3,461 research outputs found

    Stimulated resonant inelastic x-ray scattering with chirped, broadband pulses

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    We present an approach for initiating and tracing ultra-fast electron dynamics in core-excited atoms, molecules and solids. The approach is based on stimulated resonant inelastic x-ray scattering induced by a single, chirped, broadband XUV/x-ray pulse. A first interaction with this pulse prepares a core-excited state wave packet by resonant core-excitation. A second interaction with the pulse at a later time induces the transition to valence-excited states which is associated with stimulated emission. The preparation of the core-excited wave packet and the transition from the core-excited states to the valence-excited states occur at distinct chirp-dependent times. As a consequence, the stimulated emission carries information about the time evolution of the core-excited state wave packet

    Local, Regional, or Global Asset Pricing?

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    Analyzing several developed and emerging international markets, I test the ability of global, regional, and local models to explain a large set of 134 cross-sectional anomalies. My main finding is that both global and regional factor models create substantially larger average absolute alphas than local factor models. Annual (absolute) anomaly portfolio alphas are on average 1.7 and 1.1 percentage points higher, respectively, with global and regional than with local factor models. Even for the most recent period, there is no evidence of a catch-up of global and regional factor models. There is substantial potential for international diversification of anomaly strategies

    Development of Ultra High Performance Composite Impact Panels Using EMAA

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    UHPC with the addition of fibers is recognized for its increased impact resistance compared to typical strength concrete. To further increase the resilience, recent studies have been conducted to reinforce the UHPC with CFRTP on the front and rear face to create sandwich panels. These studies used PETg/E-glass CFRTP bonded to the UHPC using EMAA (Surlyn) in a stamp thermoforming process. Impact tests conducted on these panels have shown that delamination has been the initial and detrimental failure to the sandwich composite. Increasing the composites resistance to debonding will increase the impact energy required to debond the composite. In this study the bond capability of EMAA (Surlyn) was investigated in an attempt to increase the bond strength and improve the composite sandwich panels impact resilience. Single lap shear and CFRTP reinforced beam bending tests were conducted to investigate the bond of the EMAA to the CFRTP and UHPC respectively. The different glass transition temperatures of EMAA and PETg proved to cause the complication of bubbling in the EMAA between the PETg and UHPC. In an attempt to remove the need for PETg, trials were conducted to create a new CFRTP using CSM E-glass fibers and EMAA matrix. This new CFRTP was created and was able to successfully bond to the UHPC core to create a new Surlyn CSM impact panel. Impact tests of 50 J were i conducted on the two thermoplastic panels and two other panels fabricated using a two-part epoxy and a Urethane adhesive with the PETg CFRTP. The compliance was found before and after impact to measure the damage due to impact. The two-part epoxy and Surlyn CSM panel experienced the lowest amount of damage. However, the Surlyn CSM panel dissipated the least amount of energy due to impact.The original CFRTP/Surlyn Composite panel absorbed the most energy from the impact while presenting the most damage due to major delamination of the panel. The Surlyn CSM panel provided the lowest deflection during impact and the least amount of calculated and visualized damage

    Variations in surface and thermocline conditions of the Western Pacific Warm Pool : Insights from Mg/Ca and stable isotopes in foraminifera tests

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    The Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) is a major source of heat and moisture to the global atmosphere and thus plays a major role in the global climate system. This thesis deals with the reconstruction of past variations in WPWP surface and thermocline conditions with the overarching goal to better understand the regional ocean and climate variability over the last (two) glaciala interglacial cycle(s). The reconstruction is mainly based on records of stable oxygen isotopes (I 18O) and Mg/Ca in planktic foraminifera from marine sediment cores. First, the proxies are calibrated against modern water column data. Then, these calibrations are applied to records from the southern WPWP off Papua New Guinea. The records illustrate the interplay of local and remote forcing on the WPWP on glacial-interglacial and orbital timescales by indicating that (I) variations in the Pacific Walker circulation affect the WPWP on glacial-interglacial timescales, (II) climate variations in the extratropics influence the WPWP thermocline in response to astronomical forcing and (III) precession is the main driver for precipitation over the WPWP

    “Empirical Asset Pricing” by Wayne Ferson

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    Market beta and factor risk premia in financial markets

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    Social Studies in South Korea: Examining Teacher and Teacher Educator’s Views

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    The Republic of South Korea is a nation that has seen dramatic changes in its economic and educational systems over the course of the last 50 years. These circumstances present unique views of citizenship and the roles that teachers and teacher educators play in this process. This study presents two case studies, one a classroom teacher and the other a teacher educator. It examines their views of social studies and geography education, the process training new citizens, and offers insights into what the dynamic relationship between the two offers future educators and teacher educators.
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