21 research outputs found

    Local-scale patterns of genetic variability, outcrossing, and spatial structure in natural stands of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    As Arabidopsis thaliana is increasingly employed in evolutionary and ecological studies, it is essential to understand patterns of natural genetic variation and the forces that shape them. Previous work focusing mostly on global and regional scales has demonstrated the importance of historical events such as long-distance migration and colonization. Far less is known about the role of contemporary factors or environmental heterogeneity in generating diversity patterns at local scales. We sampled 1,005 individuals from 77 closely spaced stands in diverse settings around Tübingen, Germany. A set of 436 SNP markers was used to characterize genome-wide patterns of relatedness and recombination. Neighboring genotypes often shared mosaic blocks of alternating marker identity and divergence. We detected recent outcrossing as well as stretches of residual heterozygosity in largely homozygous recombinants. As has been observed for several other selfing species, there was considerable heterogeneity among sites in diversity and outcrossing, with rural stands exhibiting greater diversity and heterozygosity than urban stands. Fine-scale spatial structure was evident as well. Within stands, spatial structure correlated negatively with observed heterozygosity, suggesting that the high homozygosity of natural A. thaliana may be partially attributable to nearest-neighbor mating of related individuals. The large number of markers and extensive local sampling employed here afforded unusual power to characterize local genetic patterns. Contemporary processes such as ongoing outcrossing play an important role in determining distribution of genetic diversity at this scale. Local "outcrossing hotspots" appear to reshuffle genetic information at surprising rates, while other stands contribute comparatively little. Our findings have important implications for sampling and interpreting diversity among A. thaliana accessions.Financial support came from an NIH Ruth Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship (KB), a Human Frontiers Science Program Postdoctoral Fellowship (RAL), grants DFG ERA-PG ARelatives and FP6 IP AGRON-OMICS (contract LSHG-CT-2006-037704), from a Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award of the DFG, and the Max Planck Society (DW)

    Borrowed alleles and convergence in serpentine adaptation

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank members of the L.Y. and K.B. laboratories for helpful discussions. This work was supported through the European Research Council Grant StG CA629F04E (to L.Y.); a Harvard University Milton Fund Award (to K.B.); Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award 1 F32 GM096699 from the NIH (to L.Y.); National Science Foundation Grant IOS-1146465 (to K.B.); NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences Grant 2R01GM078536 (to D.E.S.); and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Grant BB/L000113/1 (to D.E.S.)Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Genetic Adaptation Associated with Genome-Doubling in Autotetraploid Arabidopsis arenosa

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    Genome duplication, which results in polyploidy, is disruptive to fundamental biological processes. Genome duplications occur spontaneously in a range of taxa and problems such as sterility, aneuploidy, and gene expression aberrations are common in newly formed polyploids. In mammals, genome duplication is associated with cancer and spontaneous abortion of embryos. Nevertheless, stable polyploid species occur in both plants and animals. Understanding how natural selection enabled these species to overcome early challenges can provide important insights into the mechanisms by which core cellular functions can adapt to perturbations of the genomic environment. Arabidopsis arenosa includes stable tetraploid populations and is related to well-characterized diploids A. lyrata and A. thaliana. It thus provides a rare opportunity to leverage genomic tools to investigate the genetic basis of polyploid stabilization. We sequenced the genomes of twelve A. arenosa individuals and found signatures suggestive of recent and ongoing selective sweeps throughout the genome. Many of these are at genes implicated in genome maintenance functions, including chromosome cohesion and segregation, DNA repair, homologous recombination, transcriptional regulation, and chromatin structure. Numerous encoded proteins are predicted to interact with one another. For a critical meiosis gene, ASYNAPSIS1, we identified a non-synonymous mutation that is highly differentiated by cytotype, but present as a rare variant in diploid A. arenosa, indicating selection may have acted on standing variation already present in the diploid. Several genes we identified that are implicated in sister chromatid cohesion and segregation are homologous to genes identified in a yeast mutant screen as necessary for survival of polyploid cells, and also implicated in genome instability in human diseases including cancer. This points to commonalities across kingdoms and supports the hypothesis that selection has acted on genes controlling genome integrity in A. arenosa as an adaptive response to genome doubling.Organismic and Evolutionary Biolog

