13 research outputs found

    Nyt eLæringskursus i Research Data Management – Formidling af grundprincipper i forskernes perspektiv

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    Med afsæt i det nationale Data Management Forums aktivitet omkring udviklingen af skalerbare læringsforløb samt læringsmål i data management for Ph.d.-studerende, var en af konklusionerne i rapporten ’’Anbefalinger til Udvikling af et Blended Learning-forløb’’,at der bør sikres en national for tiltag indenfor DM-undervisning, således at Ph.d.-studerende sikres en sammenlignelig uddannelse i datamanagement

    Open science skills in Danish research libraries

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    Open Science is gaining more and more ground among academics. This has consequences for research libraries and their staff tasked with services supporting the entire research life cycle, from providing access to relevant databases, to research data management, to scholarly publishing. To stay relevant, research library services have to be developed and adapted to support Open Science research activities. Therefore, it is important to investigate what competencies and skills are needed to provide a given library service, both in terms of continuing education and training of existing library staff and of curriculum development in library and information science education. There are several international initiatives that either facilitate the upskilling of researchers and research staff within Open Science (e.g. the EC’s “Open Science Skills Working Group report” [1] and FOSTER’s materials and online courses [2]) or provide a framework for research libraries of how to engage in Open Science support (e.g. LIBER’s “Open Science Roadmap” [3]). These initiatives lay out general lines of action that can serve as starting points for more locally focused activities. Furthermore, the EDISON project has provided competency profiles for data professionals that can be used for curriculum design within higher and continuing education [4]. In our poster, we present a project, currently funded by Denmark’s Electronic Research Library (DEFF), that investigates, models, and deploys Open Science skills for Danish research librarians. The project comprises three subprojects that focus on 1) a general model of Open Science competencies and skills for research librarians, 2) an overview of Danish digital collections, with a focus on openness and applicability, 3) the identification of current and future RDM services and tools at Danish research libraries and a model of RDM competencies and skills for research librarians. The project started in March 2018 and will run until March 2020. We present initial considerations and the research design of the subprojects 1) and 3). We provide insights into the challenges encountered when introducing general international frameworks into a national context.</p

    Research data management challenges in citizen science projects and recommendations for library support services. A scoping review and case study.

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    Citizen science (CS) projects are part of a new era of data aggregation and harmonisation that facilitates interconnections between different datasets. Increasing the value and reuse of CS data has received growing attention with the appearance of the FAIR principles and systematic research data management (RDM) practises, which are often promoted by university libraries. However, RDM initiatives in CS appear diversified and if CS have special needs in terms of RDM is unclear. Therefore, the aim of this article is firstly to identify RDM challenges for CS projects and secondly, to discuss how university libraries may support any such challenges. A scoping review and a case study of Danish CS projects were performed to identify RDM challenges. 48 articles were selected for data extraction. Four academic project leaders were interviewed about RDM practices in their CS projects. Challenges and recommendations identified in the review and case study are often not specific for CS. However, finding CS data, engaging specific populations, attributing volunteers and handling sensitive data including health data are some of the challenges requiring special attention by CS project managers. Scientific requirements or national practices do not always encompass the nature of CS projects. Based on the identified challenges, it is recommended that university libraries focus their services on 1) identifying legal and ethical issues that the project managers should be aware of in their projects, 2) elaborating these issues in a Terms of Participation that also specifies data handling and sharing to the citizen scientist, and 3) motivating the project manager to good data handling practises. Adhering to the FAIR principles and good RDM practices in CS projects will continuously secure contextualisation and data quality. High data quality increases the value and reuse of the data and, therefore, the empowerment of the citizen scientists

    Åbne forskningsdata fra DTU – fra mine til vores

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    Forskeren mødes med større og større krav om god datahåndtering og om at gøre forskningsdata åbent tilgængelige.DTU Bibliotek har udviklet en sammenhængende service der skal supportere forskeren gennem forskningsprojektets life cycle og understøtte en praksisændring. Dette økosystem består af:• Et certificeret repositorie til global datapublicering, DTU Data og dertil dedikeret helpdesk• En søge-infrastruktur hvor data og artikler kobles og tilgængeliggøres for studerende, forskere og eksterne brugere, DTU Findit• Forskellige undervisningstilbud, inkl. kursus for nyansatte• Open Science-værktøj• Governance funderet i DTU’s Politik for Forskningsdatamanagement, i vores digitale strategi, samt i lovkravServicen (træning, værktøj, infrastrukturer) danner et økosystem hvor forskningen digitaliseres og åbnes, datapraksis påvirkes og hvor universitetets troværdighed styrkes. Servicen viser hvordan forskningsdata bliver levende på en brugerfokuseret, transparent og fremtidssikret måde.Den primære målgruppe er forskere på DTU og vores samarbejdspartnere, som vil dele og finde forskningsdata. Vores undervisning, helpdesk og integration i Open Science-værktøj understøtter praksisændringen hos forskerne, og bidrager bl.a. til at skabe større synlighed omkring forskningsdatas rolle i den videnskabelige publiceringscyklus, hvilket vi i stigende grad oplever efterspørgsel på i vores forskningsmiljøer. Siden DTU Data blev lanceret, har vi oplevet en støt stigende datapublicering og brug i internationale projekter.Implementering af DTU Data har nu fået sit kvalitetsstempel med en Core Trust Certificering

    9 things to make citizen science data FAIR. A research librarian’s guide.

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    This guide aims to support research librarians serve citizen science projects with the competencies already embedded in many university libraries; they have long been the hub for knowledge of Open Science, they have a multidisciplinary outreach and organise activities connecting students, faculty and the public. Citizen science has a broad scope, and involve voluntary and active public engagement. Embedding citizen science projects in academia may prove useful for many reasons: expanding and improving current research activities and strengthening the interaction of scientists with the public. Citizen Science belongs to the Open Science domain, and is therefore, perceived as a discipline, where research data are shared openly, with open access to publications and full transparency of data availability. However, in some cases, data use have to be limited to comply with ethical and legal conditions, for example due to privacy concerns. For many scientists, major obstacles to share data openly with citizens are the concern of handling personal data, but also the academic reward system weighing publications over data sharing. The FAIR principles are applicable to data regardless of their public availability. The four elements, Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable are designed to help lower barriers to access generated research and to facilitate potential new findings by promoting the availability and reuse of data. With this guide, we aim to show how research data management in citizen science can benefit from the FAIR principles. The 9 things of this guide are based on research data management challenges identified for citizen science projects (Holmstrand et al. 2020). Understanding these challenges is an important foundation for guidance provided by the research librarian to any citizen science project manager. The 9 things are structured with the FAIR elements in focus, highlighting practical aspects and benefits of FAIR data in citizen science projects

    FAIR data in a Citizen Science project “Fangstjournalen”

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    In this video Researcher Christian Skov from DTU Aqua tells about the Citizen Science project “Fangstjournalen” and how Research Data Management, data sharing and following the FAIR guiding principles for research data can increase the impact and the value of the research - even beyond the scope of the project. This video is produced by four Danish Universities as part of a project financially supported by DEFF. The aim of the project is to identify the role of Danish Research Libraries in the dissemination and support of Citizen Science