12,621 research outputs found

    Two-component {CH} system: Inverse Scattering, Peakons and Geometry

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    An inverse scattering transform method corresponding to a Riemann-Hilbert problem is formulated for CH2, the two-component generalization of the Camassa-Holm (CH) equation. As an illustration of the method, the multi - soliton solutions corresponding to the reflectionless potentials are constructed in terms of the scattering data for CH2.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, draft, please send comment

    A study of human performance in a rotating environment

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    Consideration is given to the lack of sufficient data relative to the response of man to the attendant oculovestibular stimulations induced by multi-directional movement of an individual within the rotating environment to provide the required design criteria. This was done to determine the overall impact of artificial gravity simulations on potential design configurations and crew operational procedures. Gross locomotion and fine motor performance were evaluated. Results indicate that crew orientation, rotational rates, vehicle design configurations, and operational procedures may be used to reduce the severity of the adverse effects of the Coriolis and cross-coupled angular accelerations acting on masses moving within a rotating environment. Results further indicate that crew selection, motivation, and short-term exposures to the rotating environment may be important considerations for future crew indoctrination and training programs

    Generalized poisson brackets and nonlinear Liapunov stability application to reduces mhd

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    A method is presented for obtaining Liapunov functionals (LF) and proving nonlinear stability. The method uses the generalized Poisson bracket (GPB) formulation of Hamiltonian dynamics. As an illustration, certain stationary solutions of ideal reduced MHD (RMHD) are shown to be nonlinearly stable. This includes Grad-Shafranov and Alfven solutions

    An integrable shallow water equation with peaked solitons

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    We derive a new completely integrable dispersive shallow water equation that is biHamiltonian and thus possesses an infinite number of conservation laws in involution. The equation is obtained by using an asymptotic expansion directly in the Hamiltonian for Euler's equations in the shallow water regime. The soliton solution for this equation has a limiting form that has a discontinuity in the first derivative at its peak.Comment: LaTeX file. Figure available from authors upon reques

    An Optimal Control Formulation for Inviscid Incompressible Ideal Fluid Flow

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    In this paper we consider the Hamiltonian formulation of the equations of incompressible ideal fluid flow from the point of view of optimal control theory. The equations are compared to the finite symmetric rigid body equations analyzed earlier by the authors. We discuss various aspects of the Hamiltonian structure of the Euler equations and show in particular that the optimal control approach leads to a standard formulation of the Euler equations -- the so-called impulse equations in their Lagrangian form. We discuss various other aspects of the Euler equations from a pedagogical point of view. We show that the Hamiltonian in the maximum principle is given by the pairing of the Eulerian impulse density with the velocity. We provide a comparative discussion of the flow equations in their Eulerian and Lagrangian form and describe how these forms occur naturally in the context of optimal control. We demonstrate that the extremal equations corresponding to the optimal control problem for the flow have a natural canonical symplectic structure.Comment: 6 pages, no figures. To appear in Proceedings of the 39th IEEEE Conference on Decision and Contro

    The optimal P3M algorithm for computing electrostatic energies in periodic systems

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    We optimize Hockney and Eastwood's Particle-Particle Particle-Mesh (P3M) algorithm to achieve maximal accuracy in the electrostatic energies (instead of forces) in 3D periodic charged systems. To this end we construct an optimal influence function that minimizes the RMS errors in the energies. As a by-product we derive a new real-space cut-off correction term, give a transparent derivation of the systematic errors in terms of Madelung energies, and provide an accurate analytical estimate for the RMS error of the energies. This error estimate is a useful indicator of the accuracy of the computed energies, and allows an easy and precise determination of the optimal values of the various parameters in the algorithm (Ewald splitting parameter, mesh size and charge assignment order).Comment: 31 pages, 3 figure

    Spatiotemporal patterns and agro-ecological risk factors for cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy (Alabama Rot) in dogs in the UK

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    Seasonal outbreaks of cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy (CRGV) have been reported annually in UK dogs since 2012, yet the aetiology of the disease remains unknown. The objectives of this study were to explore whether any breeds had an increased or decreased risk of being diagnosed with CRGV, and to report on age and sex distributions of CRGV cases occurring in the UK. Multivariable logistic regression was used to compare 101 dogs diagnosed with CRGV between November 2012 and May 2017 with a denominator population of 446,453 dogs from the VetCompass database. Two Kennel Club breed groups—hounds (odds ratio (OR) 10.68) and gun dogs (OR 9.69)—had the highest risk of being diagnosed with CRGV compared with terriers, while toy dogs were absent from among CRGV cases. Females were more likely to be diagnosed with CRGV (OR 1.51) as were neutered dogs (OR 3.36). As well as helping veterinarians develop an index of suspicion for the disease, better understanding of the signalment risk factors may assist in the development of causal models for CRGV and help identify the aetiology of the disease

    Z_2-Regge versus Standard Regge Calculus in two dimensions

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    We consider two versions of quantum Regge calculus. The Standard Regge Calculus where the quadratic link lengths of the simplicial manifold vary continuously and the Z_2-Regge Model where they are restricted to two possible values. The goal is to determine whether the computationally more easily accessible Z_2 model still retains the universal characteristics of standard Regge theory in two dimensions. In order to compare observables such as average curvature or Liouville field susceptibility, we use in both models the same functional integration measure, which is chosen to render the Z_2-Regge Model particularly simple. Expectation values are computed numerically and agree qualitatively for positive bare couplings. The phase transition within the Z_2-Regge Model is analyzed by mean-field theory.Comment: 21 pages, 16 ps-figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Signalment risk factors for cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy (Alabama rot) in dogs in the UK

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    Seasonal outbreaks of cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy (CRGV) have been reported annually in UK dogs since 2012, yet the aetiology of the disease remains unknown. The objectives of this study were to explore whether any breeds had an increased or decreased risk of being diagnosed with CRGV, and to report on age and sex distributions of CRGV cases occurring in the UK. Multivariable logistic regression was used to compare 101 dogs diagnosed with CRGV between November 2012 and May 2017 with a denominator population of 446,453 dogs from the VetCompass database. Two Kennel Club breed groups—hounds (odds ratio (OR) 10.68) and gun dogs (OR 9.69)—had the highest risk of being diagnosed with CRGV compared with terriers, while toy dogs were absent from among CRGV cases. Females were more likely to be diagnosed with CRGV (OR 1.51) as were neutered dogs (OR 3.36). As well as helping veterinarians develop an index of suspicion for the disease, better understanding of the signalment risk factors may assist in the development of causal models for CRGV and help identify the aetiology of the disease

    P-values for high-dimensional regression

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    Assigning significance in high-dimensional regression is challenging. Most computationally efficient selection algorithms cannot guard against inclusion of noise variables. Asymptotically valid p-values are not available. An exception is a recent proposal by Wasserman and Roeder (2008) which splits the data into two parts. The number of variables is then reduced to a manageable size using the first split, while classical variable selection techniques can be applied to the remaining variables, using the data from the second split. This yields asymptotic error control under minimal conditions. It involves, however, a one-time random split of the data. Results are sensitive to this arbitrary choice: it amounts to a `p-value lottery' and makes it difficult to reproduce results. Here, we show that inference across multiple random splits can be aggregated, while keeping asymptotic control over the inclusion of noise variables. We show that the resulting p-values can be used for control of both family-wise error (FWER) and false discovery rate (FDR). In addition, the proposed aggregation is shown to improve power while reducing the number of falsely selected variables substantially.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure