952 research outputs found

    Aerospace Section

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    Related but not replaceable: a response to Warner’s reworking of person-centered personality theory

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    Whether conditions of worth theory can explain complex forms of human psychological distress, such as those emanating from early experiences of abuse, neglect and trauma, alongside experiences of physiological events later in life is open to debate. It has been suggested that Rogers’s personality theory should be reconsidered and replaced with an actualization-centered formulation that places greater emphasis on the enhancement of self-process and agency through relationship, rather than on a theory of defense. This paper aims to examine these proposals and consider their relative contribution to developing the theory of personality. We suggest that the actualization-centered process theory aids Rogers’s theory of personality but is not an adequate replacement. We also consider the issues associated with maintaining theoretical and practical symmetry and the practice implications of replacing conditions of worth

    Perception, Prestige and PageRank

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    Academic esteem is difficult to quantify in objective terms. Network theory offers the opportunity to use a mathematical formalism to model both the esteem associated with an academic and the relationships between academic colleagues. Early attempts using this line of reasoning have focused on intellectual genealogy as constituted by supervisor student networks. The process of examination is critical in many areas of study but has not played a part in existing models. A network theoretical "social" model is proposed as a tool to explore and understand the dynamics of esteem in the academic hierarchy. It is observed that such a model naturally gives rise to the idea that the esteem associated with a node in the graph (the esteem of an individual academic) can be viewed as a dynamic quantity that evolves with time based on both local and non-local changes in the properties in the network. The toy model studied here includes both supervisor-student and examiner-student relationships. This gives an insight into some of the key features of academic genealogies and naturally leads to a proposed model for "esteem propagation" on academic networks. This propagation is not solely directed forward in time (from teacher to progeny) but sometimes also flows in the other direction. As collaborators do well, this reflects well on those with whom they choose to collaborate and those that taught them. Furthermore, esteem as a quantity continues to be dynamic even after the end of a relationship or career. In other words, esteem can be thought of as flowing both forward and backward in time.Comment: 40 page


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    We present a new solution to the electroweak hierarchy problem. We introduce NN copies of the Standard Model with varying values of the Higgs mass parameter. This generically yields a sector whose weak scale is parametrically removed from the cutoff by a factor of 1/N1/\sqrt{N}. Ensuring that reheating deposits a majority of the total energy density into this lightest sector requires a modification of the standard cosmological history, providing a powerful probe of the mechanism. Current and near-future experiments will explore much of the natural parameter space. Furthermore, supersymmetric completions which preserve grand unification predict superpartners with mass below mW×Mpl/MGUT∼10m_W \times M_{\text{pl}} / M_{\text{GUT}} \sim 10 TeV.Comment: v2: journal version published in PRL as Solving the Hierarchy Problem at Reheating with a Large Number of Degrees of Freedom (14 pages, 5 figures

    A Direct Upper Limit on the Density of Cosmological Dust from the Absence of an X-ray Scattering Halo around the z=4.3 QSO 1508+5714

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    We report on the results of a search for an intergalactic X-ray dust scattering halo in a deep observation of the bright, high-redshift quasar QSO 1508+5714 with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We do not detect such a halo. Our result implies an upper limit on the density of diffuse, large-grained intergalactic dust of Omega_ dust < 2 x 10^-6, assuming a characteristic grain size of 1micron. The result demonstrates the sensitivity of this technique for detecting very small amounts of intergalactic dust which are very hard to detect otherwise. This will allow us to put important constraints on systematic effects induced by extinction on the interpretation of the SN Ia Hubble Diagram, as well as on the amount and properties of cosmological dust being expelled into the intergalactic medium at early z~2 times.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. to appear in ApJ, vol. 651, Nov. 200

    El «Libro de la destruición de Jerusalén» y la historia del vascuense

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    Un nobiliario del siglo XVI utiliza como fuente histórica fidedigna la leyenda medieval de la destrucción de Jerusalén por Vespasiano y Tito, para refutar una aseveración sobre los orígenes del vascuence.Un nobiliari del segle XVI utilitza com a font històrica fidedigna la llegenda medieval de la destrucció de Jerusalem per Vespasià i Titus, per a refutar una asseveració sobre els orígens del basc.A Spanishs XVIth treatise on aristocracy uses the medieval legend of the destruction of Jerusalem by Vespasian and Titus as a reliable historical source to refute a theory on the origins of Basque

    «Fons curarum; fluvius lachrymarum»: Three Variations Upon A Petrachan Theme (Christine de Pisan, Fernando de Rojas and Fray Luis de Granada)

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    «Andar a caça de perdizes con bueyes»

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    The Value of Information Technology-Enabled Diabetes Management

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    Reviews different technologies used in diabetes disease management, as well as the costs, benefits, and quality implications of technology-enabled diabetes management programs in the United States
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