49 research outputs found

    Solubility of strontium sulphate in water and in dilute sulphuric acid

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    (1) The solubility of strontium sulphate in water at temperature ranging from 25° to 100° has been determined by a direct gravimetric method and by a conductivity method. At 30° the results obtained.. by the two methods agree closely, the solubility at this temperature being 115 to 116 milligrams per litre. According to the gravimetric method of determination, the solubility increases with rising temperature, reaches a maximum at about 60°, and falls again between 60° and 100°, whereas according to the conductivity method the solubility decreases steadily with rising temperature, and at all temperature above 30° the results are lower than those obtained by the gravimetric method. The fact that the heat of solution of strontium sulphate at ordinary temperature is negative is in accordance with the gravimetric results,(2) The solubility Of strontium sulphate in solutions of sulphuric acid of varying concentration has been determined. The "solubility effect" of the common ion is less than would be predicted by the "constant ionic solubility product rule", but is greater than has been observed with more soluble saturating salts.The solubility data were examined from the point of view of the interionic attraction theory as applied. by Noyes to the solubility effect of one electrolyte on another. The experimental results show only a very rough qualitative agreement with the requirements of the theory

    Optimum Design of Linear Phase Paraunitary Filter Bank & its Applications in Signal Processing

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    Filter Banks plays crucial role in signal processing and image processing as subband processing gives dominant results in time critical applications. In formal years, various Para unitary Linear Phase Filter Banks are proposed by following conventional and computational complex factorization and lattice approaches consisting of complex nonlinear optimization problems. One of the recent methods to design Filter Bank having properties of Linear Phase and Paraunitary is via Singular value decomposition technique which leads to optimum results compared to existing methods as most of the time it deals with matrix operations. In this paper, design benchmark is evaluated as two dominant optimization queries and reasonable key of each optimization query is solved by performing Singular Value Decomposition. Proposed Paper discusses linear phase condition of filter banks satisfying mirror image symmetry at analysis side and perfect reconstruction property at synthesis side. Singular Value Decomposition approach leads to fast and efficient simulation results compared to existing filter banks designs. Proposed method of filter bank design deals with any arbitrary channels and every length of the filters

    Performance Analysis of WDM Network Based On EDFA Amplifier with Different Pumping Techniques

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    A key mechanism for Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) implementation in optical network systems is gain flatness of Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA). The main intention of this paper is to correct the non-uniformity in the gain for every single channel so that the amplitude gain of the Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) arrangement can be equalized.The software used in this paper is Optisystem 13 so as to accomplish gain flatness of EDFA. The gains are flattened inside 27dB from 1546nm to 1568nm group of wavelength with noise figure < 14dB and we have also seen the effect of various pumping techniques on gain and noise figure. A WDM system arrangement that includes an EDFA is modeled and obtained maximum uniformed gains

    Aspects Histo-Epidemiologiques Des Cancers Solides Du Rein De L’enfant En Cote D’ivoire

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    Objectifs: A partir d&rsquo;une &eacute;tude r&eacute;trospective transversale, les auteurs&nbsp; rapportent 34 cas de cancer du rein histologiquement confirm&eacute;s chez l&rsquo;enfant de moins de 16 ans, observ&eacute;s dans les services d&rsquo;Anatomie Pathologique des centres hospitaliers et universitaires d&rsquo;Abidjan (R&eacute;publique de C&ocirc;te d&rsquo;Ivoire) au cours de la p&eacute;riode allant de janvier 1984 &agrave; d&eacute;cembre 2007e.Patients et m&eacute;thodes: Le mat&eacute;riel d&rsquo;&eacute;tude &eacute;tait constitu&eacute; de pi&egrave;ce de&nbsp; n&eacute;phrectomie. Apr&egrave;s fixation dans le formol &agrave; 10%, les pr&eacute;l&egrave;vements ont &eacute;t&eacute; inclus en paraffine et color&eacute; &agrave; l&rsquo;h&eacute;mat&eacute;ine &eacute;osine.R&eacute;sultats: Le cancer du rein de l&rsquo;enfant repr&eacute;sentait 0.28% de l&rsquo;ensemble des cancers. Il y avait 18 gar&ccedil;ons (52.94%) et 16 filles (47.06%). L&rsquo;&acirc;ge moyen &eacute;tait de 4.88 ans. Au plan histologique nous avons observ&eacute; 31 cas de n&eacute;phroblastome (91.18%), 2 cas de lymphome de Burkitt (5.88%) et 1 cas de carcinome &agrave; cellule r&eacute;nale (2.94%).Conclusion: Les cancers solides du rein de l&rsquo;enfant sont domin&eacute;s par le n&eacute;phroblastome

    Formulation And Evaluation Of Oral Ibuprofen-Paracetamol Jelly On Laboratory Scale

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    Oral medicated buprofen paracetamol jellies are best semi solid dosage forms administered through the oral route. Oral medicatedibuprofen paracetamol jellies provide several advantages as pharmaceutical formulations however with some disadvantages like Dysphagia. Oral medicated jellies as a dosage form can be adopted laboratory equipmentfor drug delivery system. Oral solid dosage forms were the most preferred dosage forms for a wide range of populationin elderly and 12 years and above age patient due to they easy to administration. Solving difficulties and Dysphagia problems are the main disadvantages which can minimize as possible. The ultimate purpose for this formulation is to introduce opportunities of providing the oral jelly as a suitable alternative to the readily available solid dosage forms of the same medicamen

    Cohort Profile: The Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health (MLSFH)

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    The Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health (MLSFH) is one of very few long-standing publicly-available longitudinal cohort studies in a sub-Saharan African (SSA) context. It provides a rare record of more than a decade of demographic, socioeconomic and health conditions in one of the world\u27s poorest countries. With data collection rounds in 1998, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012 for up to 4,000 individuals, the MLSFH permits researchers to investigate the multiple influences that contribute to HIV risks in sexual partnerships, the variety of ways that people manage risk within and outside of marriage, the possible effects of HIV prevention policies and programs, and the mechanisms through which poor rural individuals, families, households, and communities cope with the impacts of high morbidity and mortality that are often---but not always---related to HIV/AIDS. The MLSFH been used to document (i) the influence of social networks on HIV-related behaviors and perceptions, (ii) the HIV prevention strategies employed by individuals in rural high-HIV prevalence contexts, (iii) the relationship between life-course transitions and HIV infection risks, (iv) the acceptability of HIV testing and counseling (HTC) and the consequences of HTC on subsequent behaviors, and (v) the health and well-being across the life-course of individuals facing multiple challenges resulting from high disease burdens and widespread poverty