13 research outputs found

    Rocha basáltica amigdaloide triturada e seus efeitos na produção de tomate

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    Introduction: Sustainable agriculture plays an important role in agricultural productivity, in which it seeks to reduce dependence on conventional synthetic fertilizers (imported from Europe) and promote the use of alternative, low-cost and environmentally friendly sources. Objetive: An experiment was carried out in the municipality of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with the objective of evaluating the efficiency and agronomic viability of using a mineral product (amygdaloid basalt powder) as an agricultural input on tomato productivity Solanum lycopersicum L. Methodology: The experimental design used was randomized blocks with six treatments and four replications, at doses 0 (treatment 1 - control), 1.0-t ha–1 of rock dust (treatment 2), 2.5-t ha–1 of rock dust (treatment 3), 3.5-t ha–1 of rock dust (treatment 4), 4.5-t ha–1 of rock dust (treatment 5), and recommended fertilization for tomato 5-20-20 NPK (treatment 6 - standard). Results: The treatments were applied in December 2018 and the transplant took place in February 2019. According to the conditions under which the experiment was submitted and analyzing the results obtained, it can be inferred that the application of 1.0-t ha–1 of amygdaloidal basalt in the soil increased parameters such as root length, stem diameter, green and dry mass of shoots and roots, number of flowers/plants, number of fruits/plant and productivity in tomato Solanum lycopersicum L. Conclusions: It is a viable, sustainable, and low-cost strategy that contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 2) and can be replicated in Brazil and worldwide.Introducción: La agricultura sostenible juega un papel importante en la productividad agrícola, en la que se busca reducir la dependencia de los fertilizantes sintéticos convencionales (importados de Europa) y promover el uso de fuentes alternativas, de bajo costo y amigables con el medio ambiente. Objetivo: Se realizó un experimento en el municipio de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, con el objetivo de evaluar la eficiencia y viabilidad agronómica del uso de un producto mineral (polvo de basalto amigdalino) como insumo agrícola sobre la productividad del tomate Solanum lycopersicum L. Metodología: El diseño experimental utilizado fue bloques al azar con seis tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones, en las dosis 0 (tratamiento 1 - control), 1.0-t ha–1 de polvo de roca (tratamiento 2), 2.5-t ha–1 de polvo de roca (tratamiento 3), 3.5-t ha–1 de polvo de roca (tratamiento 4), 4.5-t ha–1 de polvo de roca (tratamiento 5), y fertilización recomendada para tomate 5-20-20 NPK (tratamiento 6 - estándar). Resultados: Los tratamientos se aplicaron en diciembre de 2018 y el trasplante se realizó en febrero de 2019. De acuerdo con las condiciones en las que se sometió el experimento y analizando los resultados obtenidos, se puede afirmar que la aplicación de 1-t ha–1 de basalto amigdaloidal en el suelo incrementó parámetros como longitud de raíz, diámetro de tallo, masa verde y seca de brotes y raíces, número de flores/plantas, número de frutos/planta y productividad en tomate Solanum lycopersicum L. Conclusiones: Es una estrategia viable, sostenible y de bajo costo que contribuye a la consecución del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS 2) y puede ser replicada en Brasil y en todo el mundo.Introdução: A agricultura sustentável tem papel relevante na produtividade agrícola, na qual busca reduzir a dependência de fertilizantes sintéticos convencionais (importados da Europa) e promover o uso de fontes alternativas, de baixo custo e ambientalmente amigáveis. Objeto: Foi realizado um experimento no município de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil para avaliar a eficiência e a viabilidade agronômica da utilização de um produto mineral (pó de basalto amigdalóide) como insumo agrícola na produtividade do tomateiro Solanum lycopersicum L. Metodologia: O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições, nas doses 0 (tratamento 1 - controle), 1.0-t ha–1 de pó de rocha (tratamento 2), 2.5-t ha–1 de pó de rocha (tratamento 3), 3.5-t ha–1 de pó de rocha (tratamento 4), 4.5-t ha–1 de pó de rocha (tratamento 5), e fertilização recomendada para o tomate 5-20-20 NPK (tratamento 6 - padrão). Resultado: Os tratamentos foram aplicados em dezembro de 2018 e o transplante ocorreu em fevereiro de 2019. De acordo com as condições em que foi submetido o experimento e analisando os resultados obtidos, pode-se inferir que a aplicação de 1.0-t ha–1 de pó de basalto amigdaloidal no solo aumentou parâmetros como comprimento da raiz, diâmetro do caule, massa verde e seca da parte aérea e da raiz, número de flores/plantas, número de frutos/planta e produtividade em tomateiro Solanum lycopersicum L. Conclusões: É uma estratégia viável, sustentável e de baixo custo que contribui para o cumprimento do Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS 2) e pode ser replicável no Brasil e no mundo

