507 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh kemampuan diri, kesiapan kampus, dan awareness mahasiswa pada minat berkarir mahasiswa di bidang data science. Populasi penelitian ini merupakan seluruh mahasiswa Akuntansi Unika Soegijapranata yang masih aktif mengikuti perkuliahan per semester Ganjil tahun akademik 2021/2022. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dengan total sampel yang diperoleh berjumlah 272 responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui media online yakni Google Form. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan diri berpengaruh pada minat berkarir mahasiswa, kesiapan kampus tidak berpengaruh pada minat berkarir mahasiswa, dan awareness mahasiswa berpengaruh pada minat berkarir mahasiswa

    Optimal Biomethane Injection into Natural Gas Grid – Biogas from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) in Malaysia

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    The Malaysian government aims to facilitate the renewable energy (RE) sector by introducing the National Renewable Energy Policy and Action Plan during 2010. 4,000 MW of installed RE capacity is targeted by 2030, with 410 MW biogas capacity. Palm oil mill effluent (POME), agro-based industries and farming industries are identified as potential sources of biogas. It was studied that more than 500 kt of biomethane could be produced yearly if all the POME is treated anaerobically. The utilization of biomethane has remained unexplored for its injection into natural gas grid. This papers aims to identify the potential of POME biomethane injection into natural gas grid by using the BeWhere model, a techno-economic spatial explicit model. The locations, capacity and technology of biogas refinery plants will be identified based on cost minimization of the full supply chain of biogas production. The result shows that 135 - 227 biogas plants were selected, supplying 40% - 67% residential fossil gas demand, under different carbon price implementation and fossil gas subsidy scenarios

    The Effects of Air and Underwater Blast on Composite Sandwich Panels and Tubular Laminate Structures

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    The resistance of glass-fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) sandwich panels and laminate tubes to blast in air and underwater environments has been studied. Procedures for monitoring the structural response of such materials during blast events have been devised. High-speed photography was employed during the air-blast loading of GFRP sandwich panels, in conjunction with digital image correlation (DIC), to monitor the deformation of these structures under shock loading. Failure mechanisms have been revealed by using DIC and confirmed in post-test sectioning. Strain gauges were used to monitor the structural response of similar sandwich materials and GFRP tubular laminates during underwater shocks. The effect of the backing medium (air or water) of the target facing the shock has been identified during these studies. Mechanisms of failure have been established such as core crushing, skin/core cracking, delamination and fibre breakage. Strain gauge data supported the mechanisms for such damage. These studies were part of a research programme sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) investigating blast loading of composite naval structures. The full-scale experimental results presented here will aid and assist in the development of analytical and computational models. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of support and boundary conditions with regards to blast resistant design

    The Comparison of Various Foam Polymer Types in Composite Sandwich Panels Subjected to Full Scale Air Blast Loading

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    Full scale air blast testing has been performed on a range of polymeric foam composite panels. These panels employed glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) face-sheets with different polymer foam cores, namely: Styrene acrylonitrile (SAN); Polyvinylchloride (PVC) and Polymethacrylimide (PMI). The three sandwich panels were all subjected to 100 kg TNT equivalent blast loading at a stand-off distance of 15 m, and the responses of the panels were measured using Digital Image Correlation (DIC). The extent of damage in the sandwich panels was then inspected via post-blast sectioning, and it was found that the SAN core suffered the least damage, and the PMI suffered the most. The DIC showed that the deflection of the SAN core sandwich panel was much less than the other two foam polymer cores, due to less damage meaning a greater stiffness was retained. All blast research to date is part of a programme sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR)

