668 research outputs found

    The relationship between marital adjustment and personality characteristics, medical coping style of infertile patients

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    目的  探讨不孕不育患者婚姻调适状况与人格特征和医学应对方式的关系,为临床开展心理健康干预提供依据。方法  选取2012年8月—2015年1月某三级甲等医院生殖医学中心治疗的156例已婚不孕不育症患者。采用艾森克人格问卷表(EPQ)、Locke-Wollance婚姻调适测定量表和医学应对问卷(MCMQ),对患者进行调查,分别测评患者婚姻调适状况、人格特征和医学应对方式及其相关性。结果  患者婚姻调适状况与EPQ的P、N及MCMQ屈服呈显著负相关,与EPQ 的E和MCMQ面对则呈显著正相关;EPQ的P、N与MCMQ面对呈负相关,与MCMQ的屈服呈正相关;EPQ的E则与MCMQ面对呈显著正相关。EPQ的P、E、N和MCMQ面对、屈服在婚姻调适状况高中低分组中的比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。多元逐步回归分析:面对、回避,屈服及精神质(P)等4个因素共解释了不孕不育症患者婚姻调适总变异的26.4%。结论  人格特征、医学应对方式是影响不孕不育症患者婚姻调适的重要因素。Objective: To explore the relationship between marital adjustment and personality characteristics and coping styles of patients with infertility, and to provide evidence for clinical intervention. Methods: A total of 156 patients with infertility were selected from August 2012 to January 2015 in a grade a hospital of reproductive medicine center. This research is a cross - sectional survey. The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), Locke-Wollance marital adjustment test scale and Medical Coping Questionnaire (MCMQ), were investigated, respectively, to evaluate the patient status, marital adjustment and personality characteristics and coping style and their relationship. Results: Patients marital adjustment status and EPQ P, N and MCMQ yield was significantly negative correlated, and EPQ E and MCMQ was significantly positively related; EPQ P, N and MCMQ showed a negative correlation, and MCMQ yield positively correlated; EPQ E, and MCMQ face was significantly positively related, EPQ P, E, N and MCMQ, yield in the marital adjustment the conditions of grouping, the differences were statistically significant (all P < 0.01). Multiple stepwise regression analysis: 4 factors, such as confrontation, avoidance, yield and psychoticism (P), were used to explain the total variation of the adjustment of marriage in infertile patients (26.4%). Conclusion: Personality characteristics, medical coping styles are the important factors influencing the marital adjustment for infertility patients

    SelfText Beyond Polygon: Unconstrained Text Detection with Box Supervision and Dynamic Self-Training

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    Although a polygon is a more accurate representation than an upright bounding box for text detection, the annotations of polygons are extremely expensive and challenging. Unlike existing works that employ fully-supervised training with polygon annotations, we propose a novel text detection system termed SelfText Beyond Polygon (SBP) with Bounding Box Supervision (BBS) and Dynamic Self Training (DST), where training a polygon-based text detector with only a limited set of upright bounding box annotations. For BBS, we firstly utilize the synthetic data with character-level annotations to train a Skeleton Attention Segmentation Network (SASN). Then the box-level annotations are adopted to guide the generation of high-quality polygon-liked pseudo labels, which can be used to train any detectors. In this way, our method achieves the same performance as text detectors trained with polygon annotations (i.e., both are 85.0% F-score for PSENet on ICDAR2015 ). For DST, through dynamically removing the false alarms, it is able to leverage limited labeled data as well as massive unlabeled data to further outperform the expensive baseline. We hope SBP can provide a new perspective for text detection to save huge labeling costs. Code is available at: github.com/weijiawu/SBP

    Leader-following consensus for high-order stochastic multi-agent systems via dynamic output feedback control

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    This paper studies the leader-following consensus problem for high-order stochastic nonlinear multi-agent systems. Each agent is in the strict feedback form with nonlinear functions in drift and diffusion terms and admitting time-varying incremental rates. A novel distributed observer-type consensus protocol is proposed based only on the relative output measurements of neighboring agents. The dynamic gains in controller are designed to compensate for the time-varying coefficients of nonlinear functions. By using appropriate state transformation, it is proved that the 1th moment exponential leader-following consensus is guaranteed by the proposed protocol. Different from some existing approaches, the proposed method only requires the output information of neighboring agents to be shared and does not need the observers’ full state variables to be transmitted, thus the network bandwidth is saved. In addition, the controller is constructed without using the traditional backstepping method, which makes the design procedure simple and convenient for use. Finally, a simulation example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results

    Visualizing the elongated vortices in γ\gamma-Ga nanostrips

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    We study the magnetic response of superconducting γ\gamma-Ga via low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. The magnetic vortex cores rely substantially on the Ga geometry, and exhibit an unexpectedly-large axial elongation with aspect ratio up to 40 in rectangular Ga nano-strips (width ll << 100 nm). This is in stark contrast with the isotropic circular vortex core in a larger round-shaped Ga island. We suggest that the unusual elongated vortices in Ga nanostrips originate from geometric confinement effect probably via the strong repulsive interaction between the vortices and Meissner screening currents at the sample edge. Our finding provides novel conceptual insights into the geometrical confinement effect on magnetic vortices and forms the basis for the technological applications of superconductors.Comment: published in Phys. Rev. B as a Rapid Communicatio

    Destination Image Perception Mediated by Experience Quality : The Case of Qingzhou as an Emerging Destination in China

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    : In recent years, the competition in the tourism market has become more and more fierce. Tourism destinations need to ensure they have sufficient sources of tourists, and thus, improving their market competitiveness, image, and reputation are particularly important. For this reason, tourism academia has always attached great importance to the study of tourism destination image. Many studies have shown that tourists’ travel behavior is largely influenced by their perception of tourism destinations. Research on heritage tourism from the supply perspective is relatively abundant, whereas not much research has been conducted on the demand side, and the influence of heritage tourism on the perception of a destination’s image has rarely been discussed. This study examines destination image perceptions through three components: cognition, affection, and quality of experience. We propose a conceptual model that clarifies how the quality of experience mediates the formation of cognition and affection with regard to emerging destinations in mainland China. This study employed the PLS-SEM discontinuous two-stage approach, which involved the examination of higher-order constructs (HOCs). The results from a sample of 475 visitors to the ancient city of Qingzhou in mainland China showed that cognition positively influences affection, and they both positively influence the overall image. Quality of experience was shown to be a mediating factor between cognition and affection. Moreover, the variables under quality of experience were confirmed to be consistent with those under cognition