5,038 research outputs found

    A generic C1C^1 map has no absolutely continuous invariant probability measure

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    Let MM be a smooth compact manifold (maybe with boundary, maybe disconnected) of any dimension d1d \ge 1. We consider the set of C1C^1 maps f:MMf:M\to M which have no absolutely continuous (with respect to Lebesgue) invariant probability measure. We show that this is a residual (dense Gδ)setintheG_\delta) set in the C^1$ topology. In the course of the proof, we need a generalization of the usual Rokhlin tower lemma to non-invariant measures. That result may be of independent interest.Comment: 12 page

    Glomerular sclerosis in kidneys with congenital nephrotic syndrome (NPHS1)

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    Congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type (NPHS1) is a rare genetic disease caused by mutations in the NPHS1 gene encoding a major podocyte slit-diaphragm protein, nephrin. Patients with NPHS1 have severe nephrotic syndrome from birth and develop renal fibrosis in early childhood. In this work, we studied the development of glomerular sclerosis in kidneys removed from 4- to 44-month-old NPHS1 patients. The pathological lesions and expression of glomerular cell markers were studied in nephrectomized NPHS1 and control kidneys using light and electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. An analysis of 1528 glomeruli from 20 patients revealed progressive mesangial sclerosis and capillary obliteration. Although few inflammatory cells were detected in the mesangial area, paraglomerular inflammation and fibrosis was common. The podocytes showed severe ultrastructural changes and hypertrophy with the upregulation of cyclins A and D1. Podocyte proliferation, however, was rare. Apoptosis was hardly detected and the expression of antiapoptotic B-cell lymphoma-2 and proapoptotic p53 were comparable to controls. Moderate amounts of podocytes were secreted into the urine of NPHS1 patients. Shrinkage of the glomerular tuft was common, whereas occlusion of tubular opening or protrusion of the glomerular tuft into subepithelial space or through the Bowman's capsule were not detected. The results indicate that, in NPHS1 kidneys, the damaged podocytes induce progressive mesangial expansion and capillary obliteration. Podocyte depletion, glomerular tuft adhesion, and misdirected filtration, however, seem to play a minor role in the nephron destruction

    Three Different Types of Galaxy Alignment within Dark Matter Halos

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    Using a large galaxy group catalogue based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4 we measure three different types of intrinsic galaxy alignment within groups: halo alignment between the orientation of the brightest group galaxies (BGG) and the distribution of its satellite galaxies, radial alignment between the orientation of a satellite galaxy and the direction towards its BGG, and direct alignment between the orientation of the BGG and that of its satellites. In agreement with previous studies we find that satellite galaxies are preferentially located along the major axis. In addition, on scales r < 0.7 Rvir we find that red satellites are preferentially aligned radially with the direction to the BGG. The orientations of blue satellites, however, are perfectly consistent with being isotropic. Finally, on scales r < 0.1 \Rvir, we find a weak but significant indication for direct alignment between satellites and BGGs. We briefly discuss the implications for weak lensing measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, ApJL accepte

    Study of the interacting system NGC 6845

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    We present optical spectroscopy, B, V, R and I CCD photometry and VLA neutral hydrogen observations of the interacting quartet NGC 6845, also know as Klemola 30. NGC 6845 A, the dominant component, sports a broad and bright tidal bridge and a faint tidal tail, which bifurcate. The tidal bridge has a (B-I) color bluer than that of NGC 6845 A inner disk. Five strong condensations, identified as HII regions brighter than the brightest in our Galaxy, are found along the tidal bridge, with the two most luminous located at the bridge tip. Two giant HII regions, comparable to 30 Dor, are located where the tidal bridge and the tidal tail joint the disk of NGC 6845 A. Since the age of the HII regions are 3-8 Myr, star formation has been occurring along the tidal bridge and the tidal arm well after they had begun to be torn apart (>= 100 Myr). Satoh model fitting to the rotation curve of the A component reveals a kinematical mass of 4.4(+-1.2)E11 M_sun, inside the central 12 kpc (H_0=75 km/s/Mpc). The HI emission shows two components, a more massive one that belongs to NGC 6845 A, and a second one associated to NGC 6845 B. We do not detect gas associated to galaxies C and D. The total amount of HI is 1.4E10 M_sun, five time the HI content of the Milky Way. The HI kinematics indicates an amount of dark matter associated to the A component two times higher than the mass inside its central 12 kpc. The group kinematics indicates an M/L ~ 43(+-2) or M/L ~ 66(+-2) (solar units), according to two different prescriptions for the internal absorption correction. In spite of this difference, both values furnish similar group mass (~1E13 M_sun). Although preliminary results on N-Body simulations indicate that either B or C might well create a tidal feature like the bridge of the A component, the collision with B appears to be more favourable.Comment: 24 pages, 11 JPEG figures, uses aastex.cls and natbib.sty (included). To appear in the June/1999 issue of the Astronomical Journa

