61 research outputs found

    Dark matter within the minimal flavour violation ansatz

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    Minimal Flavour Violation hypothesis can provide an attractive framework for Dark Matter (DM). We consider scalar DM candidates carrying flavour quantum numbers and whose representation under the flavour group guarantees DM stability. They interact with the Standard Model fields through Higgs portal at renormalisable level and also to quarks through dimension-6 operators. We provide a systematic analysis of the viable parameter space for the DM fields, which are triplet of the flavour group, considering several DM-quark interactions. In this framework, we analyse in which cases the viable parameter space differs from Higgs portal models thanks to the underlying flavour structure. In contrast to minimal Higgs portal scenarios, we find that light DM in the GeV mass range as well as heavier candidates above Higgs resonance could be allowed by colliders, direct and indirect DM detection searches as well as flavour constraints. The large mass regime above the top mass could even be beyond the reach of future experiments such as Xenon 1T.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; v2: references added, version published on Phys.Lett.

    The inert doublet model of dark matter revisited

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    The inert doublet model, a minimal extension of the Standard Model by a second higgs doublet with no direct couplings to quarks or leptons, is one of the simplest scenarios that can explain the dark matter. In this paper, we study in detail the impact of dark matter annihilation into three-body final state on the phenomenology of the inert doublet model. We find that this new annihilation mode dominates, in a relevant portion of the parameter space, over those into two-body final states considered in previous analysis. As a result, the computation of the relic density is modified and the viable regions of the model are displaced. After obtaining the genuine viable regions for different sets of parameters, we compute the direct detection cross section of inert higgs dark matter and find it to be up to two orders of magnitude smaller than what is obtained for two-body final states only. Other implications of these results, including the modification to the decay width of the higgs and to the indirect detection signatures of inert higgs dark matter, are also briefly considered. We demonstrate, therefore, that the annihilation into three-body final state can not be neglected, as it has a important impact on the entire phenomenology of the inert doublet model.Comment: 22 pages, format changed, more detailed discussion in general, figures and references adde

    A feeble window on leptophilic dark matter

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    In this paper we study a leptophilic dark matter scenario involving feeble dark matter coupling to the Standard Model (SM) and compressed dark matter-mediator mass spectrum. We consider a simplified model where the SM is extended with one Majorana fermion, the dark matter, and one charged scalar, the mediator, coupling to the SM leptons through a Yukawa interaction. We first discuss the dependence of the dark matter relic abundance on the Yukawa coupling going continuously from freeze-in to freeze-out with an intermediate stage of conversion driven freeze-out. Focusing on the latter, we then exploit the macroscopic decay length of the charged scalar to study the resulting long-lived-particle signatures at collider and to explore the experimental reach on the viable portion of the parameter space.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figure

    Scalar Dark Matter Models with Significant Internal Bremsstrahlung

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    There has been interest recently on particle physics models that may give rise to sharp gamma ray spectral features from dark matter annihilation. Because dark matter is supposed to be electrically neutral, it is challenging to build weakly interacting massive particle models that may accommodate both a large cross section into gamma rays at, say, the Galactic center, and the right dark matter abundance. In this work, we consider the gamma ray signatures of a class of scalar dark matter models that interact with Standard Model dominantly through heavy vector-like fermions (the vector-like portal). We focus on a real scalar singlet S annihilating into lepton-antilepton pairs. Because this two-body final-state annihilation channel is d-wave suppressed in the chiral limit, we show that virtual internal bremsstrahlung emission of a gamma ray gives a large correction, both today and at the time of freeze-out. For the sake of comparison, we confront this scenario to the familiar case of a Majorana singlet annihilating into light lepton-antilepton pairs, and show that the virtual internal bremsstrahlung signal may be enhanced by a factor of (up to) two orders of magnitude. We discuss the scope and possible generalizations of the model.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, typos corrected, added references, matching version accepted by JCA

    Non-Cold Dark Matter from Primordial Black Hole Evaporation

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    Dark matter coupled solely gravitationally can be produced through the decay of primordial black holes in the early universe. If the dark matter is lighter than the initial black hole temperature, it could be warm enough to be subject to structure formation constraints. In this paper we perform a more precise determination of these constraints. We first evaluate the dark matter phase-space distribution, without relying on the instantaneous decay approximation. We then interface this phase-space distribution with the Boltzmann code CLASS to extract the corresponding matter power spectrum, which we find to match closely those of warm dark matter models, albeit with a different dark matter mass. This mapping allows us to extract constraints from Lyman-α\alpha data without the need to perform hydrodynamical simulations. We robustly rule out the possibility, consistent with previous analytic estimates, of primordial black holes having come to dominate the energy density of the universe and simultaneously given rise to all the DM through their decay. Consequences and implications for dark radiation and leptogenesis are also briefly discussed.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figure

    Dark Matter Constraints on Composite Higgs Models

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    In composite Higgs models the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Boson (pNGB) nature of the Higgs field is an interesting alternative for explaning the smallness of the electroweak scale with respect to the beyond the Standard Model scale. In non-minimal models additional pNGB states are present and can be a Dark Matter (DM) candidate, if there is an approximate symmetry suppressing their decay. Here we assume that the low energy effective theory (for scales much below the compositeness scale) corresponds to the Standard Model with a pNGB Higgs doublet and a pNGB DM multiplet. We derive general effective DM Lagrangians for several possible DM representations (under the SM gauge group), including the singlet, doublet and triplet cases. Within this framework we discuss how the DM observables (relic abundance, direct and indirect detection) constrain the dimension-6 operators induced by the strong sector assuming that DM behaves as a Weakly Interacting Particle (WIMP) and that the relic abundance is settled through the freeze-out mechanism. We also apply our general results to two specific cosets: SO(6)/SO(5)SO(6)/SO(5) and SO(6)/SO(4)Ă—SO(2)SO(6)/SO(4) \times SO(2), which contain a singlet and doublet DM candidate, respectively. In particular we show that if compositeness is a solution to the little hierarchy problem, representations larger than the triplet are strongly disfavored. Furthermore, we find that composite models can have viable DM candidates with much smaller direct detection cross-sections than their non-composite counterparts, making DM detection much more challenging.Comment: version accepted by JHE

    Warm dark matter and the ionization history of the Universe

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    In warm dark matter scenarios structure formation is suppressed on small scales with respect to the cold dark matter case, reducing the number of low-mass halos and the fraction of ionized gas at high redshifts and thus, delaying reionization. This has an impact on the ionization history of the Universe and measurements of the optical depth to reionization, of the evolution of the global fraction of ionized gas and of the thermal history of the intergalactic medium, can be used to set constraints on the mass of the dark matter particle. However, the suppression of the fraction of ionized medium in these scenarios can be partly compensated by varying other parameters, as the ionization efficiency or the minimum mass for which halos can host star-forming galaxies. Here we use different data sets regarding the ionization and thermal histories of the Universe and, taking into account the degeneracies from several astrophysical parameters, we obtain a lower bound on the mass of thermal warm dark matter candidates of mX>1.3m_X > 1.3 keV, or ms>5.5m_s > 5.5 keV for the case of sterile neutrinos non-resonantly produced in the early Universe, both at 90\% confidence level.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure
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