2,033 research outputs found

    Morphology of the Nuclear Disk in M87

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    A deep, fuly sampled diffraction limited (FWHM ~ 70 mas) narrow-band image of the central region in M87 was obtained with the Wide Filed and Planetary Camera 2 of the Hubble Space Telescope using the dithering technique. The H-alpha+[NII] continuum subtracted image reveals a wealth of details in the gaseous disk structure described earlier by Ford et al. (1994). The disk morphology is dominated by a well defined three-arm spiral pattern. In addition, the major spiral arms contain a large number of small "arclets" covering a range of sizes (0.1-0.3 arcsec = 10-30 pc). The overall surface brightness profile inside a radius ~1.5" (100 pc) is well represented by a power-law I(mu) ~ mu^(-1.75), but when the central ~40 pc are excluded it can be equally well fit by an exponential disk. The major axis position angle remains constant at about PA_disk ~ 6 deg for the innermost ~1", implying the disk is oriented nearly perpendicular to the synchrotron jet (PA_jet ~ 291 deg). At larger radial distances the isophotes twist, reflecting the gas distribution in the filaments connecting to the disk outskirts. The ellipticity within the same radial range is e = 0.2-0.4, which implies an inclination angle of i~35 deg. The sense of rotation combined with the dust obscuration pattern indicate that the spiral arms are trailing.Comment: 5 pages, 3 postscript figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the M87 Workshop, Ringberg castle, Germany, 15-19 Sep 1997, also available from http://jhufos.pha.jhu.edu/~zlatan/papers.htm

    Metallicity Distribution Functions of Four Local Group dwarf galaxies

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    We present stellar metallicities in Leo I, Leo II, IC 1613, and Phoenix dwarf galaxies derived from medium (F390M) and broad (F555W, F814W) band photometry using the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) instrument aboard the Hubble Space Telescope. We measured metallicity distribution functions (MDFs) in two ways, 1) matching stars to isochrones in color-color diagrams, and 2) solving for the best linear combination of synthetic populations to match the observed color-color diagram. The synthetic technique reduces the effect of photometric scatter, and produces MDFs 30-50 % narrower than the MDFs produced from individually matched stars. We fit the synthetic and individual MDFs to analytical chemical evolution models (CEM) to quantify the enrichment and the effect of gas flows within the galaxies. Additionally, we measure stellar metallicity gradients in Leo I and II. For IC 1613 and Phoenix our data do not have the radial extent to confirm a metallicity gradient for either galaxy. We find the MDF of Leo I (dwarf spheroidal) to be very peaked with a steep metal rich cutoff and an extended metal poor tail, while Leo II (dwarf spheroidal), Phoenix (dwarf transition) and IC 1613 (dwarf irregular) have wider, less peaked MDFs than Leo I. A simple CEM is not the best fit for any of our galaxies, therefore we also fit the `Best Accretion Model' of Lynden-Bell 1975. For Leo II, IC 1613 and Phoenix we find similar accretion parameters for the CEM, even though they all have different effective yields, masses, star formation histories and morphologies. We suggest that the dynamical history of a galaxy is reflected in the MDF, where broad MDFs are seen in galaxies that have chemically evolved in relative isolation and narrowly peaked MDFs are seen in galaxies that have experienced more complicated dynamical interactions concurrent with their chemical evolution.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted in A

    Image synthesis for SAR system, calibration and processor design

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    The Point Scattering Method of simulating radar imagery rigorously models all aspects of the imaging radar phenomena. Its computational algorithms operate on a symbolic representation of the terrain test site to calculate such parameters as range, angle of incidence, resolution cell size, etc. Empirical backscatter data and elevation data are utilized to model the terrain. Additionally, the important geometrical/propagation effects such as shadow, foreshortening, layover, and local angle of incidence are rigorously treated. Applications of radar image simulation to a proposed calibrated SAR system are highlighted: soil moisture detection and vegetation discrimination

