1,600 research outputs found

    Class, State and Industrialisation in South Korea

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    SUMMARY An explanation of how private industrial capital became the driving force of society is central to an understanding of South Korean industrialisation. This process had two main phases: the transformation of landed assets into merchant capital in the 1950s and of commercial into industrial capital in the 1960s. The state has played a fundamental role in structuring changes in class relations at each stage. RESUMEN Clases, estado e industrialización en Corea del Sur Para comprender la industrialización de Corea del Sur es imprescindible una explicación de la forma en que el capital industrial privado se transformó en la fuerza motriz de la sociedad. Este proceso tuvo dos fases principales: la transformación del capital terrateniente en mercantil en la década de 1950 y de éste en industrial en la década de 1960. El estado desempeñó un rol fundamental en la estructuración de los cambios en las relaciones de clase en cada una de estas etapas. RESUMES Classe, état et industrialisation en Corée du Sud Une explication de la façon selon laquelle le capital industriel devint la force dirigeante de la société est la clé pour comprendre l'industrialisation de la Corée du Sud. Ce procédé comporte deux phases principales: la transformation de biens fonciers en capital marchand dans les années 50 et de capital commercial en capital industriel dans les années 60. L'état a joué un rôle fondamental dans la structuration des changements dans les rapports entre les classes à tous les niveaux

    Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dan Ketimpangan Antar Kecamatan Di Kabupaten Banyumas, 1993-2000

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    This research attempts to identify the nature of economic growth and to understand disparity among of sub-districts in Banyumas regency. The tools of analysis are Klassen typology, Williamson index, entropy Theil index, trend and Pearson correlation.Klassen typology shows that Banyumas sub-district can be classified into four types: high growth and high income, high income but low growth, high growth but low income, low growth and low income. Based on Williamson index and entropy Theil index, we found that disparity of gross regional domestic product per capita among sub-districts in Banyumas tended to increase over the period of 1993-2000. More importantly, our findings confirmed that Kuznets hypotesis could be found in Banyumas. Indeed, there has been a negative correlation between Williamson index or entropy Theil index with GRDP growth

    Improving Diversity in Zero-Shot GAN Adaptation with Semantic Variations

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    Training deep generative models usually requires a large amount of data. To alleviate the data collection cost, the task of zero-shot GAN adaptation aims to reuse well-trained generators to synthesize images of an unseen target domain without any further training samples. Due to the data absence, the textual description of the target domain and the vision-language models, e.g., CLIP, are utilized to effectively guide the generator. However, with only a single representative text feature instead of real images, the synthesized images gradually lose diversity as the model is optimized, which is also known as mode collapse. To tackle the problem, we propose a novel method to find semantic variations of the target text in the CLIP space. Specifically, we explore diverse semantic variations based on the informative text feature of the target domain while regularizing the uncontrolled deviation of the semantic information. With the obtained variations, we design a novel directional moment loss that matches the first and second moments of image and text direction distributions. Moreover, we introduce elastic weight consolidation and a relation consistency loss to effectively preserve valuable content information from the source domain, e.g., appearances. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed methods in ensuring sample diversity in various scenarios of zero-shot GAN adaptation. We also conduct ablation studies to validate the effect of each proposed component. Notably, our model achieves a new state-of-the-art on zero-shot GAN adaptation in terms of both diversity and quality.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 2023 (poster

    ESTpass: a web-based server for processing and annotating expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences

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    We present a web-based server, called ESTpass, for processing and annotating sequence data from expressed sequence tag (EST) projects. ESTpass accepts a FASTA-formatted EST file and its quality file as inputs, and it then executes a back-end EST analysis pipeline consisting of three consecutive steps. The first is cleansing the input EST sequences. The second is clustering and assembling the cleansed EST sequences using d2_cluster and CAP3 programs and producing putative transcripts. From the CAP3 output, ESTpass detects chimeric EST sequences which are confirmed through comparison with the nr database. The last step is annotating the putative transcript sequences using RefSeq, InterPro, GO and KEGG gene databases according to user-specified options. The major advantages of ESTpass are the integration of cleansing and annotating processes, rigorous chimeric EST detection, exhaustive annotation, and email reporting to inform the user about the progress and to send the analysis results. The ESTpass results include three reports (summary, cleansing and annotation) and download function, as well as graphic statistics. They can be retrieved and downloaded using a standard web browser. The server is available at http://estpass.kobic.re.kr/