each case, the observations favor a model in which galaxies quench after a major merger builds a massive spheroid, and disfavor quenching via secular or pure halo processes. We discuss a variety of physical possibilities for this quenching, and propose a mixed scenario in which traditional quenching in hot, massive halos is supplemented by the feedback associated with star formation and quasar activity in a major merger, which temporarily suppress cooling and establish the conditions of a dynamically hot halo in the central regions of the host, even in low mass halos.Comment: 29 pages, 21 figures, submitted to ApJ. Replacement fixes comparison of models in Figures 6 &

    Cluster Alignments and Ellipticities in LCDM Cosmology

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    The ellipticities and alignments of clusters of galaxies, and their evolution with redshift, are examined in the context of a Lambda-dominated cold dark matter cosmology. We use a large-scale, high-resolution N-body simulation to model the matter distribution in a light cone containing ~10^6 clusters out to redshifts of z=3. Cluster ellipticities are determined as a function of mass, radius, and redshift, both in 3D and in projection. We find strong cluster ellipticities: the mean ellipticity increases with redshift from 0.3 at z=0 to 0.5 at z=3, for both 3D and 2D ellipticities; the evolution is well-fit by e=0.33+0.05z. The ellipticities increase with cluster mass and with cluster radius; the main cluster body is more elliptical than the cluster cores, but the increase of ellipticities with redshift is preserved. Using the fitted cluster ellipsoids, we determine the alignment of clusters as a function of their separation. We find strong alignment of clusters for separations <100 Mpc/h; the alignment increases with decreasing separation and with increasing redshift. The evolution of clusters from highly aligned and elongated systems at early times to lower alignment and elongation at present reflects the hierarchical and filamentary nature of structure formation. These measures of cluster ellipticity and alignment will provide a new test of the current cosmological model when compared with upcoming cluster surveys.Comment: 29 pages including 13 figures, to appear in ApJ Jan. 2005 (corrected typos, added reference

    Reproducing the CO-to-H₂ conversion factor in cosmological simulations of Milky-Way-mass galaxies

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    We present models of CO(1–0) emission from Milky-Way-mass galaxies at redshift zero in the FIRE-2 cosmological zoom-in simulations. We calculate the molecular abundances by post-processing the simulations with an equilibrium chemistry solver while accounting for the effects of local sources, and determine the emergent CO(1–0) emission using a line radiative transfer code. We find that the results depend strongly on the shielding length assumed, which, in our models, sets the attenuation of the incident UV radiation field. At the resolution of these simulations, commonly used choices for the shielding length, such as the Jeans length, result in CO abundances that are too high at a given H₂ abundance. We find that a model with a distribution of shielding lengths, which has a median shielding length of ∌3 pc in cold gas (T < 300 K) for both CO and H₂, is able to reproduce both the observed CO(1–0) luminosity and inferred CO-to-H₂ conversion factor at a given star formation rate compared with observations. We suggest that this short shielding length can be thought of as a subgrid model, which controls the amount of radiation that penetrates giant molecular clouds

    An Observational Determination of the Bolometric Quasar Luminosity Function

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    We combine a large set of quasar luminosity function (QLF) measurements from the rest-frame optical, soft and hard X-ray, and near- and mid-infrared bands to determine the bolometric QLF in the redshift interval z=0-6. Accounting for the observed distributions of quasar column densities and variation of spectral energy distribution (SED) shapes, and their dependence on luminosity, makes it possible to integrate the observations in a reliable manner and provides a baseline in redshift and luminosity larger than that of any individual survey. We infer the QLF break luminosity and faint-end slope out to z~4.5 and confirm at high significance (>10sigma) previous claims of a flattening in both the faint- and bright-end slopes with redshift. With the best-fit estimates of the column density distribution and quasar SED, which both depend on luminosity, a single bolometric QLF self-consistently reproduces the observed QLFs in all bands and at all redshifts for which we compile measurements. Ignoring this luminosity dependence does not yield a self-consistent bolometric QLF and there is no evidence for any additional dependence on redshift. We calculate the expected relic black hole mass function and mass density, cosmic X-ray background, and ionization rate as a function of redshift and find they are consistent with existing measurements. The peak in the total quasar luminosity density is well-constrained at z=2.15+/-0.05. We provide a number of fitting functions to the bolometric QLF and its manifestations in various bands, and a script to return the QLF at arbitrary frequency and redshift from these fits, as the most simple inferences from the QLF measured in a single band can be misleading.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to ApJ. A routine to return the QLF from the fits herein is available at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~phopkins/Site/qlf.htm

    The Evolution in the Faint-End Slope of the Quasar Luminosity Function

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    (Abridged) Based on numerical simulations of galaxy mergers that incorporate black hole (BH) growth, we predict the faint end slope of the quasar luminosity function (QLF) and its evolution with redshift. Our simulations have yielded a new model for quasar lifetimes where the lifetime depends on both the instantaneous and peak quasar luminosities. This motivates a new interpretation of the QLF in which the bright end consists of quasars radiating at nearly their peak luminosities, but the faint end is mostly made up of quasars in less luminous phases of evolution. The faint-end QLF slope is then determined by the faint-end slope of the quasar lifetime for quasars with peak luminosities near the observed break. We determine this slope from the quasar lifetime as a function of peak luminosity, based on a large set of simulations spanning a wide variety of host galaxy, merger, BH, and ISM gas properties. Brighter peak luminosity (higher BH mass) systems undergo more violent evolution, and expel and heat gas more rapidly in the final stages of quasar evolution, resulting in a flatter faint-end slope (as these objects fall below the observed break in the QLF more rapidly). Therefore, as the QLF break luminosity moves to higher luminosities with increasing redshift, implying a larger typical quasar peak luminosity, the faint-end QLF slope flattens. From the quasar lifetime as a function of peak luminosity and this interpretation of the QLF, we predict the faint-end QLF slope and its evolution with redshift in good agreement with observations. Although BHs grow anti-hierarchically (with lower-mass BHs formed primarily at lower redshifts), the observed change in slope and differential or luminosity dependent density evolution in the QLF is completely determined by the luminosity-dependent quasar lifetime and physics of quasar feedback.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ApJ (Replacement with minor revisions and changed sign convention