    Local-Scale Patterns of Genetic Variability, Outcrossing, and Spatial Structure in Natural Stands of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    As Arabidopsis thaliana is increasingly employed in evolutionary and ecological studies, it is essential to understand patterns of natural genetic variation and the forces that shape them. Previous work focusing mostly on global and regional scales has demonstrated the importance of historical events such as long-distance migration and colonization. Far less is known about the role of contemporary factors or environmental heterogeneity in generating diversity patterns at local scales. We sampled 1,005 individuals from 77 closely spaced stands in diverse settings around Tübingen, Germany. A set of 436 SNP markers was used to characterize genome-wide patterns of relatedness and recombination. Neighboring genotypes often shared mosaic blocks of alternating marker identity and divergence. We detected recent outcrossing as well as stretches of residual heterozygosity in largely homozygous recombinants. As has been observed for several other selfing species, there was considerable heterogeneity among sites in diversity and outcrossing, with rural stands exhibiting greater diversity and heterozygosity than urban stands. Fine-scale spatial structure was evident as well. Within stands, spatial structure correlated negatively with observed heterozygosity, suggesting that the high homozygosity of natural A. thaliana may be partially attributable to nearest-neighbor mating of related individuals. The large number of markers and extensive local sampling employed here afforded unusual power to characterize local genetic patterns. Contemporary processes such as ongoing outcrossing play an important role in determining distribution of genetic diversity at this scale. Local “outcrossing hotspots” appear to reshuffle genetic information at surprising rates, while other stands contribute comparatively little. Our findings have important implications for sampling and interpreting diversity among A. thaliana accessions

    CXCR5<sup>+</sup> follicular cytotoxic T cells control viral infection in B cell follicles

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    During unresolved infections, some viruses escape immunological control and establish a persistant reservoir in certain cell types, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which persists in follicular helper T cells (TFH cells), and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which persists in B cells. Here we identified a specialized group of cytotoxic T cells (TC cells) that expressed the chemokine receptor CXCR5, selectively entered B cell follicles and eradicated infected TFH cells and B cells. The differentiation of these cells, which we have called 'follicular cytotoxic T cells' (TFC cells), required the transcription factors Bcl6, E2A and TCF-1 but was inhibited by the transcriptional regulators Blimp1, Id2 and Id3. Blimp1 and E2A directly regulated Cxcr5 expression and, together with Bcl6 and TCF-1, formed a transcriptional circuit that guided TFC cell development. The identification of TFC cells has far-reaching implications for the development of strategies to control infections that target B cells and TFH cells and to treat B cell–derived malignancies

    Geographic locations of <i>A. arenosa</i> populations sampled in this study.

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    <p>Geographic locations of sampled tetraploid populations from railways (red) and forested rock outcrops (green), and two diploid populations (blue). TBG = Triberg railway station, Germany; US = Upfinger Steige, Bad Urach, Germany; BGS = Berchtesgaden railway station, Germany; KA = Kasparstein castle, Austria; SN = Streçno castle, Slovakia; CA = Carpathian Mountains, Southern Tatras range, Slovakia. For genome sequencing, we sampled three plants each from TBG, US, BGS and KA.</p

    Polymorphism in <i>A. arenosa</i> genome data.

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    <p><a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003093#pgen-1003093-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a> notes: SNP = single nucleotide polymorphism within coding regions; S = number of segregating sites (S); For Watterson's θ and for pairwise diversity (π), we report mean values with median values in parentheses.</p

    Site frequency spectra and SNP frequency for <i>NRPB1</i> and <i>ASY1</i>.

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    <p>(A) Polymorphism in <i>NRPB1</i>. Top graph shows unfolded SFS (top graph) relative to <i>A. lyrata</i>. Lower graph shows SNP frequencies along the gene's length relative to <i>A. lyrata</i> and <i>A. thaliana</i>. Light blue rectangle indicates region coding for C-terminal heptad repeat tail. (B) Polymorphism in <i>ASY1</i>. Top graph shows unfolded SFS (top graph) relative to <i>A. lyrata</i>. Lower graph shows SNP frequencies along the gene's length relative to <i>A. lyrata</i> and <i>A. thaliana</i>. Light blue rectangle indicates region encoding conserved HORMA domain. Non-synonymous sites are shown in red, synonymous in dark blue, and intronic sites in grey.</p

    Predicted interactions among 27 putatively selected genes in <i>A. arenosa</i>.

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    <p>Network shows connections predicted by the AtPIN database (see methods) among selected genes in <i>A. arenosa</i>.</p