70 research outputs found

    Glacial-interglacial changes in bottom-water oxygen content on the Portuguese margin

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    During the last and penultimate glacial maxima, atmospheric CO2 concentrations were lower than present, possibly in part because of increased storage of respired carbon in the deep oceans. The amount of respired carbon present in a water mass can be calculated from its oxygen content through apparent oxygen utilization; the oxygen content can in turn be calculated from the carbon isotope gradient within the sediment column. Here we analyse the shells of benthic foraminifera occurring at the sediment surface and the oxic/anoxic interface on the Portuguese Margin to reconstruct the carbon isotope gradient and hence bottom-water oxygenation over the past 150,000 years. We find that bottom-water oxygen concentrations were 45 and 65 μmol kg−1 lower than present during the last and penultimate glacial maxima, respectively. We calculate that concentrations of remineralized organic carbon were at least twice as high as today during the glacial maxima. We attribute these changes to decreased ventilation linked to a reorganization of ocean circulation and a strengthened global biological pump. If the respired carbon pool was of a similar size throughout the entire glacial deep Atlantic basin, then this sink could account for 15 and 20 per cent of the glacial PCO2 drawdown during the last and penultimate glacial maxima

    Planktic foraminifera iodine/calcium ratios from plankton tows

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    Planktic foraminifera test iodine to calcium ratios represent an emerging proxy method to assess subsurface seawater oxygenation states. Several core-top studies show lower planktic foraminifera I/Ca ratios in locations with oxygen depleted subsurface waters compared to well oxygenated environments. The reasoning behind this trend is that only the oxidized species of iodine, iodate, is incorporated in foraminiferal calcite. The I/Ca of foraminiferal calcite is thought to reflect iodate contents in seawater. To test this hypothesis, we compare planktic foraminifera I/Ca ratios, obtained from plankton tows, with published and new seawater iodate concentrations from 1) the Eastern North Pacific with extensive oxygen depletion, 2) the Benguela Current System with moderately depleted oxygen concentrations, and 3) the well oxygenated North and South Atlantic. We find the lowest I/Ca ratios (0.07 µmol/mol) in planktic foraminifera retrieved from the Eastern North Pacific, and higher values for samples (up to 0.72 µmol/mol) obtained from the Benguela Current System and North and South Atlantic. The I/Ca ratios of plankton tow foraminifera from environments with well oxygenated subsurface waters, however, are an order of magnitude lower compared to core-tops from similarly well-oxygenated regions. This would suggest that planktic foraminifera gain iodine post-mortem, either when sinking through the water column, or during burial

    Ocean carbon cycling during the past 130 000 years – a pilot study on inverse palaeoclimate record modelling

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    What role did changes in marine carbon cycle processes and calcareous organisms play in glacial-interglacial variation in atmospheric pCO2? In order to answer this question, we explore results from an ocean biogeochemical general circulation model. We attempt to systematically reconcile model results with time dependent sediment core data from the observations. For this purpose, we fit simulated sensitivities of oceanic tracer concentrations to changes in governing carbon cycle parameters to measured sediment core data. We assume that the time variation of the governing carbon cycle parameters follows the general pattern of the glacial-interglacial deuterium anomaly. Our analysis provides an independent estimate of a maximum mean sea surface temperature drawdown of about 5â—¦C and a maximum outgassing of the land biosphere by about 430 PgC at the last glacial maximum as compared to preindustrial times. The overall fit of modelled paleoclimate tracers to observations, however, remains quite weak, indicating the potential of more detailed modelling studies to fully exploit the information stored in the paleo-climatic archive. This study confirms the hypothesis that a decline in ocean temperature and a more efficient biological carbon pump in combination with changes in ocean circulation are the key factors for explaining the glacial CO2 drawdown. The analysis suggests that potential changes in the export rain ratio POC:CaCO3 may not have a substantial imprint on the paleo-climatic archive. The use of the last glacial as an inverted analogue to potential ocean acidification impacts thus may be quite limited. A strong decrease in CaCO3 export production could potentially contribute to the glacial CO2 decline in the atmosphere, but remains hypothetical

    Sedimentology and Cd/Ca ratios of benthic foraminifera from ODP Site 172-1060 in the western Nort Atlantic