    Optimizing the selective precipitation of iron to produce yellow pigment from acid mine drainage

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    Acid mine drainage (AMD) in the coal mining industry is recognized as one of the major sources of environmental damage. The active treatment of AMD involves adding alkaline reagents to wastewater so as to raise pH and to precipitate dissolved metals in the form of oxides/hydroxides. Studies have shown that yellow pigment (goethite) can be produced from the iron present in AMD. However, the presence of other metals can prevent the formation of pigment. Therefore, this paper seeks to evaluate several processes for purifying iron sludge so as to obtain raw material that can be recovered from AMD and thereby obtain a good quality of yellow pigment. The experiments were carried out by causing precipitation with strong and weak bases and removing other metals from the sludge by washing and filtering the sludge or by centrifugation. The results show that the color, type and morphology of the compounds changed, depending on the number of contaminants, and that these factors are strongly dependent on the type of reagent and less dependent on the separation process and the repetition of washes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Application of Andesite Rock as a Clean Source of Fertilizer for Eucalyptus Crop: Evidence of Sustainability

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    Global demineralization of agricultural soils due to unsustainable use of highly soluble fertilizers and intensive exploitation is an issue of increasing concern. Methods of remineralization include the application of volcanic rock by-product, such as vesicular andesite on mineral-deficient fields. The present work analyzed the petrography, mineralogy, and chemistry of volcanic rock by-product (vesicular andesite rock), as well as on-field experiment with eucalyptus. The petrographic description was performed on a polished thin section by optical microscopy. The mineralogical phases were identified with X-ray diffraction. The by-product chemical composition was determined by X-ray fluorescence and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for potentially toxic elements. Additional chemical compositions were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope equipped with a dispersive X-ray detector. A nine-month field experiment was carried out to evaluate the agronomic performance of Eucalyptus saligna Smith cultivated in an Ultisol. Four different doses (treatment T1 = control, treatment T2 = nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium fertilizer 100 %, treatment T3 = by-product 100 %, and treatment T4 = by-product 50 % and nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium fertilizer 50 %), were applied on soil. Responses to treatments were evaluated from height and diameter at breast height at three, six, and nine months after eucalyptus planting. The total phosphorous and potassium content in soil was measured at three and six months after eucalyptus planting. The results showed that the by-product is composed of plagioclase, potassium feldspar, zeolite, smectite, and opaque minerals with apatite as an accessory mineral. The primary oxides found in by-product via X-ray fluorescence were silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium and with lower concentration, the potassium and phosphorus. In all evaluated parameters, it was verified that T2 and T4 treatments significantly enhanced the available soil phosphorous, and the eucalyptus height, with maximum gains (79 % and 62 % of phosphorous, and 20 % and 23 % of height) at nine months after eucalyptus plantation. The maximum gains of eucalyptus diameter at breast height were similar (23 % and 24 %) at six months after plantation. Soil available potassium was significantly enhanced in T3, T4 and T2 treatments at nine months after planting, with maximum gains of 71 %, 55 % and 53 %. The work indicated an improvement in the phosphorus and potassium levels in soils, and in eucalyptus crop growth by adding by-product, being a partial nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium fertilizer substitution strategy. The use of these geological materials is presented as an alternative to increase agricultural productivity and reduce the environmental impacts caused by excessive use of highly soluble fertilizers

