25 research outputs found

    Analysis of microglial BDNF function and expression in the motor cortex

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    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a neurotrophin that regulates several aspects of brain function. Although numerous studies have demonstrated the expression and function of BDNF in neurons, its expression in microglia remains controversial. Using a combination of genetic tools and fluorescence imaging, we analyzed BDNF expression patterns and investigated the effect of microglial Bdnf deletion on neuronal activity, early-stage spine formation, and microglia-neuron attraction in the motor cortex. We did not detect BDNF expression in microglia at the transcriptional or translational level, in physiological or pathological conditions, and none of the assessed neuronal functions were found to be affected in conditional Bdnf knockout mice. Our results suggest that microglia do not express BDNF in sufficient amounts to modulate neuronal function

    A Peer-To-Peer Data Processing Infrastructure That Operates On The Largest Scale

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    In the corporate network, information may be exchanged throughout different businesses, making it simpler for those with common interests to collaborate. With its help, firms may be able to reduce overhead costs and increase revenue. As data is exchanged and processed across firms, it increases the complexity of implementing a scalable, high-performing, and secure data management system. This article presents BP++, an expansion of the BestPeer P2P data management platform that offers elastic data sharing services for cloud-based business network applications. BP++ integrates cloud computing, databases, and P2P technologies to provide its members with data sharing services under the well-known pay-as-you-go pricing model. For our BP++ tests, we make use of Amazon's EC2 cloud infrastructure. Benchmarks show that BP++ outperforms the recently proposed HadoopDB large-scale data processing solution when both systems are employed to handle typical business network demands. The results demonstrate that BP++ is quite efficient, with throughput scaling practically linearly with the number of peer nodes

    New validated rp-hplc method for simultaneous estimation of lamivudine and tenofovir disproxil fumarate in tablets

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    A simple, specific and precise reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic method was developed and validated for simultaneous estimation of Lamivudine and Tenofovir disproxil fumarate in tablets. Quantification was achieved by using a reverse-phase C18 column (Inertsil ODS 3V, 250 mm x 4.6 mm; 5) at 31 o C. The mobile phase consisted of a mixture of phosphate buffer and acetonitrile in the ratio of 55:45 v/v at a flow rate of 1.2 mL/min. The retention times of Lamivudine and Tenofovir disproxil fumarate were found to be 2.430 min and 4.550 min respectively. The developed method was validated as per ICH Guidelines for linearity, accuracy, precision, detection limit, quantification limit, ruggedness, robustness, specificity and system suitability. The percentage recoveries for both of the drugs from their tablets were found to be 98.48 % and 98.64 % respectively. The method may successfully be employed for the simultaneous determination of Lamivudine and Tenofovir disproxil fumarate in pharmaceutical tablet dosage forms


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    Ikan bilih berpotensi yang diolah menjadi salah satu produk olahan pangan dapat berfungsi sebagai penunjang dalam penanganan penurunan stunting pada balita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk Nugget susu kerbau dengan penambahan ikan bilih (Mystacoleucus padangensis) terhadap uji organoleptik dan kandungan zat gizi sebagai makanan tambahan untuk mendukung tumbuh kembang balita (usia 1-3 tahun). Metode penelitian ini dilakukan secara true experiment yang dilakukan di laboratorium berupa percobaan penambahan ikan bilih dalam pembuatan produk Nugget susu kerbau. Produk dibuat dengan 4 perlakuan yang terdiri dari F0 (formula standar), F1, F2, dan F3 dengan penambahan tepung ikan bilih berturut-turut sebesar 0%, 5%, 15%, dan 25%. Percobaan dilakukan dengan dua kali ulangan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Uji organoleptik dilakukan menggunakan lembar pengujian berdasarkan SNI 01-2346- 2006 tentang petunjuk pengujian organoleptik atau sensori yang dimodifikasi sesuai kebutuhan penelitian dan melibatkan 25 orang panelis agak terlatih. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan uji Kruskal Wallis dengan taraf pengujian 5% dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Mann Whitney sebagai uji lanjut. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa berdasarkan uji organoleptik, formula yang paling disukai oleh panelis adalah F1 dengan karakteristik mutu warna kuning cerah, gurih, harum, dan tekstur empuk. Tidak ada perbedaan nyata antara keempat formula (p-value >0,05). Berdasarkan uji kandungan zat gizi, F1 juga menjadi formula terbaik dengan kandungan gizi berupa kadar air 46,90%, kadar abu 2,32%, protein 11,77%, lemak 7,60%, kalsium 5,52 mg/100 gr dan zink 16,63 mg/100 gr.  Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pada ketiga perlakuan, formula terpilih adalah F1 dengan penambahan ikan bilih sebanyak 5%

    Analysis of microglial BDNF function and expression in the motor cortex

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    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a neurotrophin that regulates several aspects of brain function. Although numerous studies have demonstrated the expression and function of BDNF in neurons, its expression in microglia remains controversial. Using a combination of genetic tools and fluorescence imaging, we analyzed BDNF expression patterns and investigated the effect of microglial Bdnf deletion on neuronal activity, early-stage spine formation, and microglia-neuron attraction in the motor cortex. We did not detect BDNF expression in microglia at the transcriptional or translational level, in physiological or pathological conditions, and none of the assessed neuronal functions were found to be affected in conditional Bdnf knockout mice. Our results suggest that microglia do not express BDNF in sufficient amounts to modulate neuronal function

    Biological explanations for discordant noninvasive prenatal test results: Preliminary data and lessons learned.

