15,455 research outputs found

    The star formation history of damped Lyman alpha absorbers

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    The local power law relationship between the surface densities of neutral hydrogen gas and star formation rate (SFR) can be used to explore the SFR properties of damped Lyman alpha (DLA) systems at higher redshift. We find that while the SFR densities for DLA systems are consistent with luminous star forming galaxies at redshifts below z~0.6, at higher redshifts their SFR density is too low for them to provide a significant contribution to the cosmic star formation history (SFH). This suggests that the majority of DLAs may be a distinct population from the Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) or submillimeter star-forming galaxies that together dominate the SFR density at high redshift. It is also possible that the DLAs do not trace the bulk of the neutral gas at high redshift. The metallicity properties of DLAs are consistent with this interpretation. The DLAs show a metal mass density lower by two orders of magnitude at all redshifts than that inferred from the SFH of the universe. These results are consistent with DLAs being dominated by low mass systems having low SFRs or a late onset of star formation, similar to the star formation histories of dwarf galaxies in the local universe.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A Strong-Lens Survey in AEGIS: the influence of large scale structure

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    We report on the results of a visual search for galaxy-scale strong gravitational lenses over 650 arcmin^2 of HST/ACS imaging in the DEEP2-EGS field. In addition to a previously-known Einstein Cross (the "Cross," HST J141735+52264, with z_lens=0.8106 and a published z_source=3.40), we identify two new strong galaxy-galaxy lenses with multiple extended arcs. The first, HST J141820+52361 (the ``Dewdrop''; z_lens=0.5798, lenses two distinct extended sources into two pairs of arcs z_source=0.while), 9818 the second, HST J141833+52435 (the ``Anchor''; z_lens=0.4625), produces a single pair of arcs (source redshift not yet known). All three definite lenses are fit well by simple singular isothermal ellipsoid models including external shear. Using the three-dimensional line-of-sight (LOS) information on galaxies from the DEEP2 data, we calculate the convergence and shear contributions, assuming singular isothermal sphere halos truncated at 200 h^-1 kpc. These are also compared against three-dimensional local-density estimates. We find that even strong lenses in demonstrably underdense local environments may be considerably affected by LOS contributions, which in turn, may be underestimates of the effect of large scale structure.Comment: ApJ Letters, submitted. Part of the AEGIS ApJL Special Issue. 4 Figures, 1 Table. For a version with full-resolution figures, please see http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~pjm/HAGGLeS/astroph/legs.pd

    Abelian BF theory and Turaev-Viro invariant

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    The U(1) BF Quantum Field Theory is revisited in the light of Deligne-Beilinson Cohomology. We show how the U(1) Chern-Simons partition function is related to the BF one and how the latter on its turn coincides with an abelian Turaev-Viro invariant. Significant differences compared to the non-abelian case are highlighted.Comment: 47 pages and 6 figure

    Inelastic Collapse of Three Particles

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    A system of three particles undergoing inelastic collisions in arbitrary spatial dimensions is studied with the aim of establishing the domain of ``inelastic collapse''---an infinite number of collisions which take place in a finite time. Analytic and simulation results show that for a sufficiently small restitution coefficient, 0r<7430.0720\leq r<7-4\sqrt{3}\approx 0.072, collapse can occur. In one dimension, such a collapse is stable against small perturbations within this entire range. In higher dimensions, the collapse can be stable against small variations of initial conditions, within a smaller rr range, 0r<9450.0560\leq r<9-4\sqrt{5}\approx 0.056.Comment: 6 pages, figures on request, accepted by PR

    A Cosmological Framework for the Co-Evolution of Quasars, Supermassive Black Holes, and Elliptical Galaxies: II. Formation of Red Ellipticals

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    (Abridged) We develop and test a model for the cosmological role of mergers in the formation and quenching of red, early-type galaxies. Making the ansatz that star formation is quenched after a gas-rich, spheroid-forming major merger, we demonstrate that this naturally predicts the turnover in the efficiency of star formation at ~L_star, as well as the observed mass functions/density of red galaxies as a function of redshift, the formation times of spheroids as a function of mass, and the fraction of quenched galaxies as a function of galaxy and halo mass, environment, and redshift. Comparing to a variety of semi-analytic models in which quenching is primarily driven by halo mass considerations or secular/disk instabilities, we demonstrate that our model and different broad classes of models make unique and robust qualitative predictions for a number of observables, including the red fraction as a function of galaxy and halo mass, the density of passive galaxies and evolution of the color-morphology-density relations at high z, and the fraction of disky/boxy spheroids as a function of mass. In each case, the observations favor a model in which galaxies quench after a major merger builds a massive spheroid, and disfavor quenching via secular or pure halo processes. We discuss a variety of physical possibilities for this quenching, and propose a mixed scenario in which traditional quenching in hot, massive halos is supplemented by the feedback associated with star formation and quasar activity in a major merger, which temporarily suppress cooling and establish the conditions of a dynamically hot halo in the central regions of the host, even in low mass halos.Comment: 29 pages, 21 figures, submitted to ApJ. Replacement fixes comparison of models in Figures 6 &