    Evaluation of Soil Re-mineralizer from By-Product of Volcanic Rock Mining: Experimental Proof Using Black Oats and Maize Crops

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    This study was focused on physical, petrographical, mineralogical, and chemical characterization of a volcanic-rock mining by-product (dacite rock), as well as on greenhouse experiment with black oats and maize crops to evaluate the potential use of the by-product as soil re-mineralizer. The by-product sample was obtained from a quarry in the Nova Prata mining district in southern Brazil. The particle size distribution of the by-product and soil was determined by sieving. Dacite rock petrographic description was performed on a polished thin section by optical microscopy. The soil and dacite rock mineralogical phases were identified by X-ray diffraction. The by-product and soil chemical composition was determined by X-ray fluorescence. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was performed to determine potentially toxic elements, As, Cd, Hg and Pb in by-product. Additional chemical compositions of the by-product and soil were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray detector. Black oats and, sequentially maize, crops were cultivated in a typical Hapludox soil treated with the by-product in a greenhouse. Five by-product doses (0, 906, 1813, 3625, and 7251 kg ha−1) were added into pots containing soil, each with seven replications. Responses to treatments were evaluated from dry matter production, nutritional status of the crops, and in the changes in soil properties after 70 days of each cultivation. The results showed that the by-product is composed of plagioclase, K-feldspar, quartz, clinopyroxene, smectites, and opaque minerals with apatite as accessory mineral. The addition of 3625 and 7251 kg ha−1 doses of the by-product substantially increased the dry matter yield in maize leaves. The Ca uptake by maize leaves cultivated in soil with 7251 kg ha−1 dose of the by-product was significantly higher in soil with other doses, and all by-product doses promoted high concentrations of Mg and Ca. The accumulated amounts of Ca, K, Mg and P indicated that they were enough to supply maize nutritional needs. Improvements in soil properties, such as high levels of Ca, K and P and low levels of exchangeable Al and Al saturation were observed. The results of the study suggest that the by-product can be used as soil re-mineralizer. The dacite rock by-product studied here has potential to be an environmental solution to soil fertilization problem because it does not require chemical processing and can be used as it is mined

    Análise e avaliação da distribuição de metais pesados em um antigo aterro de resíduos sólidos urbanos “Aterro Invernadinha”

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    A contaminação por metais em locais que receberam resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) é um grave problema ambiental enfrentado atualmente. Este estudo avaliou o teor e a distribuição dos metais pesados níquel (Ni), cobre (Cu), zinco (Zn), cromo (Cr), cádmio (Cd) e chumbo (Pb) em diferentes profundidades na área de um antigo aterro de RSU, denominado de “Aterro Invernadinha”, o qual está situado no município de Passo Fundo, RS. A metodologia do trabalho baseou-se na realização de furos de sondagem, coletas de amostras em diferentes profundidades do solo (de 0-1 m, de 1-2 m e de 2-3 m) e análise dos metais empregando o método 3050B. A quantificação dos teores dos metais em estudo foi realizada por espectroscopia de absorção atômica com chama. Posteriormente, realizou-se análise estatística e geoestatística unidirecional horizontal para os metais Cu, Zn e Cr, utilizando os softwares GSLIB e VarioWin. A mesma metodologia de coleta e tratamento de dados foi efetuada em uma área de controle, livre de contaminação, situada próxima ao antigo aterro (Reserva Arlindo Haas). Os resultados demonstram teores elevados de metais no solo de recobrimento (0-1 m) e uma grande variabilidade dos dados na área do aterro. A geoestatística foi uma ferramenta eficiente para se verificar a distribuição espacial dos dados e para concluir que há contaminação por Zn em todo o percurso, enquanto que para Cu e Cr a contaminação é pontual e randômica. Palavras-chave: Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos. Metais Pesados. Geoestatística

