36 research outputs found

    Perspectivas comparativas de las partes interesadas sobre la educación inclusiva en cuatro regiones de China

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    El proyecto europeo INCLUTE (Promoción de la educación inclusiva a través del desarrollo curricular y la formación de docentes en China) Unión Europea (Proyecto Erasmus +)561.600-EPP-1-2015-CN-EP ayuda a contribuir a la demanda de docentes altamente calificados en la escuela primaria donde se puede abordar el nivel y se puede alentar a las universidades en China a tomar en consideración los estándares europeos. Este proyecto es innovador porque se centra en el tema de la educación inclusiva para apoyar la formación de docentes de escuelas primarias chinas. El ideal pedagógico confuciano de “aprender sin discriminación” todavía predomina entre los educadores chinos en la actualidad. Sin embargo, durante los últimos treinta años, los actores gubernamentales han subrayado la necesidad de implementar políticas de educación inclusiva, siguiendo el modelo occidental. Por lo tanto, el sistema educativo chino ha comenzado a implementar la política de “aprendizaje en el aula”, una alternativa a medio camino entre la pedagogía tradicional confuciana y las nociones occidentales de educación inclusiva. No obstante, se sabe poco sobre las perspectivas y expectativas chinas sobre la educación inclusiva. En consecuencia, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo identificar la percepción de las partes interesadas chinas sobre la educación inclusiva a través de una encuesta, una entrevista y un grupo focal de una muestra de 8.412 sujetos compuestos por maestros de escuela primaria, funcionarios gubernamentales y trabajadores de organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) de Guanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing y Tíbet. Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que los actores educativos chinos conceptualizan la educación inclusiva como una idea filosófica relacionada con nuevas estrategias metodológicas, pero que no está asociada a las discapacidades, la educación para todos o la comunidad educativa. Se discuten las debilidades y fortalezas de la educación inclusiva.También se concluye con una serie de indicadores que orientan mejoras en la metodología estudiada.The European project INCLUTE (Promoting inclusive education through curriculum development and teacher education in China) European Union (Proyecto Erasmus +) 561.600-EPP-1-2015-CN-EP helps to contribute the demand for highly educated teachers at the primary school level can be tackled, and universities in China can be encouraged to take European standards into consideration. This project is innovative because it focuses on the topic of inclusive education for supporting teacher training for Chinese primary school teachers. The Confucian pedagogical ideal of “learning without discrimination” still predominates among Chinese educators nowadays. However, over the last thirty years, government stakeholders have underscored the need to implement inclusive education policies, following the Western model. Thus, the Chinese educational system has started to implement the “learning in the classroom” policy – a halfway alternative between Confucian traditional pedagogy and the Western notions of inclusive education. Nonetheless, little is known about the Chinese perspectives on, and expectations about, inclusive education. Accordingly, the present study aims to identify the Chinese stakeholders’ perception of inclusive education through a survey, an interview and a focus group out of a sample of 8,412 subjects composed of primary school teachers, government officials and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) workers from Guanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing and Tibet. The results of this study suggest that Chinese education stakeholders conceptualize inclusive education as a philosophical idea related to new methodological strategies, but that it is not associated with disabilities, education for all or the educational community. The weaknesses and strengths of inclusive education are discussed

    Characterizations of certain Morita context rings

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    A New Ultrasound Elastography Displacement Estimation Method for Mobile Telemedicine

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    Traditional medicine requires doctors and patients to engage in face-to-face palpation, which is a great challenge in underdeveloped areas, especially in rural areas. Telemedicine provides an opportunity for patients to connect with doctors who may be thousands of miles away via mobile devices or the Internet. When using this method, elastography is a crucial medical imaging modality that maps the elastic properties of soft tissue, which can then be sent to doctors remotely. Ultrasound elastography has become a research focus because it can accurately measure soft tissue lesions. Displacement estimation is a key step in ultrasound elastography. The phase-zero search method is a popular displacement estimation method that is accurate and rapid. However, the method is ineffective when the displacement is more than a 1/4 wavelength. The block-matching method can address this shortcoming because it is suitable for large displacements, although it is not accurate. Notably, the quality-guided block matching method has exhibited good robustness under complex mutational conditions. In this paper, we propose a novel displacement estimation method that combines the block-matching method and the phase-zero search method. The block-matching method provides prior knowledge to increase the robustness of the phase-zero search under large displacement conditions. The experimental results show that our method exhibits stronger robustness, more accurate results, and faster calculation speed