165 research outputs found

    ac Stark shift and multiphoton-like resonances in low-frequency driven optical lattices

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    We suggest that Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices subjected to ac forcing with a smooth envelope may provide detailed experimental access to multiphoton-like transitions between ac-Stark-shifted Bloch bands. Such transitions correspond to resonances described theoretically by avoided quasienergy crossings. We show that the width of such anticrossings can be inferred from measurements involving asymmetric pulses. We also introduce a pulse tracking strategy for locating the particular driving amplitudes for which resonances occur. Our numerical calculations refer to a currently existing experimental set-up [Haller et al., PRL 104, 200403 (2010)].Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Level crossings in a cavity QED model

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    In this paper I study the dynamics of a two-level atom interacting with a standing wave field. When the atom is subjected to a weak linear force, the problem can be turned into a time dependent one, and the evolution is understood from the band structure of the spectrum. The presence of level crossings in the spectrum gives rise to Bloch oscillations of the atomic motion. Here I investigate the effects of the atom-field detuning parameter. A variety of different level crossings are obtained by changing the magnitude of the detuning, and the behaviour of the atomic motion is strongly affected due to this. I also consider the situation in which the detuning is oscillating in time and its impact on the atomic motion. Wave packet simulations of the full problem are treated numerically and the results are compared with analytical solutions given by the standard Landau-Zener and the three-level Landau-Zener models.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Theory of Coherent Time-dependent Transport in One-dimensional Multiband Semiconductor Superlattices

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    We present an analytical study of one-dimensional semiconductor superlattices in external electric fields, which may be time-dependent. A number of general results for the (quasi)energies and eigenstates are derived. An equation of motion for the density matrix is obtained for a two-band model, and the properties of the solutions are analyzed. An expression for the current is obtained. Finally, Zener-tunneling in a two-band tight-binding model is considered. The present work gives the background and an extension of the theoretical framework underlying our recent Letter [J. Rotvig {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 74}, 1831 (1995)], where a set of numerical simulations were presented.Comment: 15 pages, Revtex 3.0, uses epsf, 2 ps figures attache

    Papillomvirusinfektion der Cervix uteri:Korrelation zur Cervixcytologie und zum Versichertenstatus

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    Das Cervixcarcinom ist nach dem Mammacarcinom, dem Ovarialcarcinom und dem Endometriumcarcinom das häufigste Genitalcarcinom der Frau. Die bisherige Krebsvorsorge bei der Frau konnte zu Beginn eine deutliche Abnahme des invasiven Cervixcarcinoms bewegen. Trotz regelmäßiger Krebsvorsorge, erkranken immer noch Frauen an einem solchem Carcinom. Die Infektion mit bestimmten humanen Papillomviren ist als Karzinogen mittlerweile akzeptiert. Deshalb stellt die HPV-Diagnostik eine zusätzliche Untersuchungsmethode dar, um die Cervixcytologie in der Früherkennung von Dysplasien und Krebsvorstufen zu ergänzen und zu verbessern. Außerdem wird der Versichertenstatus mit dem HPV Status korreliert. Die Ergebnisse werden mit Literaturdaten kritisch diskutiert. In einem Fazit für die Praxis werden unter anderem Empfehlungen zum diagnostischem Vorgehen gegeben

    ac-Field-Controlled Anderson Localization in Disordered Semiconductor Superlattices

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    An ac field, tuned exactly to resonance with the Stark ladder in an ideal tight binding lattice under strong dc bias, counteracts Wannier-Stark localization and leads to the emergence of extended Floquet states. If there is random disorder, these states localize. The localization lengths depend non-monotonically on the ac field amplitude and become essentially zero at certain parameters. This effect is of possible relevance for characterizing the quality of superlattice samples, and for performing experiments on Anderson localization in systems with well-defined disorder.Comment: 10 pages, Latex; figures available on request from [email protected]

    Second-order calculation of the local density of states above a nanostructured surface

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    We have numerically implemented a perturbation series for the scattered electromagnetic fields above rough surfaces, due to Greffet, allowing us to evaluate the local density of states to second order in the surface profile function. We present typical results for thermal near fields of surfaces with regular nanostructures, investigating the relative magnitude of the contributions appearing in successive orders. The method is then employed for estimating the resolution limit of an idealized Near-Field Scanning Thermal Microscope (NSThM).Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Dressed matter waves

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    We suggest to view ultracold atoms in a time-periodically shifted optical lattice as a "dressed matter wave", analogous to a dressed atom in an electromagnetic field. A possible effect lending support to this concept is a transition of ultracold bosonic atoms from a superfluid to a Mott-insulating state in response to appropriate "dressing" achieved through time-periodic lattice modulation. In order to observe this effect in a laboratory experiment, one has to identify conditions allowing for effectively adiabatic motion of a many-body Floquet state.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, to be published in: J. Phys.: Conference Serie

    Quasienergy Spectroscopy of Excitons

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    We theoretically study nonlinear optics of excitons under intense THz irradiation. In particular, the linear near infrared absorption and resonantly enhanced nonlinear sideband generation are described. We predict a rich structure in the spectra which can be interpreted in terms of the quasienergy spectrum of the exciton, via a remarkably transparent expression for the susceptibility, and show that the effects of strongly avoided quasienergy crossings manifest themselves directly, both in the absorption and transmitted sidebands.Comment: 4 pages RevTex, 3 eps figs included, as publishe

    Resonant Photon-Assisted Tunneling Through a Double Quantum Dot: An Electron Pump From Spatial Rabi Oscillations

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    The time average of the fully nonlinear current through a double quantum dot, subject to an arbitrary combination of ac and dc voltages, is calculated exactly using the Keldysh nonequilibrium Green function technique. When driven on resonance, the system functions as an efficient electron pump due to Rabi oscillation between the dots. The pumping current is maximum when the coupling to the leads equals the Rabi frequency.Comment: 6 pages, REVTEX 3.0, 3 postscript figure

    Time Periodic Behavior of Multiband Superlattices in Static Electric Fields

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    We use an analytic perturbation expansion for the two-band system of tight binding electrons to discuss Bloch oscillations and Zener tunneling within this model. We make comparison with recent numerical results and predict analytically the frequency of radiation expected from Zener tunneling, including its disappearance, as a function of the system parameters.Comment: 12 pages, no figure include