    Evaluation of the potential of volcanic rock waste from southern Brazil as a natural soil fertilizer

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    This study was developed to evaluate the chemical and mineralogical properties of acid volcanic rock waste from mining activities by measuring the availability of macronutrients and micronutrients in Milli-Q water, and in acidic solutions to evaluate the potential use of this type of waste as natural soil fertilizers. The sample used in this work was obtained from a company of the mining district of Nova Prata, Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil. Petrographic studies using conventional optical microscopy and scanning electron microscope allowed to define the mineral composition of in powder wastes as being comprised mainly by pyroxene, feldspar, and variable contents of amorphous glass in matrix. The primary oxides detected in the samples by X-ray Fluorescence were calcium oxide, silicon dioxide, aluminium oxide, iron oxide, and with concentration minor potassium oxide, and phosphorus oxide. Several important nutrients were transferred into the acidic solutions, indicating the significant potential and feasibility of these wastes to be effectively used as natural fertilizers. This study is of great relevance to the sector of mining and to agriculture in the region because it can create an alternative disposal treatment for tailings, and improve the environmental sustainability of local farms, thereby avoiding excessive chemical fertilizer consumption

    Cultivation of Microalgae (<i>Scenedesmus</i> sp.) Using Coal Mining Wastewater and Separation via Coagulation/Flocculation and Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)

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    Algae growth can be carried out in treated mine waters, providing biomass and helping to achieve the standards for water discharge. However, efficient separation of algae from the aqueous medium is crucial. The present work investigated the stability of Scenedesmus sp. in treated acid drainage from coal mining and assessed the harvesting of microalgae via coagulation/flocculation and dissolved air flotation (DAF). Successful algae growth was achieved, with cells remaining suspended in the water at a wide range of pH values, requiring the use of reagents for destabilization/aggregation. Algae coagulation/flocculation was attained with the use of tannin or ferric chloride associated with an anionic polymer flocculant at a pH of 8.0 ± 0.1. When combined with the flocculant, both tannin and the inorganic coagulant proved effective in enhancing floc stability and hydrophobicity for the DAF process. In summary, this operational approach facilitated algae biomass recovery and significantly reduced turbidity in the treated water. Finally, a schematic diagram illustrating the algae cultivation and harvesting process is presented, offering a practical alternative to acid mine drainage (AMD) treatment refinement associated with algae biomass production


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    O ramo de lavagem e tingimento de roupas é responsável por uma parcela significativa no consumo de água no meio urbano, no entanto são poucas as empresas que  preocupam-se em lançar seus efluentes, que apresentam uma diversidade de produtos empregados no processo de lavagem, como tensoativos, amaciantes, alvejantes, tinturas, fibras de tecidos, dentro de um padrão de qualidade estabelecido pelos órgãos ambientais.  As poucas que o fazem, limitam-se a processos simplificados de tratamento. O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados obtidos com a utilização de duas alternativas diferentes de tratamento dos efluentes gerados por uma lavanderia industrial típica. Os efluentes foram tratados pelos processos de coagulação-floculação e adsorção-coagulação-floculação utilizando sulfato de alumínio como coagulante.  Os resultados obtidos no tratamento dos efluentes quanto aos parâmetros físico-químicos, permitiram à partir de uma comparação com os valores de emissão autorizados pela FEPAM, através da licença operação da empresa, realizar uma análise  de capacidade dos processos de tratamento avaliados.O efluente tratado por coagulação/floculação melhorou significativamente a qualidade da água, porém ainda apresentou resultados insatisfatórios quanto ao parâmetro surfactantes, o que faz com que este processo de tratamento seja classificado como incapaz, o efluente tratado por adsorção/coagulação/floculação apresentou bons resultados em todos os parâmetros físico-químicos avaliados e pode ser considerado um processo capaz e de grande  confiabilidade em relação a todos os parâmetros de qualidade exigidos pelo órgão ambiental enquanto que o efluente bruto também não atende as exigências de emissão o que impossibilita o lançamento sem tratamento do efluente em um corpo receptor