133 research outputs found

    An improved \eps expansion for three-dimensional turbulence: summation of nearest dimensional singularities

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    An improved \eps expansion in the dd-dimensional (d>2d > 2) stochastic theory of turbulence is constructed by taking into account pole singularities at d→2d \to 2 in coefficients of the \eps expansion of universal quantities. Effectiveness of the method is illustrated by a two-loop calculation of the Kolmogorov constant in three dimensions.Comment: 4 page

    Levy flights in quenched random force fields

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    Levy flights, characterized by the microscopic step index f, are for f<2 (the case of rare events) considered in short range and long range quenched random force fields with arbitrary vector character to first loop order in an expansion about the critical dimension 2f-2 in the short range case and the critical fall-off exponent 2f-2 in the long range case. By means of a dynamic renormalization group analysis based on the momentum shell integration method, we determine flows, fixed point, and the associated scaling properties for the probability distribution and the frequency and wave number dependent diffusion coefficient. Unlike the case of ordinary Brownian motion in a quenched force field characterized by a single critical dimension or fall-off exponent d=2, two critical dimensions appear in the Levy case. A critical dimension (or fall-off exponent) d=f below which the diffusion coefficient exhibits anomalous scaling behavior, i.e, algebraic spatial behavior and long time tails, and a critical dimension (or fall-off exponent) d=2f-2 below which the force correlations characterized by a non trivial fixed point become relevant. As a general result we find in all cases that the dynamic exponent z, characterizing the mean square displacement, locks onto the Levy index f, independent of dimension and independent of the presence of weak quenched disorder.Comment: 27 pages, Revtex file, 17 figures in ps format attached, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Universality of the thermodynamic Casimir effect

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    Recently a nonuniversal character of the leading spatial behavior of the thermodynamic Casimir force has been reported [X. S. Chen and V. Dohm, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 66}, 016102 (2002)]. We reconsider the arguments leading to this observation and show that there is no such leading nonuniversal term in systems with short-ranged interactions if one treats properly the effects generated by a sharp momentum cutoff in the Fourier transform of the interaction potential. We also conclude that lattice and continuum models then produce results in mutual agreement independent of the cutoff scheme, contrary to the aforementioned report. All results are consistent with the {\em universal} character of the Casimir force in systems with short-ranged interactions. The effects due to dispersion forces are discussed for systems with periodic or realistic boundary conditions. In contrast to systems with short-ranged interactions, for L/Ο≫1L/\xi \gg 1 one observes leading finite-size contributions governed by power laws in LL due to the subleading long-ranged character of the interaction, where LL is the finite system size and Ο\xi is the correlation length.Comment: 11 pages, revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev. E 68 (2003

    Anomalous scaling of passively advected magnetic field in the presence of strong anisotropy

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    Inertial-range scaling behavior of high-order (up to order N=51) structure functions of a passively advected vector field has been analyzed in the framework of the rapid-change model with strong small-scale anisotropy with the aid of the renormalization group and the operator-product expansion. It has been shown that in inertial range the leading terms of the structure functions are coordinate independent, but powerlike corrections appear with the same anomalous scaling exponents as for the passively advected scalar field. These exponents depend on anisotropy parameters in such a way that a specific hierarchy related to the degree of anisotropy is observed. Deviations from power-law behavior like oscillations or logarithmic behavior in the corrections to structure functions have not been found.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figure

    Anomalous scaling of a passive scalar advected by the turbulent velocity field with finite correlation time and uniaxial small-scale anisotropy