    Discovery of Multi-Phase Cold Accretion in a Massive Galaxy at z=0.7

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    We present detailed photo+collisional ionization models and kinematic models of the multi-phase absorbing gas, detected within the HST/COS, HST/STIS, and Keck/HIRES spectra of the background quasar TON 153, at 104 kpc along the projected minor axis of a star-forming spiral galaxy (z=0.6610). Complementary g'r'i'Ks photometry and stellar population models indicate that the host galaxy is dominated by a 4 Gyr stellar population with slightly greater than solar metallicity and has an estimated log(M*)=11 and a log(Mvir)=13. Photoionization models of the low ionization absorption, (MgI, SiII, MgII and CIII) which trace the bulk of the hydrogen, constrain the multi-component gas to be cold (logT=3.8-5.2) and metal poor (-1.68<[X/H]<-1.64). A lagging halo model reproduces the low ionization absorption kinematics, suggesting gas coupled to the disk angular momentum, consistent with cold accretion mode material in simulations. The CIV and OVI absorption is best modeled in a separate collisionally ionized metal-poor (-2.50<[X/H]<-1.93) warm phase with logT=5.3. Although their kinematics are consistent with a wind model, given the 2-2.5dex difference between the galaxy stellar metallicity and the absorption metallicity indicates the gas cannot arise from galactic winds. We discuss and conclude that although the quasar sight-line passes along the galaxy minor axis at projected distance of 0.3 virial radii, well inside its virial shock radius, the combination of the relative kinematics, temperatures, and relative metallicities indicated that the multi-phase absorbing gas arises from cold accretion around this massive galaxy. Our results appear to contradict recent interpretations that absorption probing the projected minor axis of a galaxy is sampling winds.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A heterotrimeric G protein, G alpha i-3, on Golgi membranes regulates the secretion of a heparan sulfate proteoglycan in LLC-PK1 epithelial cells

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    A heterotrimeric G-alpha-i subunit, alpha-i-3, is localized on Golgi membranes in LLC-PK1 and NRK epithelial cells where it colocalizes with mannosidase II by immunofluorescence. The alpha-i-3 was found to be localized on the cytoplasmic face of Golgi cisternae and it was distributed across the whole Golgi stack. The alpha-i-3 subunit is found on isolated rat liver Golgi membranes by Western blotting and G-alpha-i-3 on the Golgi apparatus is ADP ribosylated by pertussis toxin. LLC-PK1 cells were stably transfected with G-alpha-i-3 on an MT-1, inducible promoter in order to overexpress alpha-i-3 on Golgi membranes. The intracellular processing and constitutive secretion of the basement membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) was measured in LLC-PK1 cells. Overexpression of alpha-i-3 on Golgi membranes in transfected cells retarded the secretion of HSPG and accumulated precursors in the medial-trans-Golgi. This effect was reversed by treatment of cells with pertussis toxin which results in ADP-ribosylation and functional uncoupling of G-alpha-i-3 on Golgi membranes. These results provide evidence for a novel role for the pertussis toxin sensitive G-alpha-i-3 protein in Golgi trafficking of a constitutively secreted protein in epithelial cells

    Imprints of radial migration on the Milky Way’s metallicity distribution functions

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    Recent analysis of the SDSS-III/Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) Data Release 12 stellar catalog has revealed that the Milky Way’s (MW) metallicity distribution function (MDF) changes shape as a function of radius, transitioning from being negatively skewed at small Galactocentric radii to positively skewed at large Galactocentric radii. Using a high-resolution, N-body+SPH simulation, we show that the changing skewness arises from radial migration—metal-rich stars form in the inner disk and subsequently migrate to the metal-poorer outer disk. These migrated stars represent a large fraction (>50%) of the stars in the outer disk; they populate the high-metallicity tail of the MDFs and are, in general, more metal-rich than the surrounding outer disk gas. The simulation also reproduces another surprising APOGEE result: the spatially invariant high-[α/Fe] MDFs. This arises in the simulation from the migration of a population formed within a narrow range of radii (3.2 ±1.2 kpc) and time (8.8 ± 0.6 Gyr ago), rather than from spatially extended star formation in a homogeneous medium at early times. These results point toward the crucial role radial migration has played in shaping our MW

