8 research outputs found

    Morfologia e vascularização arterial das glândulas tireóides em gansos domésticos

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    Objetivou-se estudar a morfologia e o comportamento das artérias que se destinam às glândulas tireóides, abordando seu número, origem e ordenação em 30 gansos domésticos (Anser domestica), injetados com Neoprene látex 450 corado e fixados em solução aquosa de formalina a 10%. As glândulas tireóides apresentam-se pares, ovóides e localizam-se na extremidade cranial da cavidade tóraco-abdominal, relacionam-se com o nervo vago, veia jugular e artéria carótida comum, e possuem em média de 0,97; 0,69 e 0,43 cm no antímero direito e 1,04; 0,62 e 0,38 cm no antímero esquerdo, para comprimento, largura e espessura, respectivamente. As glândulas tireóides recebem colaterais das artérias: carótida comum, cervical cutânea ascendente, esofagotraqueobronquial, esofágica ascendente, comum do nervo vago ipsilateralmente e ramo esofágico, sendo estes dois últimos somente para a glândula direita. O número de vasos variou de 1 a 5 vasos, sendo 2 vasos (15 casos, 50% ± 10) para o antímero direito e 3 vasos (12 casos, 40% ± 9,8) para o antímero esquerdo, o padrão mais freqüentemente observado. As artérias tireóideas cranial, média cranial, média, média caudal e caudal estiveram presentes no antímero direito em 29, 8, 8, 14 e 29 gansos respectivamente, e no antímero esquerdo em 28, 5, 14, 5 e 28 gansos respectivamente. Um único ramo, a artéria tireóidea, destinou-se a glândula em um animal à direita e em dois animais a esquerda.The present work aimed to study the morphology of the thyroid glands and the arterial behavior of their arteries, emphasizing number, origin and ordination of the vases in 30 domestic geese (Anser tames domestica). The animQals were injected with Neoprene latex "450" red-faced with specific pigment through the sciatic artery and fixed in aqueous solution of formalin 10%. In the animals studied the thyroid glands are even, oval and, when fixed, they have red chestnut color. These glands are located in the cranial extremity of the thoraco-abdominal cavity, linked with the vague nerve, jugular vein and common carotid artery and their topography may be variable in each antimere. The thyroid glands have in average 0.97, 0.69 and 0.43 cm in right side and 1.04, 0.62 and 0,38 cm in left side, to length, width and thickness, respectively. The arteries responsible to emit colateral branches to thyroid glands are: common cutaneous carotid arteries, cervical cutaneous ascendant, esophageal tracheal bronchial, esophageal ascendant, common of the vague nerve ipsilaterally and also for the branch esophageal, being these last ones only happened for the right gland. The vases number varied from 1 to 5, being 2 vases (15 cases, 50% ± 10) for the right antimere and 3 vases (12 cases, 40% ± 9,8), the model more frequently observed. The cranial, cranial middle, middle, caudal middle and caudal thyroid arteries were present in the right side in 29, 8, 8, 14 e 29 geese respectively, and in the left side in 28, 5, 14, 5 e 28 geese respectively. This was a unique vessel to gland, the thyroid artery, in one animal to right and in two animals to left side