    Cluster Alignments and Ellipticities in LCDM Cosmology

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    The ellipticities and alignments of clusters of galaxies, and their evolution with redshift, are examined in the context of a Lambda-dominated cold dark matter cosmology. We use a large-scale, high-resolution N-body simulation to model the matter distribution in a light cone containing ~10^6 clusters out to redshifts of z=3. Cluster ellipticities are determined as a function of mass, radius, and redshift, both in 3D and in projection. We find strong cluster ellipticities: the mean ellipticity increases with redshift from 0.3 at z=0 to 0.5 at z=3, for both 3D and 2D ellipticities; the evolution is well-fit by e=0.33+0.05z. The ellipticities increase with cluster mass and with cluster radius; the main cluster body is more elliptical than the cluster cores, but the increase of ellipticities with redshift is preserved. Using the fitted cluster ellipsoids, we determine the alignment of clusters as a function of their separation. We find strong alignment of clusters for separations <100 Mpc/h; the alignment increases with decreasing separation and with increasing redshift. The evolution of clusters from highly aligned and elongated systems at early times to lower alignment and elongation at present reflects the hierarchical and filamentary nature of structure formation. These measures of cluster ellipticity and alignment will provide a new test of the current cosmological model when compared with upcoming cluster surveys.Comment: 29 pages including 13 figures, to appear in ApJ Jan. 2005 (corrected typos, added reference

    Dependence of copolymer sequencing based on lactone ring size and ε-substitution

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    The copolymerization of an ε-substituted ε-lactone, menthide (MI), and a range of nonsubstituted lactones (6-, 7-, 8-, and 9-membered rings) was investigated in order to determine the factors that affect the sequencing of the MI copolymers. Analysis by quantitative 13C NMR spectroscopy showed the copolymerization of MI with a nonsubstituted lactone of ring size 7 or less produced a randomly sequenced copolymer, as a consequence of the smaller lactone polymerizing first and undergoing rapid transesterification as MI was incorporated. Conversely, copolymerization with larger ring lactones (ring size 8 and above) produced block-like copolymers as a consequence of MI polymerizing initially, which does not undergo rapid transesterification side reactions during the incorporation of the second monomer. Terpolymerizations of a small ring lactone, macrolactone, and menthide demonstrated methods of producing lactone terpolymers with different final sequences, depending on when the small ring lactone was injected into the reaction mixture

    The origin of ultra diffuse galaxies: stellar feedback and quenching

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    We test if the cosmological zoom-in simulations of isolated galaxies from the FIRE project reproduce the properties of ultra diffuse galaxies. We show that stellar feedback-generated outflows that dynamically heat galactic stars, together with a passively aging stellar population after imposed quenching (from e.g. infall into a galaxy cluster), naturally reproduce the observed population of red UDGs, without the need for high spin halos or dynamical influence from their host cluster. We reproduce the range of surface brightness, radius and absolute magnitude of the observed z=0 red UDGs by quenching simulated galaxies at a range of different times. They represent a mostly uniform population of dark matter-dominated galaxies with M_star ~1e8 Msun, low metallicity and a broad range of ages. The most massive simulated UDGs require earliest quenching and are therefore the oldest. Our simulations provide a good match to the central enclosed masses and the velocity dispersions of the observed UDGs (20-50 km/s). The enclosed masses of the simulated UDGs remain largely fixed across a broad range of quenching times because the central regions of their dark matter halos complete their growth early. A typical UDG forms in a dwarf halo mass range of Mh~4e10-1e11 Msun. The most massive red UDG in our sample requires quenching at z~3 when its halo reached Mh ~ 1e11 Msun. If it, instead, continues growing in the field, by z=0 its halo mass reaches > 5e11 Msun, comparable to the halo of an L* galaxy. If our simulated dwarfs are not quenched, they evolve into bluer low-surface brightness galaxies with mass-to-light ratios similar to observed field dwarfs. While our simulation sample covers a limited range of formation histories and halo masses, we predict that UDG is a common, and perhaps even dominant, galaxy type around Ms~1e8 Msun, both in the field and in clusters.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures; match the MNRAS accepted versio

    Native vegetation in Western Australia : extent, type and status

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    This report describes a new vegetation extent and type dataset for Western Australia prepared through the National Land and Water Resources Audit. Summary tables and maps prepared from these data are presented describing vegetation in relation to natural resource boundaries commonly used for environmental reporting. This present vegetation extent dataset builds on previous vegetation mapping exercises in Western Australia

    The Phoenix Deep Survey: The 1.4 GHz microJansky catalogue

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    The initial Phoenix Deep Survey (PDS) observations with the Australia Telescope Compact Array have been supplemented by additional 1.4 GHz observations over the past few years. Here we present details of the construction of a new mosaic image covering an area of 4.56 square degrees, an investigation of the reliability of the source measurements, and the 1.4 GHz source counts for the compiled radio catalogue. The mosaic achieves a 1-sigma rms noise of 12 microJy at its most sensitive, and a homogeneous radio-selected catalogue of over 2000 sources reaching flux densities as faint as 60 microJy has been compiled. The source parameter measurements are found to be consistent with the expected uncertainties from the image noise levels and the Gaussian source fitting procedure. A radio-selected sample avoids the complications of obscuration associated with optically-selected samples, and by utilising complementary PDS observations including multicolour optical, near-infrared and spectroscopic data, this radio catalogue will be used in a detailed investigation of the evolution in star-formation spanning the redshift range 0 < z < 1. The homogeneity of the catalogue ensures a consistent picture of galaxy evolution can be developed over the full cosmologically significant redshift range of interest. The 1.4 GHz mosaic image and the source catalogue are available on the web at http://www.atnf.csiro.au/~ahopkins/phoenix/ or from the authors by request.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication by A