6 research outputs found

    Copper (II) Metallodendrimers Combined with Pro-Apoptotic siRNAs as a Promising Strategy Against Breast Cancer Cells

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    Cancer treatment with small interfering RNA (siRNA) is one of the most promising new strategies; however, transfection systems that increase its bioavailability and ensure its delivery to the target cell are necessary. Transfection systems may be just vehicular or could contain fragments with anticancer activity that achieves a synergistic effect with siRNA. Cationic carbosilane dendrimers have proved to be powerful tools as non-viral vectors for siRNA in cancer treatment, and their activity might be potentiated by the inclusion of metallic complexes in its dendritic structure. We have herein explored the interaction between Schiff-base carbosilane copper (II) metallodendrimers, and pro-apoptotic siRNAs. The nanocomplexes formed by metallodendrimers and different siRNA have been examined for their zeta potential and size, and by transmission electron microscopy, fluorescence polarisation, circular dichroism, and electrophoresis. The internalisation of dendriplexes has been estimated by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy in a human breast cancer cell line (MCF-7), following the ability of these metallodendrimers to deliver the siRNA into the cell. Finally, in vitro cell viability experiments have indicated effective interactions between Cu (II) dendrimers and pro-apoptotic siRNAs: Mcl-1 and Bcl-2 in breast cancer cells. Combination of the first-generation derivatives with chloride counterions and with siRNA increases the anticancer activity of the dendriplex constructs and makes them a promising non-viral vector.Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)European CommissionMinisterio de Econom铆a y CompetitividadComunidad de MadridJunta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Manch

    In Vitro anticancer properties of copper metallodendrimers

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    Newly synthesized carbosilane copper dendrimers (CCD) with chloride and nitrate surface groups seem to be good candidates to be used as gene and drug carriers in anti-cancer therapy, due to their properties such as size and surface charge. Copper attached to the nanoparticles is an important element of many biological processes and recently their anti-cancer properties have been widely examined. Zeta size and potential, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), circular dichroism (CD), analysis of haemolytic activity, and fluorescence anisotropy techniques were used to characterize copper dendrimers. Additionally, their cytotoxic properties toward normal (PBMC) and cancer (1301; HL-60) cells were examined. All tested dendrimers were more cytotoxic against cancer cells in comparison with normal cells

    Lipid-coated ruthenium dendrimer conjugated with doxorubicin in anti-cancer drug delivery: Introducing protocols

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    One of the major limitations for the treatment of many diseases is an inability of drugs to cross the cell membrane barrier. Different kinds of carriers are being investigated to improve drug bioavailability. Among them, lipid or polymer-based systems are of special interest due to their biocompatibility. In our study, we combined dendritic and liposomal carriers and analysed the biochemical and biophysical properties of these formulations. Two preparation methods of Liposomal Locked-in Dendrimers (LLDs) systems have been established and compared. Carbosilane ruthenium metallodendrimer was complexed with an anti-cancer drug (doxorubicin) and locked in a liposomal structure, using both techniques. The LLDs systems formed by hydrophilic locking had more efficient transfection profiles and interacted with the erythrocyte membrane better than systems using the hydrophobic method. The results indicate these systems have improved transfection properties when compared to noncomplexed components. The coating of dendrimers with lipids significantly reduced their hemotoxicity and cytotoxicity. The nanometric size, low polydispersity index and reduced positive zeta potential of such complexes made them attractive for future application in drug delivery. The formulations prepared by the hydrophobic locking protocol were not effective and will not be considered furthermore as prospective drug delivery systems. In contrast, the formulations formed by the hydrophilic loading method have shown promising results where the cytotoxicity of LLD systems with doxorubicin was more effective against cancer than normal cells

    The Anti Spy and Anti Secret Intelligence System. Module: Secure Smartphone

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    Na wst臋pie umieszczamy og贸ln膮 analiz臋 tematu projektu, wady i zalety r贸偶nych rozwi膮za艅, kt贸re mo偶emy zastosowa膰, oraz nasz wyb贸r technologii.W drugim rozdziale omawiamy i wybieramy protoko艂y kryptograficzne do zastosowania w naszym bezpiecznym komunikatorze. Znajduj膮 si臋 tam algorytmy Diffiego-Hellmana, Double Ratchet, AES, OMEMO. Celem rozdzia艂u trzeciego jest zaproponowanie serwera do bezpiecznej komunikacji. Omawiamy tam technologie takie jak RabbitMQ i ejabberd. Skupiamy si臋 na protokole XMPP. Rozdzia艂 czwarty traktuje o aplikacji na Androida, kt贸ra pos艂u偶y nam za bezpieczny komunikator internetowy. Ulepszamy tam istniej膮ce rozwi膮zanie dost臋pne na licencji Open Source o nazwie Conversations. W kolejnym, pi膮tym rozdziale prezentujemy spos贸b w jaki ma miejsce komunikacja mi臋dzy naszymi urz膮dzeniami. Przedstawiamy zasady dzia艂ania u偶ytych przez nas protoko艂贸w oraz serwera i komunikuj膮cych si臋 z nim telefon贸w.W rozdziale sz贸stym pokazujemy jak utrudni膰 dost臋p do urz膮dzenia przez osoby nieuprawnione, utrudniamy uzyskanie kodu odblokowania ekranu przez podejrzenie wybieranych cyfr na klawiaturze pinpad. Wymuszamy d艂u偶sz膮 minimaln膮 d艂ugo艣膰 has艂a i zwi臋kszamy maksymaln膮 d艂ugo艣膰 has艂a. Zmniejszamy limit pr贸b odblokowania odciskiem palca.Rozdzia艂 si贸dmy ma form臋 poradnika, w kt贸rym krok po kroku pokazujemy jak mo偶na stworzy膰 艣rodowisko deweloperskie pod rozw贸j w艂asnej wersji systemu operacyjnego Android. Znajduj膮 si臋 tam sposoby na dodanie w艂asnych aplikacji do naszego zmodyfikowanego systemu. Pokazujemy jak sflashowa膰 i uruchomi膰 system na emulatorze i na rzeczywistym smartfonie.W rozdziale 贸smym, kt贸ry jednocze艣nie jest ostatnim, przedstawiamy dalsze kierunki prac.In the beginning, there is an introduction to the subject of the thesis. We present the advantages and disadvantages of solutions we might apply as well as the choice of technology used. In the second chapter, we are choosing cryptographic protocols for our secure mobile communicator. In this chapter, there are Diffie-Hellman algorithm, Double Ratchet, AES, OMEMO.The point of the third chapter is to propose a safe and secure communication server. We are introducing technologies such as RabbitMQ and ejabberd. Our main focus is on the XMPP protocol. The fourth chapter is about Android application which will serve us as secure and safe internet communicator. In this chapter, we are enhancing the existing Open Source implementation of the Conversations mobile app. In the fifth chapter, we present the way the communication between our devices is done. We are focusing on the details of protocols' implementations, server and smartphones.In the sixth chapter, we present how to prevent unauthorized access to the device. We are introducing pin pad randomization which prevents gaining pin code by looking over someone's shoulder. We enforce the longer minimal length of the password and extend the maximal length of the password. We limit the number of tries to unlock the device by the fingerprint reader.The seventh chapter is structured as a tutorial in which we are showing step by step on how to create a development environment to develop our modification of the Android operating system. In this chapter, we can find different ways to add or remove applications from the system. We are presenting how to flash and run the operating system on an emulator or a true device.The eighth chapter is about further plans for the project