    Origin and distribution of the ischiatic nerve in mixed-breed sheep

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    O presente trabalho estudou, por meio de dissecações, a origem e distribuição do nervo isquiático em 30 fetos de ovinos (Ovis aries) sem raça definida, machos ou fêmeas, obtidos de abortos, natimortos e mortes naturais de fêmeas gestantes de núcleos criatórios na região do Triângulo Mineiro, estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Injetou-se formaldeído a 10% por meio de canulação da aorta descendente torácica e, posteriormente, o material foi mantido submerso na referida solução por um período mínimo de 48 horas antes do início das dissecações. O nervo isquiático originou-se do ramo ventral do último nervo espinhal lombar, ora do sexto nervo espinhal lombar (L6), ora do sétimo (L7), quando presente, e dos ramos ventrais dos primeiro e segundo nervos espinhais sacrais (S1 e S2, respectivamente), podendo apresentar a contribuição do ramo ventral do terceiro nervo espinhal sacral (S3). O nervo isquiático cedeu ramos aos músculos: glúteo superficial, glúteo médio, glúteo acessório, glúteo profundo, gêmeo, quadrado femoral, adutor, bíceps femoral, semitendinoso e semimembranoso. Os ramos terminais do nervo isquiático foram os nervos tibial e fibular comum, tendo suas origens distalmente ao trocânter maior do fêmur. Estatisticamente, através da aplicação do teste de Wilcoxon (0,05), não houve diferenças significativas entre as frequências dos ramos musculares do nervo isquiático e os antímeros, independentemente do número de ramos musculares.Current research studied, by dissection, the origin and distribution of the ischiatic nerve in 30 fetuses of mixed-breed male or female sheep (Ovis aries), obtained from abortions, stillborns and natural deaths of pregnant females on farms in the Triângulo Mineiro region, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Formaldehyde 10% was injected through the cannulation of descending thoracic aorta and the material was kept immersed in the solution for at least 48 hours before dissection. The ischiatic nerve originated from the ventral branch of the last lumbar spinal nerve, either from the sixth lumbar spinal nerve (L6) or from the seventh (L7), when present, and from the ventral branches of first and second sacral spinalnerves (S1 and S2, respectively), and possibly from the ventral branch of third sacral spinal nerve (S3). The ischiatic nerve provided branches to the superficial gluteal, middle gluteal, accessory gluteal, deep gluteal, gemelli, quadratus femoris, adductor, biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. The tibial and common peroneal nerves were the terminal branches of the ischiatic nerve, originating distally towards the greater trochanter of the femur bone. Wilcoxon’s test (0.05) showed that statistically there were no significant differences between the frequencies of the muscular branches of the ischiatic nerve and the antimeres, regardless of the number of muscular branches

    Suprimento arterial dos lobos torácicos do timo em cães da raça Dogue Alemão

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    A origem, o tipo e o número de ramos arteriais responsáveis pelo suprimento sanguíneo dos lobos torácicos do timo foram estudadas em 28 cães natimortos da raça Dogue Alemão. Para tanto, o sistema arterial destes animais foi preenchido com solução aquosa de Neoprene Latex “450” a 50%, corada com pigmento específico e, em seguida, fixados em solução aquosa de fomaldeído a 10%. Os lobos torácicos do timo foram supridos em ambos antímeros por ramos diretos e indiretos das artérias torácicas internas direita e esquerda e pericardicofrênicas direita e esquerda, pelos troncos costocervicais direito e esquerdo e pela artéria cervical superficial esquerda. A artéria subclávia esquerda e o tronco braquiocefálico também emitiram ramos diretos para o lobo torácico esquerdo do timo. ________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe objective of this research was to identify if different kind of physical and alimentary management determine adaptative changes in morphometry of the esophagus-gastric transition epithelium. 15 sets comprehending the esophagus-gastric transition region (TEG) was used in adult horses considering undefined breed, gender and age divided in three groups according to diet and physical activity: group I – Five sets (TEG) of horses in intensive training fed with commercial ration; group II – Five sets (TEG) of horses which did not develop any intensive physical activity and fed by commercial ration; group III – Five sets (TEG) of horses kept in the grass without any extra feeding which did not develop any intensive physical activity. The esophagus-gastric transition region had its epithelium structure evaluated morphometrically where measurements were done to identify the thickness of the stratified squamous keratinized epithelium. The thickness of the grup I had as average 122.3µm, grup II 173.4µm of grup III 281.7µm. Results of stratified squamous keratinized epithelium thickness have shown the existence of statistically significant differences of group I when compared to group III

    Arteries of the adrenal glands in ostriches (Struthio camelus)

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    The growth of rational ostrich breeding and their byproducts has attracted interest from researchers to increase the studies in this animal. Thus, basic research areas, such as morphology, become necessary to provide the applied areas with knowledge. Aiming to contribute to the knowledge on the vascular arrangements of the adrenal glands, 30 ostriches (Struthio camelus) were used, four days old, who had their arterial components marked with a 50% stained aqueous solution of Neoprene Latex ¨ 450 ¨ and fixed in a 10% diluted solution of formaldehyde. The coelomic cavity was exposed for identifying these glands, which are paired organs that are covered by loose connective tissue, symmetrically arranged in the two antimeres, laterally to the descending aorta, caudally to the lungs, and cranio-medially to the cranial lobes of the kidneys. The arterial blood supply, in both antimeres, is derived from the right and left adrenal arteries, the right and left cranial renal artery branches, and the right branches of the descending aorta. Regardless of the origin, the number of branches going to the adrenal glands ranged from one to two and one to three respectively, in the left and right antimeres

    Artérias das glândulas adrenais em avestruzes (Struthio camelus)

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7925.2012v25n1p125O crescimento da criação racional de avestruz e seus subprodutos têm despertado interesse dos pesquisadores em ampliar os estudos com esse animal. Assim, áreas de pesquisa básicas, como a morfologia, tornam-se necessárias para dar subsídios às áreas aplicadas. Com o intuito de contribuir com o conhecimento referente aos arranjos vasculares das glândulas adrenais, utilizaram-se 30 avestruzes (Struthio camelus), de quatro dias de vida, tendo seus contingentes arteriais marcados com solução aquosa corada de Neoprene Látex “450” a 50% e fixados em solução diluída de formol a 10%. A cavidade celomática foi exposta para a identificação das referidas glândulas, que são órgãos pares e encontram-se recobertas por tecido conjuntivo frouxo, disposto simetricamente nos dois antímeros, lateralmente à aorta descendente, caudalmente aos pulmões e cranio-medialmente aos lobos craniais dos rins. O aporte sanguíneo arterial, em ambos os antímeros, é proveniente das artérias adrenais direita e esquerda, dos ramos das artérias renais craniais direita e esquerda e dos ramos diretos da aorta descendente. Independentemente da origem, os números de ramos destinados às glândulas adrenais variaram de um a dois e de um a três respectivamente para os antímeros esquerdo e direito

    Origin and distribution of the ischiatic nerve in mixed-breed sheep

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    Current research studied, by dissection, the origin and distribution of the ischiatic nerve in 30 fetuses of mixed-breed male or female sheep (Ovis aries), obtained from abortions, stillborns and natural deaths of pregnant females on farms in the Triângulo Mineiro region, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Formaldehyde 10% was injected through the cannulation of descending thoracic aorta and the material was kept immersed in the solution for at least 48 hours before dissection. The ischiatic nerve originated from the ventral branch of the last lumbar spinal nerve, either from the sixth lumbar spinal nerve (L6) or from the seventh (L7), when present, and from the ventral branches of first and second sacral spinal nerves (S1 and S2, respectively), and possibly from the ventral branch of third sacral spinal nerve (S3). The ischiatic nerve provided branches to the superficial gluteal, middle gluteal, accessory gluteal, deep gluteal, gemelli, quadratus femoris, adductor, biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. The tibial and common peroneal nerves were the terminal branches of the ischiatic nerve, originating distally towards the greater trochanter of the femur bone. Wilcoxon’s test (0.05) showed that statistically there were no significant differences between the frequencies of the muscular branches of the ischiatic nerve and the antimeres, regardless of the number of muscular branches

    Arterial supply of the thoracic lobes of the thymus in dogs of the Great Dane race.

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    The origins, numbers and type of arterial branches responsible for the blood supply of thoracic lobes of the thymus were studied in 28 stillborn dogs of the Great Dane, of which 18 were males and 10 were females. The arterial systems of these animals were filled with aqueous solution of Neoprene Latex “450”, 50%. After, the specimens were fixed in 10% formaldehyde aqueous solution. The lobes of the thymus were supplied by direct or indirect arterial branches coming from the right and left internal thoracic arteries, pericardiacophrenicas arteries, right and left costocervicais trunks, and left subclavian artery. The left subclavian artery and brachiocephalic trunk emitted direct branches towards the left thoracic lobe of the thymus