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    OBJECTIVE: Maternal plasma cell-free DNA (cfDNA) analysis is a powerful screening tool for Down syndrome. In a pilot series, we examined biologic causes of discordance between the cfDNA test results and the fetal karyotype. We also explored the feasibility of obtaining trio biospecimens by using parental engagement. METHODS: A convenience sample of women with discordant cfDNA results were recruited by their care providers. We provided shipping materials and instructions for biospecimen collection. Maternal, newborn, and placental samples were examined with droplet digital PCR. RESULTS: Thirteen of 15 women successfully had biospecimens obtained remotely. High-quality DNA was extracted in 12 of 13 women. Presumed biologic etiologies for discordance were identified in 7 of 12 women: 3 cases from additional clinical review (male renal transplant, vanishing twin, and colon cancer) and 4 cases from additional laboratory investigation using droplet digital PCR (3 with confined placental mosaicism and 1 with true fetal mosaicism). CONCLUSIONS: Understanding the biology behind cfDNA-fetal karyotype discordancy is useful for follow-up clinical care. Our study suggests that most cases could be resolved by using a trio biospecimen protocol and parental involvement. To improve accuracy, additional sequencing of biospecimens will be required

    Perceived gender ratings for high and low scorers on the Autism-spectrum Quotient consistent with the extreme male brain account of autism

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    <p>Software required: SPSS</p> <p>'Male faces data_final.sav' and 'Female faces data_final.sav' contain masculinity (for male faaces) and femininity (for female faces) ratings of face photographs. Each photograph is labelled as a variable (top row, third cell onwards) and subsequent rows represent ratings provide by each rater (E.g., first row of data represents ratings provided by rater for each of the photograph presented to him/her). 'Male voices data_final.sav' and 'Female voices data_final.sav' contain masculinity (for male voices) and femininity (for female voices) ratings of voice recordings. Data layout is the same as face data described above. Click on variable tab for details on each variable. 'AQ_rating_corr_face.sav' and 'AQ_rating_corr_voice.sav' contain mean ratings of male and female faces and voices, and their respective AQ scores.</p

    Graded contribution of hippocampus to multifeature binding across temporal delay

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    It is well accepted that all the elements of an episode are combined together by the hippocampus to form an episodic representation. In this study, we further investigated whether the activation pattern of the hippocampus during multifeatural episodic encoding with temporal discontinuities varies with recollective detail in a graded way. Specifically, in the present functional magnetic resonance imaging study, we manipulated two associative features, color and size, and presented the features and the item sequentially. Right hippocampal activation increased with the number of features successfully bound to the item, supporting a graded role of hippocampal activation in bridging temporal discontinuities for integrating multiple episodic features. NeuroReport 21: 902-906 (C) 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    Standardized evaluation of Zika nucleic acid tests used in clinical settings and blood screening.

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    Early detection of Zika virus (ZIKV) transmission within geographic regions informs implementation of community mitigation measures such as vector reduction strategies, travel advisories, enhanced surveillance among pregnant women, and possible implementation of blood and organ donor screening or deferral. Standardized, comparative assessments of ZIKV assay and testing lab performance are important to develop optimal approaches to ZIKV diagnostic testing and surveillance. We conducted an expanded blinded panel study to characterize and compare the analytical performance of fifteen diagnostic and blood screening ZIKV NAT assays, including detection among single- and multiplex assays detecting ZIKV, dengue virus (DENV) and chikungunya virus (CHIKV). A 300 member blinded panel was constructed, consisting of 11 serial half-log dilutions ranging from ~104 to 10-1 genome equivalents/mL in 25 replicates each of the Tahitian Asian ZIKV isolate in ZIKV-negative human serum. Additionally, clinical samples from individuals with DENV-like syndrome or suspected ZIKV infection in Brazil were evaluated. The majority of assays demonstrated good specificity. Analytical sensitivities varied 1-2 logs, with a substantially higher limit of detection (LOD) in one outlier. Similar analytical sensitivity for ZIKV RNA detection in singleplex and multiplex assays of the Grifols and ThermoFisher tests were observed. Coefficient of Assay Efficiency (CE), calculated to characterize assays' RNA extraction and amplification efficiency, ranged from 0.13 for the Certest VIASURE multiplex and 0.75 for the Grifols multiplex assays. In general, assays using transcription mediated amplification (TMA) technology had greater CE compared to assays using conventional PCR technology. Donor screening NAT assays were significantly more sensitive than diagnostic RT-qPCR assays, primarily attributable to higher sample input volumes. However, ideal assays to maximize sensitivity and throughput may not be a viable option in all contexts, with other factors such as cost, instrumentation, and regulatory approval status influencing assay availability and selection, particularly in resource constrained settings

    Droplet-Based Microfluidic Platforms for the Encapsulation and Screening of Mammalian Cells and Multicellular Organisms

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    High-throughput, cell-based assays require small sample volumes to reduce assay costs and to allow for rapid sample manipulation. However, further miniaturization of conventional microtiter plate technology is problematic due to evaporation and capillary action. To overcome these limitations, we describe droplet-based microfluidic platforms in which cells are grown in aqueous microcompartments separated by an inert perfluorocarbon carrier oil. Synthesis of biocompatible surfactants and identification of gas-permeable storage systems allowed human cells, and even a multicellular organism (C. elegans), to survive and proliferate within the microcompartments for several days. Microcompartments containing single cells could be reinjected into a microfluidic device after incubation to measure expression of a reporter gene. This should open the way for high-throughput, cell-based screening that can use >1000-fold smaller assay volumes and has approximately 500x higher throughput than conventional microtiter plate assays