353 research outputs found

    Multicriticality of the (2+1)-dimensional gonihedric model: A realization of the (d,m)=(3,2) Lifshitz point

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    Multicriticality of the gonihedric model in 2+1 dimensions is investigated numerically. The gonihedric model is a fully frustrated Ising magnet with the finely tuned plaquette-type (four-body and plaquette-diagonal) interactions, which cancel out the domain-wall surface tension. Because the quantum-mechanical fluctuation along the imaginary-time direction is simply ferromagnetic, the criticality of the (2+1)-dimensional gonihedric model should be an anisotropic one; that is, the respective critical indices of real-space (\perp) and imaginary-time (\parallel) sectors do not coincide. Extending the parameter space to control the domain-wall surface tension, we analyze the criticality in terms of the crossover (multicritical) scaling theory. By means of the numerical diagonalization for the clusters with N\le 28 spins, we obtained the correlation-length critical indices (\nu_\perp,\nu_\parallel)=(0.45(10),1.04(27)), and the crossover exponent \phi=0.7(2). Our results are comparable to (\nu_{\perp},\nu_{\parallel})=(0.482,1.230), and \phi=0.688 obtained by Diehl and Shpot for the (d,m)=(3,2) Lifshitz point with the \epsilon-expansion method up to O(\epsilon^2)

    Curriculum Evaluation of FSRL: An Occupational Therapy Program in Haiti

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    Curriculum evaluation provides educational programs information on how to improve their curriculum. Feedback from students, faculty and other stakeholders is relevant to the quality improvement of the program. Currently, there are limited methods of curriculum evaluation for international occupational therapy programs. The new Faculte des Sciences de Rehabilitation de Leogane (FSRL) occupational therapy program had not developed a formal method of curriculum evaluation. The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) recently published a revised Minimum Standards document for occupational therapy programs; however, this document focuses on standard content rather than a process for obtaining approval and re-approval of occupational therapy programs (2016). The purpose of this project was to create an overall framework for curriculum evaluation using standards by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) to help with future curriculum evaluation. A document review was completed of the FSRL curriculum to determine whether course objectives met WFOT competencies. In addition, faculty and student surveys were conducted from a recently completed course at FSRL. A WFOT Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSA) Standards table was created from the Minimum Standards documents. General competency statements were changed into measurable competencies—creating a numbering system. The complete table was composed of five main sections listed alphabetically from A-E. Each section had a knowledge, skills and attitudes sub-component. The document review process reviewed each course offered in semesters three through eight to determine whether each course objective met or partially met a WFOT competency. Objectives that did not match a WFOT standard were given a “not applicable” in the corresponding columns. The author determined whether a WFOT competency and an FSRL objective matched by looking at the integrity of the competency and key components found in both. The quantitative and qualitative surveys were analyzed. Overall, the feedback from students and faculty were positive. All felt that there was a need for the course in the occupational therapy program. Many students felt more confident in their clinical decision making skills and how to conduct evidence-based clinical research. Faculty and students reported a need for more time in the course. Some students reported on the need to take a prerequisite course, like statistics, to better prepare for the research component of the course. Faculty agreed that outcomes of students’ assessments adequately indicated an increase in students’ knowledge and skills

    Deo Ter Opt. Max. Auspice, Dei Para Virgine, SS. Carolo Et Benedicto Patrocinantibus, Ad diem XII. Mensis Octobris, Anni M.DC.XXXIII. DD. Candidati, Religione, Ingenio, Doctrina, Praestantissimi, Moribusque ornatissimi, & hoc Catalogo descripti, In Alma Universitate Salisburgensi, Post rigidum Examen superatum, Suprema LL. Artium Et Philosophiae Laurea, Publico Et Solemni Ritu, Jure Merito Decorabuntur, & Magistri sive Doctores pronunciabuntur

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    Enth. außerdem: Quod felix faustumque sit, Deo Op. Max. Bene Favente Virgine Matre, SS. Carolo Benedicto Patrocinantibvs, Ad Diem 31. Mensis Augusti, Anni M.DC.XXXII. DD. Candidati, Religione, Ingenio, Doctrina, Moribus Ornatissimi, In Alma Universitate Salisburgensi, Post Rigidum Examen Superatum, Prima LL. Artivm Et Philosophiae Lavrea, Publico ritu & solenni jure merito, decorabuntur, Baccalaureiq[ue] renunciabuntur / Promotore P. F. Honorato Kolb, Ord. S. Benedicti, Monacho Seonensi ... (Salisburgi, [1632]

