3 research outputs found

    Implementation of Innovative Technology for Evaluating High-speed Rail Passenger Transportation

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    The size and content of consumer value (CV) of the service for the transportation of passengers by the railways ofUkrainein long-distance communication by nighttime and daytime trains is determined. A comparison is made of the results of two approaches to researching the attitude of customers to the service – traditional (point-based) and new, taking into account the specific requirements of the total management of the customer value of the service. The directions of the managerial impact of CV on the passenger transportation in long-distance communication by the railways ofUkrainebased on the attitude of customers to the disadvantages and advantages of this service are determined.In three focus groups, discussions were held about travel by Ukrainian railways by daytime and nighttime trains. Based on the results, a list of the disadvantages and advantages that form the consumer value of such a transport service is formed. The list of 19 positive and negative statements reflected all stages of the trip by rail. Behind it, the Likert scale and the corresponding form for conducting an interview were developed. The number of respondents is 823. The sample is random.The results of the polls confidently prove that the prejudiced attitude of passengers towards daytime transportation has been overcome. The ratio of passengers of the railways ofUkrainein daytime transportation in long-distance traffic is better than in nighttime.Only one fifth of those traveling daytime and nighttime are fully satisfied with the level of advantages and disadvantages, which is not enough for most customers to make repeat purchases. However, such a hypothesis needs to be verified in future studies.The feeling of satisfaction among passengers of daytime trains with a positive value of consumer value does not arise in 29 %, which is a threat to the railway operator company. Women are generally worse off on transportation services than men.Personal experience using the train in general does not affect the attitude. However, the experience of using a nighttime train significantly reduces the consumer value of the transport service.The main conclusion is that when several customer segments are served simultaneously in a common space, the total management of the customer value of the service and the corresponding research methods are productive

    Development of a System Model for the Functioning of Distribution Electrical Supply Systems in Transport Infrastructure Projects

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    The object of research is the power supply system of railway transport, which is part of a unified system and belongs to the class of geographically distributed electrical facilities. The main component of the system are electric networks, which represent a key technological chain of the transport process, provide it with energy, make up a significant part of the costs, connect geographically distributed objects and therefore represent one of the technological foundations for the integration of transport control. This significantly affects the efficiency of all links of the railway transport, which is especially important from the point of view of the corporate interests of the industry.In the course of the study, a systematic approach, system analysis methods, approaches to optimal production management with the support of the technological process of current repair and maintenance of electricity distribution systems were used. As well as ways of organizing a single information space of primary information that reflects the state of the power supply system. An information model of the control system for the processes of ongoing maintenance and repair is obtained, which will improve the efficiency of the control system already at the initial stages of their design. This is due to the fact that the proposed model has a number of features of the functioning and organization of repair work. In particular, the planning of the work of power distribution systems, operation, taking into account the optimization of repair work, management decisions, the interaction of the structural units of the power supply service based on set of problems Zjk.Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain information about individual processes of organizing the planning of the current maintenance and repair of the distribution system of power supply of structural units of the service. Compared with similar ones, this provides such advantages as the ability to register, transmit and process information in the power supply control mode. As well as the ability to implement periodic and occasional control and assessment of the reliability of the system, software and hardware and information, quick system analysis of various situations, the ability to form the most effective management decisions