3,306 research outputs found

    A circumpolar perspective on fluvial sediment flux to the Arctic ocean

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    Quantification of sediment fluxes from rivers is fundamental to understanding land‐ocean linkages in the Arctic. Numerous publications have focused on this subject over the past century, yet assessments of temporal trends are scarce and consensus on contemporary fluxes is lacking. Published estimates vary widely, but often provide little accessory information needed to interpret the differences. We present a pan‐arctic synthesis of sediment flux from 19 arctic rivers, primarily focusing on contributions from the eight largest ones. For this synthesis, historical records and recent unpublished data were compiled from Russian, Canadian, and United States sources. Evaluation of these data revealed no long‐term trends in sediment flux, but did show stepwise changes in the historical records of two of the rivers. In some cases, old values that do not reflect contemporary fluxes are still being reported, while in other cases, typographical errors have been propagated into the recent literature. Most of the discrepancy among published estimates, however, can be explained by differences in years of records examined and gauging stations used. Variations in sediment flux from year to year in arctic rivers are large, so estimates based on relatively few years can differ substantially. To determine best contemporary estimates of sediment flux for the eight largest arctic rivers, we used a combination of newly available data, historical records, and literature values. These estimates contribute to our understanding of carbon, nutrient, and contaminant transport to the Arctic Ocean and provide a baseline for detecting future anthropogenic or natural change in the Arctic

    A multiple-detector irradiance meter and electronic depth-sensing unit for use in biological oceanography

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    The underwater irradiance meter or submarine photometer described here is designed to operate in the upper 100 to 150 m. It permits direct measurement of the downward blue-green irradiance (480 mµ) to a depth of 100-120 m on a clear day in water with an attenuation coefficient in the blue-green region of the spectrum of approximately 0.04/m. The meter can accommodate as many as five individual detector units as well as an associated depth-sensing element...

    Postoperative pulmonary edema in young, athletic adults

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    Pulmonary edema secondary to postextubation laryn gospasm is a potentially life-threatening problem, de manding early diagnosis and prompt treatment. We believe that this problem has been grossly underesti mated in its incidence, as only seven adults have been reported in the English literature, whereas seven adults have been observed at our institution in only a 24 month period. All were young, healthy, athletic adult males (average weight, 218 pounds) who underwent relatively minor, uncomplicated surgical procedures under gen eral anesthesia. Five of these patients were collegiate and/or profes sional athletes and had meticulous medical records detailing their clinical course. Clinical laryngospasm was noted immediately following extubation and anesthesia by mask with subsequent pulmonary edema. The di agnoses were confirmed by clinical examination, arterial blood gas determinations or pulse oximetry, and chest roentgenogram. Four adults required reintubation. Six of the seven adults demonstrated very rapid resolution of the pulmonary edema with prompt diagnosis and institution of a therapeutic regimen including oxygen, diuretics, reintubation, and/or positive pressure venti lation. In one patient, the problem was not immediately recognized, and progressed to florid pulmonary edema requiring emergent intubation 14 hours later in the emergency room, and 3 days of mechanical ventilation. The etiology of pulmonary edema following upper airway obstruction represents an interplay between several factors: cardiogenic and neurogenic mecha nisms, as well as hypoxia contribute. In this group, excessive negative intrathoracic pressure generated by forced inspiration against a closed glottis is the most likely, consistent, and logical explanation. This study suggests that young, healthy, athletic males may be at increased risk for this complication. We believe that their enhanced ability to generate ex cessive negative intrathoracic pressures is, at least in part, responsible. A heightened awareness of the prob lem in this at-risk group should invoke special consid erations, including choice of anesthesia, precautions on extubation, prolonged monitoring in the recovery phase if laryngospasm is observed or suspected, and rapid therapeutic intervention.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66519/2/10.1177_036354659101900407.pd

    Grey seal predation impairs recovery of an over-exploited fish stock

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    Grey seal predation has been blamed by fishers for the decline of Atlantic cod stocks and has led to calls for seal culls. In the West of Scotland, estimates of cod consumption by seals have exceeded reported catches and spawning biomass, focussing attention on the interaction between fishers and seals. Bayesian models making different assumptions about seal predation were used to estimate the size of the West of Scotland cod stock between 1985 and 2005 and the mortalities due to fishing and seal foraging. A simple population model was used to identify the likely direction of cod population change at recent mortality rates. All model configurations suggest that the total mortality of cod has remained fairly stable and high for many years regardless of the assumptions on seal predation. The high mortality explains the long-term decline of the stock. The best-fitting model suggests that mortality due to fishing reduced substantially in the decade up to 2005, but has been replaced by increased seal predation mortality on a smaller cod stock. Given total mortality estimates, the stock is unlikely to recover even at present reduced levels of fishing. Synthesis and applications. Our model offers a method of estimating seal predation mortality as part of routine stock assessments that inform fishery management. The analysis shows that predation by seals can be an important component of the total stock mortality. It also shows that assuming invariant natural mortality, as adopted in many standard fish stock assessments, may lead to incorrect perceptions of fishing mortality, over-estimating the benefits of reducing fishing mortality when there is density-dependent predation. It is essential to consider predation by top predators when formulating appropriate advice for managing the fishery

    Primary production, chlorophyll, and zooplankton volumes in the tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean

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    ENGLISH: Between 1 October and 17 December 1955 investigations of the physical, chemical and biological oceanography of the Eastern Pacific Ocean in a region bounded approximately by 30° N. latitude, 9° S. latitude, 120° W. longitude and the mainland coast were conducted from the vessels Horizon and Spencer F. Baird of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California. These were part of a cooperative operation, designated for convenience by the code name "Eastropic," in which a vessel of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service worked, during this same period, further west and a vessel of the Peruvian Navy worked further south, offshore from Peru. A vessel of the California State Fisheries Laboratory also conducted certain sub-surface tuna fishing operations and other studies in the same general region as the Scripps vessels. In addition to carrying out a number of special studies related to particular oceanographic features, the Scripps vessels occupied a considerable number of hydrographic stations. The locations of these stations, at each of which were made net-hauls for zooplankton, are shown in Figure 4 and Tables 2 and 3. At some of the hydrographic stations, and in Some places between stations, there were made from the Spencer F. Baird measurements of chlorophyll "a" and of primary production (by the C14 technique), both in situ and in a shipboard incubator. The purpose of this paper is to report on the results of these biological observations. SPANISH: Entre el 1° de octubre y el 17 de diciembre de 1955, a bordo de los barcos Horizon y Spencer F. Baird) de la Institución Scripps de Oceanografía de la Universidad de California, se hicieron investigaciones sobre la oceanografía física, química y biológica del Océano Pacífico Oriental, en una región limitada aproximadamente por los 30° N. de latitud, 9° S. de latitud, 120° O. de longitud y la costa continental. Estas investigaciones fueron parte de una operación que se realizó cooperativamente y a la que se convino darle el nombre codificado de "Eastropic". En ella, durante el mismo período, una embarcación del Servicio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de los Estados Unidos (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service) trabajó más hacia el oeste, y un barco de la armada peruana más hacia el sur, frente a la costa del Perú. También colaboró una nave del Laboratorio de Pesquerías del Estado de California (California State Fisheries Laboratory), realizando algunas operaciones de pesca de atún en aguas subsuperficiales, y otros estudios en la misma región general que recorrieron las embarcaciones de Scripps. Además de efectuar estudios especiales relacionados con las caracteristicas oceanográficas particulares de la región, las naves de Scripps establecieron un buen número de estaciones hidrográficas. La localización de estas estaciones se indica en la Figura 4 y en las Tablas 2 y 3; en cada una de ellas se hicieron rastreos con redes planctónicas para recoger muestras de zooplancton. En algunas de las estaciones hidrográficas, así como en algunos lugares entre estaciones, en el Spencer F. Baird se hicieron mediciones de la clorofila "a" y de la producción primaria (mediante la técnica del C14), tanto in situ como en una incubadora instalada a bordo. El propósito del presente trabajo es dar a conocer los resultados de estas observaciones biológicas. (PDF contains 44 pages.

    High School Media Too: A School Day in the Lives of Fifteen Teenagers

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    An observational study of media consumption and exposure throughout the school day of fifteen middle- and high-school students. The study measures exposure in ten second increments in all locations from home and car through school and others and details incidence and duration os media use. Results also details incidence of Concurrent Media Exposure (multi-tasking)

    Permafrost degradation and nitrogen cycling in Arctic rivers: Insights from stable nitrogen isotope studies

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    Abstract. Across the Arctic, vast areas of permafrost are being degraded by climate change, which has the potential to release substantial quantities of nutrients, including nitrogen into large Arctic rivers. These rivers heavily influence the biogeochemistry of the Arctic Ocean, so it is important to understand the potential changes to rivers from permafrost degradation. This study utilized dissolved nitrogen species (nitrate and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON)) along with nitrogen isotope values (δ15N-NO3- and δ15N-DON) of samples collected from permafrost sites in the Kolyma River and the six largest Arctic rivers. Large inputs of DON and nitrate with a unique isotopically heavy δ15N signature were documented in the Kolyma, suggesting the occurrence of denitrification and highly invigorated nitrogen cycling in the Yedoma permafrost thaw zones along the Kolyma. We show evidence for permafrost-derived DON being recycled to nitrate as it passes through the river, transferring the high 15N signature to nitrate. However, the potential to observe these thaw signals at the mouths of rivers depends on the spatial scale of thaw sites, permafrost degradation, and recycling mechanisms. In contrast with the Kolyma, with near 100 % continuous permafrost extent, the Ob River, draining large areas of discontinuous and sporadic permafrost, shows large seasonal changes in both nitrate and DON isotopic signatures. During winter months, water percolating through peat soils records isotopically heavy denitrification signals in contrast with the lighter summer values when surface flow dominates. This early year denitrification signal was present to a degree in the Kolyma, but the ability to relate seasonal nitrogen signals across Arctic Rivers to permafrost degradation could not be shown with this study. Other large rivers in the Arctic show different seasonal nitrogen trends. Based on nitrogen isotope values, the vast majority of nitrogen fluxes in the Arctic rivers is from fresh DON sourced from surface runoff through organic-rich topsoil and not from permafrost degradation. However, with future permafrost thaw, other Arctic rivers may begin to show nitrogen trends similar to the Ob. Our study demonstrates that nitrogen inputs from permafrost thaw can be identified through nitrogen isotopes, but only on small spatial scales. Overall, nitrogen isotopes show potential for revealing integrated catchment wide nitrogen cycling processes. </jats:p