    Spatial and kinematic alignments between central and satellite halos

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    Based on a cosmological N-body simulation we analyze spatial and kinematic alignments of satellite halos within six times the virial radius of group size host halos (Rvir). We measure three different types of spatial alignment: halo alignment between the orientation of the group central substructure (GCS) and the distribution of its satellites, radial alignment between the orientation of a satellite and the direction towards its GCS, and direct alignment between the orientation of the GCS and that of its satellites. In analogy we use the directions of satellite velocities and probe three further types of alignment: the radial velocity alignment between the satellite velocity and connecting line between satellite and GCS, the halo velocity alignment between the orientation of the GCS and satellite velocities and the auto velocity alignment between the satellites orientations and their velocities. We find that satellites are preferentially located along the major axis of the GCS within at least 6 Rvir (the range probed here). Furthermore, satellites preferentially point towards the GCS. The most pronounced signal is detected on small scales but a detectable signal extends out to 6 Rvir. The direct alignment signal is weaker, however a systematic trend is visible at distances < 2 Rvir. All velocity alignments are highly significant on small scales. Our results suggest that the halo alignment reflects the filamentary large scale structure which extends far beyond the virial radii of the groups. In contrast, the main contribution to the radial alignment arises from the adjustment of the satellite orientations in the group tidal field. The projected data reveal good agreement with recent results derived from large galaxy surveys. (abridged)Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Planetary Nebulae as standard candles XI. Application to Spiral Galaxies

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    We report the results of an [O III] lambda 5007 survey for planetary nebulae (PN) in three spiral galaxies: M101 (NGC 5457), M51 (NGC 5194/5195) and M96 (NGC 3368). By comparing on-band/off-band [O III] lambda 5007 images with images taken in H-alpha and broadband R, we identify 65, 64 and 74 PN candidates in each galaxy, respectively. From these data, an adopted M31 distance of 770 kpc, and the empirical planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF), we derive distances to M101, M51, and M96 of 7.7 +/- 0.5, 8.4 +/- 0.6, and 9.6 +/- 0.6 Mpc. These observations demonstrate that the PNLF technique can be successfully applied to late-type galaxies, and provide an important overlap between the Population I and Population II distance scales. We also discuss some special problems associated with using the PNLF in spiral galaxies, including the effects of dust and the possible presence of [O III] bright supernova remnants.Comment: 38 pages, TeX, with tables included but not figures. Uses epsf.tex and kpnobasic.tex. To be published in the Astophysical Journal. Full paper is available at http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/johnf/Text/research.htm

    Inclination-Dependent Luminosity Function of Spiral Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Implication for Dust Extinction

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    Using a samples of 61506 spiral galaxies selected from the SDSS DR2, we examine the luminosity function (LF) of spiral galaxies with different inclination angles. We find that the characteristic luminosity of the LF, LL^*, decreases with increasing inclination, while the faint-end slope, α\alpha, depends only weakly on it. The inclination-dependence of the LF is consistent with that expected from a simple model where the optical depth is proportional to the cosine of the inclination angle, and we use a likelihood method to recover both the coefficient in front of the cosine, γ\gamma, and the LF for galaxies viewed face-on. The value of γ\gamma is quite independent of galaxy luminosity in a given band, and the values of γ\gamma obtained in this way for the 5 SDSS bands give an extinction curve which is a power law of wavelength (τλn\tau\propto\lambda^{-n}), with a power index n=0.96±0.04n=0.96\pm0.04. Using the dust extinction for galaxies obtained by Kauffmann et al. (2003), we derive an `extinction-corrected' luminosity function for spiral galaxies. Dust extinction makes MM^* dimmer by about 0.5 magnitudes in the zz-band, and about 1.2 magnitudes in the uu- band. Since our analysis is based on a sample where selection effects are well under control, the dimming of edge-on galaxies relative to face-on galaxies is best explained by assuming that galaxy disks are optically thick in dust absorptions.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Ap