    Translocator protein in late stage Alzheimer\u27s disease and Dementia with Lewy bodies brains

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    OBJECTIVE: Increased translocator protein (TSPO), previously known as the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR), in glial cells of the brain has been used as a neuroinflammation marker in the early and middle stages of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) and Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB). In this study, we investigated the changes in TSPO density with respect to late stage AD and DLB. METHODS: TSPO density was measured in multiple regions of postmortem human brains in 20 different cases: seven late stage AD cases (Braak amyloid average: C; Braak tangle average: VI; Aged 74-88, mean: 83 ± 5 years), five DLB cases (Braak amyloid average: C; Braak tangle average: V; Aged 79-91, mean: 84 ± 4 years), and eight age-matched normal control cases (3 males, 5 females: aged 77-92 years; mean: 87 ± 6 years). Measurements were taken by quantitative autoradiography using [ RESULTS: No significant changes were found in TSPO density of the frontal cortex, striatum, thalamus, or red nucleus of the AD and DLB brains. A significant reduction in TSPO density was found in the substantia nigra (SN) of the AD and DLB brains compared to that of age-matched healthy controls. INTERPRETATION: This distinct pattern of TSPO density change in late stage AD and DLB cases may imply the occurrence of microglia dystrophy in late stage neurodegeneration. Furthermore, TSPO may not only be a microglia activation marker in early stage AD and DLB, but TSPO may also be used to monitor microglia dysfunction in the late stage of these diseases

    The effects of peripheral and central high insulin on brain insulin signaling and amyloid-β in young and old APP/PS1 mice

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    Hyperinsulinemia is a risk factor for late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD). In vitro experiments describe potential connections between insulin, insulin signaling, and amyloid-β (Aβ), but in vivo experiments are needed to validate these relationships under physiological conditions. First, we performed hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps with concurrent hippocampal microdialysis in young, awake, behaving APP(swe)/PS1(dE9) transgenic mice. Both a postprandial and supraphysiological insulin clamp significantly increased interstitial fluid (ISF) and plasma Aβ compared with controls. We could detect no increase in brain, ISF, or CSF insulin or brain insulin signaling in response to peripheral hyperinsulinemia, despite detecting increased signaling in the muscle. Next, we delivered insulin directly into the hippocampus of young APP/PS1 mice via reverse microdialysis. Brain tissue insulin and insulin signaling was dose-dependently increased, but ISF Aβ was unchanged by central insulin administration. Finally, to determine whether peripheral and central high insulin has differential effects in the presence of significant amyloid pathology, we repeated these experiments in older APP/PS1 mice with significant amyloid plaque burden. Postprandial insulin clamps increased ISF and plasma Aβ, whereas direct delivery of insulin to the hippocampus significantly increased tissue insulin and insulin signaling, with no effect on Aβ in old mice. These results suggest that the brain is still responsive to insulin in the presence of amyloid pathology but increased insulin signaling does not acutely modulate Aβ in vivo before or after the onset of amyloid pathology. Peripheral hyperinsulinemia modestly increases ISF and plasma Aβ in young and old mice, independent of neuronal insulin signaling. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The transportation of insulin from blood to brain is a saturable process relevant to understanding the link between hyperinsulinemia and AD. In vitro experiments have found direct connections between high insulin and extracellular Aβ, but these mechanisms presume that peripheral high insulin elevates brain insulin significantly. We found that physiological hyperinsulinemia in awake, behaving mice does not increase CNS insulin to an appreciable level yet modestly increases extracellular Aβ. We also found that the brain of aged APP/PS1 mice was not insulin resistant, contrary to the current state of the literature. These results further elucidate the relationship between insulin, the brain, and AD and its conflicting roles as both a risk factor and potential treatment
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