42 research outputs found

    Current Status and Future Plans for Experiment AD-4 Biological Effectiveness of Antiproton Annihilation

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    Current Status and Future Plans for AD-

    A Study On The Model Of Profit And Risk In Xiamen’s Commercial Banks

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    随着相对滞后的金融体制改革提上议事日程,金融业中的银行业的风险和效益的矛盾对立统一日益成为讨论的焦点、热点。加入WTO对金融业意味着拥有先进管理技术和经验的外资银行抢滩国内银行业务,其对国内中资银行的竞争和生存环境的影响是巨大且不可预测的。作者认为国内中资银行是缺乏效率的,为避免银行命脉被外资控制,国内中资银行不能讳疾忌医,而要以有容乃大、自省的态度积极寻求市场经济下的解决之道,最可取的莫过于解剖一只麻雀。 按照这一思路,本文选取了厦门8家经营较稳定的商业银行进行收益风险模式比较,为国内其他中资商业银行的经营管理提供实证参考。 第一章导言。对银行经营活动的一般特点进行描述。提出银行作为经济...Owing to the combination between banking and economics , influencing factor is increasingly complicated. Banker needs to design one macroanalysis model to logically judge different kinds of income chance and danger all banks faced with,through which banker may supply effective diagnose for banking operating management. The theses takes banking 'data in Xiamen as an example .It exists that huge c...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:19981505

    Calculated LET spectrum from antiproton beams stopping in water

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    Antiprotons have been proposed as a potential modality for radiotherapy because the annihilation at the end of range leads to roughly a doubling of physical dose in the Bragg peak region. So far it has been anticipated that the radiobiology of antiproton beams is similar to that of protons in the entry region of the beam, but very different in the annihilation region, due to the expected high-LET components resulting from the annihilation. On closer inspection we find that calculations of dose averaged LET in the entry region may suggest that the RBE of antiprotons in the plateau region could significantly differ from unity, which seems to warrant closer inspection of the radiobiology in this region. Materials and Methods. Monte Carlo simulations using FLUKA were performed for calculating the entire particle spectrum of a beam of 126 MeV antiprotons hitting a water phantom. Results and Discussion. In the plateau region of the simulated antiproton beam we observe a dose-averaged unrestricted LET of about 4 keV/ m m, which is very different from the expected 0.6 keV/ m m of an equivalent primary proton beam. Even though the fluence of secondaries is a magnitude less than the fluence of primary particles, the increased stopping power of the secondary particles causes an increase in the dose averaged LET which is expected to result in a RBE different from unity