168 research outputs found

    Radioisotope thermionic power supply for spacecraft

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    Power supply design for unmanned electric propulsion missions to outer planets utilizes a store of curium-244 in compact array of capsules as energy source. Supply subassemblies are: heat source, converter equipment which supplies power, and safety equipment. System is designed for a 72,000 hour mission

    Thermionic reactors for electric propulsion - Parametric studies

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    Design parameters influence on size, mass, and reliability of thermionic reactors for electric propulsio

    The Effect of Diethylstilbestrol on the Digestibility of Dry Matter and Nitrogen and on Nitrogen Retention in Lambs

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    Although the usefulness of orally administered diethylstilbestrol (stilbestrol) in increasing weight gains and feed efficiency of fattening cattle has been established, little is known concerning the mechanism by which it exerts its beneficial effect. Two possible modes of action may exist. First, the stilbestrol may have some effect on the rumen microorganisms which might cause an increased digestion of feed in the rumen. Brooks et al. (1954) have shown that stilbestrol increased the digestibility of cellulose in the artificial rumen. They also obtained increased cellulose and protein digestion in sheep when stilbestrol was fed. However the levels fed the sheep were considerably above the mg. per lamb per day reported to be effective with lambs (Hale et al. 1955). Sykes et al. (1956) reported an increase in crude fiber digestibility and a decrease in protein digestibility with lactating cows when stilbestrol was fed. Digestibility of the dry matter of the ration tended to be improved but the differences were not statistically significant. Erwin et al. (1956) reported stilbestroI had no effect on digestibility of dry matter, crude fiber, crude protein or ether extract with steers. Secondly, the orally fed stilbestrol may exert some action on the metabolism of the animal\u27s tissue which is thought to occur when the stilbestrol is implanted (Clegg and Cole, 19 54). It has been shown that implanted stilbestrol increased nitrogen retention but had no effect on ration digestibility (Jordan 1953: Whitehair et al. 1953). Bell et al. (1955) found that orally fed stilbestrol increased nitrogen retention in lambs. Presumably this action is brought about by the absorbed stilbestrol acting similar to that on the implanted stilbestrol. The objectives of this report were to study the effects of different levels of stilbestrol upon the digestibility of dry matter and crude protein and on nitrogen retention with wether lambs

    Study of radioisotope safety devices for electric propulsion system, Volume 1: Summary report

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    A new reference design was prepared for the 5 kW(e) thermionic power supply. The safety equipment in this design is a passive containment system which does not rely on the operation of any mechanisms such as a launch escape rocket or deployment of parachutes. It includes: (1) a blast shield to protect against the explosion of the launch vehicle; (2) a combination of refractory thermal insulation and heat storage material to protect against a sustained launch pad fire; (3) a reentry body with a spherical nose and a large conical flare at the aft end to stabilize the reentry attitude and lower the terminal velocity in air; (4) composite graphite thermal protection to sustain the reentry heat pulse; (5) crushable honeycomb behind the nose to limit the deceleration of the radioisotope source due to impact on land at terminal velocity; (6) a double-walled secondary containment vessel surrounding the isotopic capsules; (7) neutron shielding to reduce external dose rates; (8) an auxiliary cooling system employing redundant heat pipes to remove the radioactive decay heat from the heat source and reject it to the surroundings or to a forced convection loop

    Iodinated Casein for Sows Boosts Early Baby Pig Gains

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    Experiments to date show considerable promise for the feeding of small amounts of iodinated casein to nursing sows. Its use has boosted baby pig gains 27 percent in the first week. This article is a progress report on the results of the three separate experiments so far completed

    Plasma Electronics

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    Contains research objectives and reports on twelve research projects.National Science Foundation under Grant G-9330U. S. Navy (Office of Naval Research) under Contract Nonr-1841(78)U. S. NavyLincoln Laboratory, Purchase Order DDL B-00306U. S. ArmyU. S. Air Force under Air Force Contract AF19(604)-740

    Plasma Electronics

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    Contains reports on nine research projects.U. S. Air Force under Air Force Contract AF 19(604)-7400National Science Foundation under Grant G-9330U.S.Navy(Office of Naval Research)under Contract Nonr-1841(78)U. S. ArmyLincoln Laboratory, Purchase Order DDL B-00337U. S. Nav
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