16 research outputs found

    The Rising Incidence of Type 1 Diabetes Is Accounted for by Cases With Lower-Risk Human Leukocyte Antigen Genotypes

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    OBJECTIVE—The rising incidence of type 1 diabetes has been attributed to environment, implying a lesser role for genetic susceptibility. However, the rise could be accounted for by either more cases with classic high-risk genes or by cases with other risk genes. Separately, for any degree of genetic susceptibility, age at presentation may decrease in a permissive environment. To examine these possibilities, human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II DRB1 genes known to confer risk for type 1 diabetes were analyzed in relation to year of birth and age at diagnosis over the last five decades

    A Peptide-binding Motif for I-Ag7, the Class II Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Molecule of NOD and Biozzi AB/H Mice

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    The class II major histocompatibility complex molecule I-Ag7 is strongly linked to the development of spontaneous insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in non obese diabetic mice and to the induction of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in Biozzi AB/H mice. Structurally, it resembles the HLA-DQ molecules associated with human IDDM, in having a non-Asp residue at position 57 in its β chain. To identify the requirements for peptide binding to I-Ag7 and thereby potentially pathogenic T cell epitopes, we analyzed a known I-Ag7-restricted T cell epitope, hen egg white lysozyme (HEL) amino acids 9–27. NH2- and COOH-terminal truncations demonstrated that the minimal epitope for activation of the T cell hybridoma 2D12.1 was M12-R21 and the minimum sequence for direct binding to purified I-Ag7 M12-Y20/ K13-R21. Alanine (A) scanning revealed two primary anchors for binding at relative positions (p) 6 (L) and 9 (Y) in the HEL epitope. The critical role of both anchors was demonstrated by incorporating L and Y in poly(A) backbones at the same relative positions as in the HEL epitope. Well-tolerated, weakly tolerated, and nontolerated residues were identified by analyzing the binding of peptides containing multiple substitutions at individual positions. Optimally, p6 was a large, hydrophobic residue (L, I, V, M), whereas p9 was aromatic and hydrophobic (Y or F) or positively charged (K, R). Specific residues were not tolerated at these and some other positions. A motif for binding to I-Ag7 deduced from analysis of the model HEL epitope was present in 27/30 (90%) of peptides reported to be I-Ag7–restricted T cell epitopes or eluted from I-Ag7. Scanning a set of overlapping peptides encompassing human proinsulin revealed the motif in 6/6 good binders (sensitivity = 100%) and 4/13 weak or non-binders (specificity = 70%). This motif should facilitate identification of autoantigenic epitopes relevant to the pathogenesis and immunotherapy of IDDM

    Growth of Rotaviruses in Primary Pancreatic Cells

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    Rotavirus infection in children at risk of developing type 1 diabetes has been temporally associated with development of pancreatic islet autoantibodies. In this study, nonobese diabetic mice were shown to be susceptible to rhesus rotavirus infection and pancreatic islets from nonobese diabetic mice, nonobese diabetes-resistant mice, fetal pigs, and macaque monkeys supported various degrees of rotavirus growth. Human rotaviruses replicated in monkey islets only. This islet susceptibility shows that rotavirus infection of the pancreas in vivo might be possible

    Inverse relationship between plasma insulin and blood glucose concentrations following inoculation with RRV.

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    <p>Plasma insulin and blood glucose were measured in cardiac puncture blood 3 days after inoculation of C57/B6 mice with mock virus (open circles) or RRV (solid circles).</p

    Blood glucose concentrations following RRV or mock inoculation.

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    <p>Blood glucose was measured in individual C57BL/6 mice over 2 weeks following inoculation by gavage with 10<sup>6</sup> FFU RRV (black circles; 6 females, 6 males) or mock virus (white circles; 4 females, 5 males). * P≤0.02; ** P<0.001. Results are representative of 3 separate experiments.</p