    Rubber Impact on 3D Textile Composites

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    A low velocity impact study of aircraft tire rubber on 3D textile-reinforced composite plates was performed experimentally and numerically. In contrast to regular unidirectional composite laminates, no delaminations occur in such a 3D textile composite. Yarn decohesions, matrix cracks and yarn ruptures have been identified as the major damage mechanisms under impact load. An increase in the number of 3D warp yarns is proposed to improve the impact damage resistance. The characteristic of a rubber impact is the high amount of elastic energy stored in the impactor during impact, which was more than 90% of the initial kinetic energy. This large geometrical deformation of the rubber during impact leads to a less localised loading of the target structure and poses great challenges for the numerical modelling. A hyperelastic Mooney-Rivlin constitutive law was used in Abaqus/Explicit based on a step-by-step validation with static rubber compression tests and low velocity impact tests on aluminium plates. Simulation models of the textile weave were developed on the meso- and macro-scale. The final correlation between impact simulation results on 3D textile-reinforced composite plates and impact test data was promising, highlighting the potential of such numerical simulation tools

    Evidence for syntectonic crystallization for the mudstone to slate transition at Lehigh gap, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

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    Data primarily for phyllosilicates have been obtained for the continuous transitional sequence from mudstone to slate with well-developed slaty cleavage at Lehigh Gap, Pennsylvania, and for slates from quarries in the same area. Samples were studied by optical microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analysis, with emphasis on transmission and analytical electron microscopy. Mineral grains are virtually free of deformation-induced strain. Concomitant with the gradual development of cleavage normal to bedding the following changes are observed or confirmed: (1) the orientation of phyllosilicate grains changes discontinuously from being preferentially parallel to bedding to being parallel to cleavage; (2) crystal imperfections as expressed in layer terminations, low angle grain boundary-like features and other defects decrease in density; (3) complex mixed layering is replaced by homogeneous packets of layers of single phases and (4) illite transforms to muscovite, with increase in K + Al and change from a 1Md to 2M polytype. Slaty cleavage apparently develops due in part to pressure solution of phyllosilicates oriented parallel to bedding, mass transport of components, and crystallization to form new grains parallel to cleavage. It reflects transitions from imperfect, metastable phases toward ordered stable phases in a low temperature (~225[deg]C) metamorphic environment.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/26438/1/0000526.pd

    New reference ranges for interpreting forced expiratory manoeuvres in infants and implications for clinical interpretation: a multicentre collaboration

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    The raised volume rapid thoracoabdominal compression (RVRTC) technique is commonly used to obtain full forced expiratory manoeuvres from infants, but reference equations derived from 'in-house' equipment have been shown to be inappropriate for current commercially available devices

    A Study on Consumer Behaviour: Transition from Traditional Shopping to Online Shopping During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study aims to investigate Malaysian and Indian consumers’ preferred ways of shopping, the reasons behind their choices, and problems of transactions they faced during the pandemic. Data were primarily collected through a survey distributed to 200 respondents. The study concluded that it is unlikely for online shopping to replace traditional shopping as many consumers remain value physical examination of the products prior to purchase. However, many have opted for online shopping for its various advantages. Regardless of which method of shopping, respondents face similar problems in their transactions. The findings of this study may serve as a guideline for businesses to integrate into online shopping platforms for potential future development

    Design and optimization of index-guiding photonic crystal fiber gas sensor

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    Globalization is becoming an important issue for most businesses in the world. Since globalization changes business trends and shortens product life cycles, it requires companies to be more innovative in developing new ideas, products and processes. Clustering is one of ways to promote innovation by facilitating sharing information and ideas between firms, attracting buyers and suppliers, and providing opportunities for joint training. Many researches in developed countries found that the proximity between companies facilitated collaboration and provided a more conducive environment for R&D and knowledge sharing which can develop culture of entrepreneurship and innovation. Then, the success of clusters in developed countries has led many government and companies to establish new clusters.Since products from China have been dominated Indonesia's market share with lower price, it is very difficult for Indonesian Small and Medium Enterprises to compete with lower price also. Therefore, to face the competition, innovation is perhaps as an alternative strategy for Indonesian SMEs. In facts, more than 50% of small and medium enterprises in Indonesia are located in clusters and most of them are located in Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara. Even though they located in cluster but their innovations still very low and judging from technology perspective, most of them have low level of technologies and still remain in the underdeveloped stage. Therefore, in this research, the author tries to find (1). To what extend do cluster Indonesia promote innovation, (2). To find the reasons why clusters in Indonesia has not been working well in promoting innovation and (3). To investigate what aspects can be improved by Indonesian SMEs to boost their innovation
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