    Análisis de áreas comerciales mediante técnicas SIG: Aplicación a la distribución comercial y centros tecnológicos

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    Esta Tesis centra la atención en la aplicación que los SIG pueden tener en diferentes campos de la economía como las empresas minoristas o los centros tecnológicos intensivos en conocimiento. Los SIG pueden definirse como el conjunto de herramientas para recoger, almacenar, transformar y mostrar los datos espaciales para un conjunto particular de propósitos (Burrough, 1988). Por su parte, Barredo (1996) precisa que los SIG son sistemas digitales que, a través de un conjunto de herramientas de hardware y de software, permiten el análisis y manipulación de datos geográficos proporcionando una modelación de la realidad. Por una parte, en el sector minorista, la apertura de un nuevo local es un factor crítico ya que comporta una serie de riesgos monetarios y de imagen muy elevados para la empresa. Por ello, resulta clave realizar un correcto análisis de la localización para las nuevas aperturas (Hernández & Bennison, 2000). El uso de los SIG ha facilitado la comprensión de la información geográfica para los gerentes que carecen de conocimientos técnicos, ayudándoles, por tanto, a tomar decisiones difíciles y de gran envergadura (Ozimec et al., 2010). Además, los SIG son capaces de gestionar la información cartográfica con datos alfanuméricos. Por ello, los SIG se están convirtiendo en una herramienta indispensable para la toma de decisiones sobre la localización de establecimientos (Mendes & Themido, 2004). Por otra parte, los centros tecnológicos, cuando se conciben como proveedores de servicios avanzados para permitir la innovación (COTEC, 2003), también pueden ser considerados ¿minoristas¿ cuyo producto son los servicios intensivos en conocimiento o knowledge intensive business services (KIS). Por lo tanto, el concepto de trade areas también se puede aplicar a los centros tecnológicos en cuanto a su ubicación y el diseño de sus estrategias, entre otros aspectos. Así, diferentes autores destacan la importancia de la proximidad geográfica de los centros de tecnología para que puedan ofrecer un servicio eficaz y apoyar a las empresas (Barrio & García-Quevedo, 2005; Tödtling & Kaufmann, 2001). Por ello, en la investigación que se llevará a cabo en esta Tesis, también se aplicarán técnicas GIS a los centros tecnológicos, en un intento de mejorar el conocimiento sobre los determinantes de la distribución espacial entre las empresas asociadas a un centro tecnológico.Roig Tierno, H. (2013). Análisis de áreas comerciales mediante técnicas SIG: Aplicación a la distribución comercial y centros tecnológicos [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/32832TESI

    Influence du status thyroïdien sur le taux des catécholamines circulantes et le métabolisme glucidique

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    L'étude de l'influence du status thyroïdien sur le taux des catécholamines circulantes et le métabolisme glucidique a été rendue possible grâce au calcul des moyennes + erreur-type des résultats de différents paramètres d'hormones thyroïdiennes, descaté­cholamines et du métabolisme glucidique de 3 groupes et d'un sous-groupe d'hyperthyroïdiens évalués avant et a près traitement. L'analyse de variance nous a aidé à déterminer les probabilités des différences existant entre les paramètres. L'étude de corrélation entre les hormones thyroïdiennes et les autres hormones étudiées nous a permis de mettre en évidence les différentes associations et les oppositions des hormones entre elles...Montréal Trigonix inc. 201

    Firm survival: The role of incubators and business characteristics

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    This paper analyzes the impact of business incubators on firm survival. Using a configurational comparative method, namely fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), the article also examines whether degree of business innovation, size, sector, and export activity affects firm survival. Results show that, when combined with other variables (i.e. sector, technology), business size is a sufficient condition for firm survival. Likewise, incubators alone cannot affect survival. A combination between incubators and other factors is necessary to ensure firm survival.Mas Verdú, F.; Ribeiro Soriano, D.; Roig Tierno, H. (2015). Firm survival: The role of incubators and business characteristics. Journal of Business Research. 68(4):793-796. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2014.11.030S79379668

    El Nomenclàtor toponímic de les Illes Balears (NOTIB)

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