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    The Western Boundary Undercurrent (WBUC), off eastern America, is an important component of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation and is the principal route for southward transport of North Atlantic waters and southward return of Southern Source Water (SSW). Here a direct flow speed proxy (mean grain size of the sortable silt) is used to infer the vigour of flow of the palaeo-WBUC at Blake Outer Ridge, (ODP Site 1060, depth 3481 m) during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. The overall shape of the flow speed proxy record shows a complex pattern of variability, with generally more vigorous flow and larger-scale flow variations between 35 and 60 ka than in the younger part of MIS 3 and MIS 2 (b35 ka). Six events of reduced bottom flow vigour (Slow Events, SEs) occur. These appear uncorrelated with Heinrich events, but are instead synchronous with the warming phases of Antarctic Warm Events A-1 to A-4 (with one new one, A-1a and one poorly defined, 'A-0'). This indicates that Antarctic climate exerts a stronger control on deep flow vigour in the North Atlantic during MIS 3 than Northern Hemisphere climate. The correspondence of SEs with Antarctic warming suggests a weaker WBUC flow due to reduced volume flux at SSW source or reduced SSW density. Because the variability of the lower limb of the WBUC was not connected to sharp North Atlantic changes in temperature, it is unlikely that the Dansgaard/Oeschger cycles were associated with a mode of MOC variation involving wholeocean overturn, but more likely with perturbations of only the shallow Glacial Gulf Stream-Glacial Northern Source Intermediate Water cell. Nutrient proxies (benthic carbon isotopes and Cd/Ca of Uvigerina peregrina) at this site show similar trends to the GRIP delta18O record. This correlation has previously been attributed mainly to hydrographic and flow changes but is here shown to be better explained by variations in surface ocean productivity and subsequent decomposition of 12C rich organic material on the sea floor

    Glacial-interglacial changes in bottom-water oxygen content on the Portuguese margin

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    During the last and penultimate glacial maxima, atmospheric CO2 concentrations were lower than present, possibly in part because of increased storage of respired carbon in the deep oceans. The amount of respired carbon present in a water mass can be calculated from its oxygen content through apparent oxygen utilization; the oxygen content can in turn be calculated from the carbon isotope gradient within the sediment column. Here we analyse the shells of benthic foraminifera occurring at the sediment surface and the oxic/anoxic interface on the Portuguese Margin to reconstruct the carbon isotope gradient and hence bottom-water oxygenation over the past 150,000 years. We find that bottom-water oxygen concentrations were 45 and 65 μmol kg−1 lower than present during the last and penultimate glacial maxima, respectively. We calculate that concentrations of remineralized organic carbon were at least twice as high as today during the glacial maxima. We attribute these changes to decreased ventilation linked to a reorganization of ocean circulation and a strengthened global biological pump. If the respired carbon pool was of a similar size throughout the entire glacial deep Atlantic basin, then this sink could account for 15 and 20 per cent of the glacial PCO2 drawdown during the last and penultimate glacial maxima

    Geochemistry of Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide samples of ODP Hole 172-1060A

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    The strength of the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during climatically highly variable Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 has attracted much attention in recent years. Here we present high-resolution Nd isotope compositions of past seawater derived from authigenic Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides recovered from drift sediments on the Blake Ridge in the deep western North Atlantic (ODP Leg 172, Site 1060, 3481 m water depth). The data cover the period from 45 to 35 ka BP, tracing circulation changes during major Heinrich iceberg discharge event 4 (H4, ~40-39 ka BP). The Nd isotope record suggests that there was no northern-source water (NSW) mass like modern NADW at the deeper part of Blake Ridge at any time between 45 and 35 ka. This is fundamentally different from the hydrographic situation during the Holocene where NADW extends below 4500 m at this location. The epsilon-Nd of past deep water recorded in the Blake Ridge sediments was least radiogenic during Dansgaard/Oeschger (D/O) Interstadial (IS) 8 (epsilon-Nd = -11.3) and most radiogenic immediately preceding IS 9 (epsilon-Nd = -9.8). More radiogenic compositions were also recorded during H4 (-10.2 <= epsilon-Nd <= -9.9). The Nd isotope variability in MIS 3 matches that of a physical bottom current strength reconstruction from the same location. Neither record follows the pattern of Northern Hemisphere D/O climatic cycles. In our record, reduced mixing with northern source waters started in stadial 12 and lasted until after H4 in stadial 9, followed by a rapid increase in NSW contribution thereafter. This major change in the Nd isotope record predates the iceberg discharge event Heinrich 4 by more than 3 ka indicating a shallowing of the water mass boundary between Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water and Southern Source Water beneath. This early change in bottom water properties at the deep Blake Ridge suggests that North Atlantic deep water advection may already have decreased several thousand years before the actual iceberg discharge event and associated freshening of the surface waters in the North Atlantic. The change can thus not be attributed to climatic events in the North Atlantic but may be related to changes in flux of deep water from the South
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