    Probing the Intrinsic Shape and Alignment of Dark Matter Haloes using SDSS Galaxy Groups

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    We study the three-dimensional and projected shapes of galaxy groups in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4, and examine the alignment between the orientation of the central galaxy and the spatial distribution of satellite galaxies. The projected ellipticity of a group is measured using the moments of the discrete distribution of its member galaxies. We infer the three-dimensional and projected axis ratios of their dark matter haloes by comparing the measured ellipticity distributions with those obtained from Monte Carlo simulations of projected, triaxial dark matter haloes with different axis ratios. We find that the halo shape has a strong dependence on the halo mass. While the haloes of low-mass groups are nearly spherical, those of massive groups tend to be prolate. For groups containing at least four members, the statistical distribution of their measured ellipticities does not have a strong dependence on the colors of their central galaxies. Our analysis further shows that the average three-dimensional axis ratio for haloes with 12<log[M/(h1M)]1512<{\rm log}[M/(h^{-1}M_{\odot})]\leq15 is about 1:0.46:0.461:0.46:0.46, resulting in a projected axis ratio of 0.77\sim 0.77. Our results for the alignment between the orientation of the central galaxy of a group and the distribution of their satellite galaxies are in broad agreement with those obtained by Yang et al. The distribution of satellite galaxies preferentially aligns with the major axis of the central galaxy, with a clear dependence on both halo mass and galaxy colors. (abridged)Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures and 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Serum Calcium and the Risk of Breast Cancer: Findings from the Swedish AMORIS Study and a Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies

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    To investigate the association between serum calcium and risk of breast cancer using a large cohort and a systematic review with meta-analysis. From the Swedish Apolipoprotein Mortality Risk (AMORIS) Study we included 229,674 women who had baseline measurements of serum total calcium and albumin. Multivariable Cox regression was used to assess the association between total and albumin-corrected calcium and breast cancer risk. For the systematic review, an electronic search of MEDLINE and EMBASE databases was performed to identify other prospective cohorts assessing the relationship between serum calcium and breast cancer risk. We pooled the results of our AMORIS cohort with other eligible studies in a meta-analysis using a random effects model. I² test was used to assess heterogeneity. In the AMORIS study, 10,863 women were diagnosed with breast cancer (mean follow-up: 19 years). We found an inverse association between total serum calcium and breast cancer when comparing the fourth quartile to the first quartile (HR: 0.94, 95% CI: 0.88-0.99, p value for trend 0.04) and similar results using albumin-corrected calcium. In the systematic review, we identified another two prospective cohorts evaluating pre-diagnostic serum total calcium and breast cancer. Combining these studies and our findings in AMORIS in a meta-analysis showed a protective effect of serum calcium against breast cancer, with a summary RR of 0.80 (95% CI: 0.66-0.97). No substantial heterogeneity was observed. Our findings in AMORIS and the meta-analysis support an inverse association between serum calcium and breast cancer risk, which warrants mechanistic investigations

    The Anisotropic Distribution of Galactic Satellites

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    We present a study of the spatial distribution of subhalos in galactic dark matter halos using dissipationless cosmological simulations of the concordance LCDM model. We find that subhalos are distributed anisotropically and are preferentially located along the major axes of the triaxial mass distributions of their hosts. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov probability for drawing our simulated subhalo sample from an isotropic distribution is P_KS \simeq 1.5 \times 10^{-4}. An isotropic distribution of subhalos is thus not the correct null hypothesis for testing the CDM paradigm. The nearly planar distribution of observed Milky Way (MW) satellites is marginally consistent (probability \simeq 0.02) with being drawn randomly from the subhalo distribution in our simulations. Furthermore, if we select the subhalos likely to be luminous, we find a distribution that is consistent with the observed MW satellites. In fact, we show that subsamples of the subhalo population with a centrally-concentrated radial distribution, similar to that of the MW dwarfs, typically exhibit a comparable degree of planarity. We explore the origin of the observed subhalo anisotropy and conclude that it is likely due to (1) preferential accretion of subhalos along filaments, often closely aligned with the major axis of the host halo, and (2) evolution of satellite orbits within the prolate, triaxial potentials typical of CDM halos. Agreement between predictions and observations requires the major axis of the outer dark matter halo of the Milky Way to be nearly perpendicular to the disk. We discuss possible observational tests of such disk-halo alignment with current large galaxy surveys.Comment: 14 pages (including appendix), 9 figures. Accepted for Publication in ApJ. Minor changes to reflect referee's comment