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    The influence of uniaxial small-scale anisotropy on the stability of the scaling regimes and on the anomalous scaling of the structure functions of a passive scalar advected by a Gaussian solenoidal velocity field with finite correlation time is investigated by the field theoretic renormalization group and operator product expansion within one-loop approximation. Possible scaling regimes are found and classified in the plane of exponents ϔ−η\epsilon-\eta, where Ï”\epsilon characterizes the energy spectrum of the velocity field in the inertial range E∝k1−2Ï”E\propto k^{1-2\epsilon}, and η\eta is related to the correlation time of the velocity field at the wave number kk which is scaled as k−2+ηk^{-2+\eta}. It is shown that the presence of anisotropy does not disturb the stability of the infrared fixed points of the renormalization group equations which are directly related to the corresponding scaling regimes. The influence of anisotropy on the anomalous scaling of the structure functions of the passive scalar field is studied as a function of the fixed point value of the parameter uu which represents the ratio of turnover time of scalar field and velocity correlation time. It is shown that the corresponding one-loop anomalous dimensions, which are the same (universal) for all particular models with concrete value of uu in the isotropic case, are different (nonuniversal) in the case with the presence of small-scale anisotropy and they are continuous functions of the anisotropy parameters, as well as the parameter uu. The dependence of the anomalous dimensions on the anisotropy parameters of two special limits of the general model, namely, the rapid-change model and the frozen velocity field model, are found when u→∞u\to \infty and u→0u\to 0, respectively.Comment: revtex, 25 pages, 37 figure

    An improved \eps expansion for three-dimensional turbulence: two-loop renormalization near two dimensions

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    An improved \eps expansion in the dd-dimensional (d>2d > 2) stochastic theory of turbulence is constructed at two-loop order which incorporates the effect of pole singularities at d→2d \to 2 in coefficients of the \eps expansion of universal quantities. For a proper account of the effect of these singularities two different approaches to the renormalization of the powerlike correlation function of the random force are analyzed near two dimensions. By direct calculation it is shown that the approach based on the mere renormalization of the nonlocal correlation function leads to contradictions at two-loop order. On the other hand, a two-loop calculation in the renormalization scheme with the addition to the force correlation function of a local term to be renormalized instead of the nonlocal one yields consistent results in accordance with the UV renormalization theory. The latter renormalization prescription is used for the two-loop renormalization-group analysis amended with partial resummation of the pole singularities near two dimensions leading to a significant improvement of the agreement with experimental results for the Kolmogorov constant.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Generalized Central Limit Theorem and Renormalization Group

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    We introduce a simple instance of the renormalization group transformation in the Banach space of probability densities. By changing the scaling of the renormalized variables we obtain, as fixed points of the transformation, the L\'evy strictly stable laws. We also investigate the behavior of the transformation around these fixed points and the domain of attraction for different values of the scaling parameter. The physical interest of a renormalization group approach to the generalized central limit theorem is discussed.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in J. Stat. Phy

    Effects of turbulent mixing on critical behaviour in the presence of compressibility: Renormalization group analysis of two models

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    Critical behaviour of two systems, subjected to the turbulent mixing, is studied by means of the field theoretic renormalization group. The first system, described by the equilibrium model A, corresponds to relaxational dynamics of a non-conserved order parameter. The second one is the strongly non-equilibrium reaction-diffusion system, known as Gribov process and equivalent to the Reggeon field theory. The turbulent mixing is modelled by the Kazantsev-Kraichnan "rapid-change" ensemble: time-decorrelated Gaussian velocity field with the power-like spectrum k^{-d-\xi}. Effects of compressibility of the fluid are studied. It is shown that, depending on the relation between the exponent \xi and the spatial dimension d, the both systems exhibit four different types of critical behaviour, associated with four possible fixed points of the renormalization group equations. The most interesting point corresponds to a new type of critical behaviour, in which the nonlinearity and turbulent mixing are both relevant, and the critical exponents depend on d, \xi and the degree of compressibility. For the both models, compressibility enhances the role of the nonlinear terms in the dynamical equations: the region in the d-\xi plane, where the new nontrivial regime is stable, is getting much wider as the degree of compressibility increases. In its turn, turbulent transfer becomes more efficient due to combined effects of the mixing and the nonlinear terms.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    Glassy trapping of manifolds in nonpotential random flows

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    We study the dynamics of polymers and elastic manifolds in non potential static random flows. We find that barriers are generated from combined effects of elasticity, disorder and thermal fluctuations. This leads to glassy trapping even in pure barrier-free divergenceless flows vf→0∌fϕv {f \to 0}{\sim} f^\phi (ϕ>1\phi > 1). The physics is described by a new RG fixed point at finite temperature. We compute the anomalous roughness R∌LζR \sim L^\zeta and dynamical t∌Lzt\sim L^z exponents for directed and isotropic manifolds.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, RevTe
