159 research outputs found

    Majority Model on a network with communities

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    We focus on the majority model in a topology consisting of two coupled fully-connected networks, thereby mimicking the existence of communities in social networks. We show that a transition takes place at a value of the inter-connectivity parameter. Above this value, only symmetric solutions prevail, where both communities agree with each other and reach consensus. Below this value, in contrast, the communities can reach opposite opinions and an asymmetric state is attained. The importance of the interface between the sub-networks is shown.Comment: 4 page

    Coevolution of Information Processing and Topology in Hierarchical Adaptive Random Boolean Networks

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    Random Boolean networks (RBNs) are frequently employed for modelling complex systems driven by information processing, e.g. for gene regulatory networks (GRNs). Here we propose a hierarchical adaptive RBN (HARBN) as a system consisting of distinct adaptive RBNs - subnetworks - connected by a set of permanent interlinks. Information measures and internal subnetworks topology of HARBN coevolve and reach steady-states that are specific for a given network structure. We investigate mean node information, mean edge information as well as a mean node degree as functions of model parameters and demonstrate HARBN's ability to describe complex hierarchical systems.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Modelling Collective Opinion Formation by Means of Active Brownian Particles

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    The concept of active Brownian particles is used to model a collective opinion formation process. It is assumed that individuals in community create a two-component communication field that influences the change of opinions of other persons and/or can induce their migration. The communication field is described by a reaction-diffusion equation, the opinion change of the individuals is given by a master equation, while the migration is described by a set of Langevin equations, coupled by the communication field. In the mean-field limit holding for fast communication we derive a critical population size, above which the community separates into a majority and a minority with opposite opinions. The existence of external support (e.g. from mass media) changes the ratio between minority and majority, until above a critical external support the supported subpopulation exists always as a majority. Spatial effects lead to two critical ``social'' temperatures, between which the community exists in a metastable state, thus fluctuations below a certain critical wave number may result in a spatial opinion separation. The range of metastability is particularly determined by a parameter characterizing the individual response to the communication field. In our discussion, we draw analogies to phase transitions in physical systems.Comment: Revised text version. Accepted for publication in European Physics Journal B. For related work see http://summa.physik.hu-berlin.de/~frank/active.html and http://www.if.pw.edu.pl/~jholys

    Ising model on two connected Barabasi-Albert networks

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    We investigate analytically the behavior of Ising model on two connected Barabasi-Albert networks. Depending on relative ordering of both networks there are two possible phases corresponding to parallel or antiparallel alingment of spins in both networks. A difference between critical temperatures of both phases disappears in the limit of vanishing inter-network coupling for identical networks. The analytic predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations.Comment: 6 pages including 6 figure

    Opinion dynamics driven by leaders, media, viruses and worms

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    A model on the effects of leader, media, viruses, and worms and other agents on the opinion of individuals is developed and utilized to simulate the formation of consensus in society and price in market via excess between supply and demand. Effects of some time varying drives, (harmonic and hyperbolic) are also investigated. Key words: Opinion; Leader; Media; Market; Buyers; Sellers; ExcessComment: 14 pages, 7 figures (14, total) Will be published in IJMP

    Shock waves in one-dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnets

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    We use SU(2) coherent state path integral formulation with the stationary phase approximation to investigate, both analytically and numerically, the existence of shock waves in the one- dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnets with anisotropic exchange interaction. As a result we show the existence of shock waves of two types,"bright" and "dark", which can be interpreted as moving magnetic domains.Comment: 10 pages, with 3 ps figure

    Ferromagnetic fluid as a model of social impact

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    The paper proposes a new model of spin dynamics which can be treated as a model of sociological coupling between individuals. Our approach takes into account two different human features: gregariousness and individuality. We will show how they affect a psychological distance between individuals and how the distance changes the opinion formation in a social group. Apart from its sociological aplications the model displays the variety of other interesting phenomena like self-organizing ferromagnetic state or a second order phase transition and can be studied from different points of view, e.g. as a model of ferromagnetic fluid, complex evolving network or multiplicative random process.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    The critical properties of the agent-based model with environmental-economic interactions

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    The steady-state and nonequilibrium properties of the model of environmental-economic interactions are studied. The interacting heterogeneous agents are simulated on the platform of the emission dynamics of cellular automaton. The model possess the discontinuous transition between the safe and catastrophic ecology. Right at the critical line, the broad-scale power-law distributions of emission rates have been identified. Their relationship to Zipf's law and models of self-organized criticality is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, published in Physica

    Parameters of state in the global thermodynamics of binary ideal gas mixtures in a stationary heat flow

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    We formulate the first law of global thermodynamics for stationary states of the binary ideal gas mixture subjected to heat flow. We map the non-uniform system onto the uniform one and show that the internal energy U(S,V,N1,N2,f1,f2)U(S^*,V,N_1,N_2,f_1^*,f_2^*) is the function of the following parameters of state: a non-equilibrium entropy SS^*, volume VV, number of particles of the first component, N1N_1, number of particles of the second component N2N_2 and the renormalized degrees of freedom. The parameters f1,f2f_1^*,f_2^*, N1,N2N_1, N_2 satisfy the relation x1f1/f1+x2f2/f2=1x_1f_1^*/f_1+x_2f_2^*/f_2=1 (f1f_1, where xix_i is the fraction of ii component, and f2f_2 are the degrees of freedom for each component respectively). Thus only 5 parameters of state describe the non-equilibrium state of the binary mixture in the heat flow. We calculate the non-equilibrium entropy SS^{*} and new thermodynamic parameters of state f1,f2f_1^*, f_2^* explicitly. The latter are responsible for heat generation due to the concentration gradients. The theory reduces to equilibrium thermodynamics, when the heat flux goes to zero. As in equilibrium thermodynamics, the steady-state fundamental equation also leads to the thermodynamic Maxwell relations for measurable steady-state properties.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur